84 research outputs found

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    Kerentanan Kesehatan Lingkungan Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil Sulawesi Selatan

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    Secara garis besar dalam buku ini diuraikan mengenai Kesehatan Lingkungan Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil dilengkapi dengan uraian bagaimana Islam mengatur dan mengajarkan tentang etika lingkungan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Buku ini diharapkan dapat mengisi ruang ruang kosong informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat dan mahasiswa dalam upaya menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih baik terutama di wilayah pesisir dan pulaupulau kecil

    Limbah Tailing dan Efeknya Terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Pengendalian pencemaran laut penting untuk diperhatikan sedini mungkin. Jika upaya perbaikan (rehabilitasi) lingkungan yang telah rusak sulit dan sangat mahal, maka pilihan yang harus dilakukan adalah upaya penanggulangan pencemaran. Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir secara Terpadu dan Berbasis Masyarakat meliputi perencanaan; implementasi; serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Islam mempunyai konsep yang sangat jelas tentang pentingnya konservasi, penyelamatan, dan pelestarian lingkungan. Konsep Islam ini kemudian bisa digunakan sebagai dasar pijakan (moral dan spiritual) dalam upaya penyelamatan lingkungan atau bisa disebut sebagai ―teologi lingkungan‖. Sains dan teknologi saja tidak cukup dalam upaya penyelamatan lingkungan yang sudah sangat parah dan mengancam eksistensi dan fungsi planet bumi ini. Permasalahan lingkungan bukan hanya masalah ekologi semata, tetapi menyangkut teologi

    Islam, Lingkungan Hidup & Kesehatan

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    Secara garis besar dalam buku ini diuraikan mengenai berbagai aspek lingkungan kaitannya dengan kesehatan dilengkapi dengan uraian bagaimana Islam mengatur dan mengajarkan tentang etika lingkungan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Buku ini diharapkan dapat mengisi ruang-ruang kosong informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh khalayak dalam upaya menciptakan kesehatan lingkungan yang lebih baik

    Spatial modelling of acute respitory infection with environmental health factors in Gowa Regency, Indonesia

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    Respiratory tract infections or ISPA is an infection that occurs in the nasal cavity, sinuses, and throat. ISPA is caused by influenza viruses, parainfluenza, and other typical viruses. The purpose of this study is to determine the spatial description of the environmental factor on ISPA disease in the working area of Gowa Regency, Indonesia. This research employs a quantitative research methodology by using a descriptive approach. The method used in this research was a spatial pattern. The research results showed that the spread of ISPA disease could be restrained based on several measurements. It reveals that the ventilation area of the respondent's house was 66.3% in which it did not meet the proper ventilation standards; the type of the wall used in the respondent's house was 25.0% which did not meet the proper wall standard; the type of floor used in the respondent's house was 31.3% which did not meet the proper floor standard; the density of the respondent’s house was 31.3% in which the occupancy density did not meet the proper density standard; the room temperature of the respondent’s house was 27.5% which did not meet the proper temperature standard, and lastly the spread of ISPA disease based on the humidity of the respondent's room was 32.5% which means that the room humidity did not meet the proper humidity standard. Based on the research results, it is expected that a clear understanding of the importance of maintaining a clean home environment could be gained

    Analysis of the level of CO parameter air pollution on the road of Makassar City

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    Background:  Air pollution comes from gas emissions from motor vehicle combustion, human daily activities, or from industrial and residential activities. Transportation routes in the form of roads that are dense with motorized vehicles are places with a high level of pollution. Gas emissions from vehicles that come from combustion in the engine does not burn completely to produce carbon monoxide gas. Carbon monoxide gas is one of the most dangerous pollutants for health. Air Pollution Level CO parameters on Jalan AP Pettarani Makassar City were measured to assess the impact of exposure to carbon monoxide. Methods.  The type of research used is an observational quantitative analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was all ambient air on Jalan AP. Pettarani with a sample of 378 samples from 6 points 3 measurements, morning, afternoon, evening, for 7 days of the study. Results.  The results of the Pearson Correlation test obtained -value of 0.000 (<0.05) indicating that there is a significant relationship between CO and Air Pollution Levels (ISPU). The correlation coefficient for Morning Co is r=0.980, Afternoon CO r=0.985 and Afternoon CO r=0.993 which shows a very strong relationship and a positive direction. Conclusion.  For further researchers, it can be added with other parameter measurements and in data collection more attention to wind, temperature, humidity, and number of vehicles in air quality measurements

    Identifikasi Aset Sarana Sanitasi Dasar Dengan Pendekatan Asset Based Community Development (Abcd) Di Desa Barugaia Kecamatan Bontomanai Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar.

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    Sarana sanitasi dasar di masyarakat harus selalu terpenuhi, upaya sanitasi dasar meliputi penyediaan air bersih, pembuangan kotoran manusia (jamban), pengelolaan sampah dan saluran pembuangan air limbah(Azwar, 1996). Berdasarkan laporan MDGs tahun 2008 di Indonesia jumlah penduduk yang tidak memiliki akses air bersih sebesar 44,2 %, dan hanya 5,5 % penduduk di desa yang mempunyai akses air bersih. Selanjutnya pada tempat-tempat umum cakupan penduduk yang mempunyai akses air bersih hanya 32,9% (WHO, 2008).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi aset manusia, aset fisik, aset alam, aset sosial dan aset finasial yang berhubungan dengan sarana sanitasi dasar di Desa Barugaia Kecamatan Bontomanai Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif (mix method) dengan konsep pendekatan Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) dengan metode In Depth Interviewatau wawancara mendalam. Jumlah informan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 (lima belas) orang dan ditentukan secara Snowball Sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa identifikasi aset yang berhubungan dengan sarana sanitasi dasar di Desa Barugaia Kecamatan Bontomanai Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar adalah : Aset manusia yaitu pertukangan kayu dan batu, tukang las, pembuat jaring, pembuat perahu sampan, dll; Aset fisik yaitu kantor desa, puskesmas, gedung PKK, masjid, mushollah, poskamling, posyandu, kantor Coremap, taman kanak-kanak, sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama, jalan raya, kantor BPD dan saluran irigasi; Aset alam yaitu tanah, air, hutan da udara. Sangatlah banyak yang dapat dimanfaatkan di Desa Barugaia ini terbukti dengan aset alam yang melimpah seperti pohon kelapa, tambang batu dan tambang pasir; Aset sosial yaitu budaya gotong royong dan saling tong menolong, kelompok nelayang dan kelompo tani; Aset finansial yaitu sumber finasial masyarakat barugaia, salah satunya pada pengolahan kelapa menjadi kopra

    Dengue Fever Case Management in Maros Regency, Indonesia

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    Dengue fever is blood bone disease which is transferred through dengue virus infected Aedes mosquitos spread commonly in tropical and sub-tropical areas across the world. This research aims to describe the management of dengue fever case eradication program in Maros Regency. It uses a descriptive qualitative method in scrutinizing the issue. The research samples consist of 22 informants who are selected using the purposive sampling technique. The findings indicate that the management of the dengue fever eradication program is divided into several divisions namely agent management, media management, host management, and case management. In this case, the agent management division is responsible in identifying dengue fever patients by utilizing Active Case Detection (ACD) and Passive Case Detection (PCD) methods. Furthermore, the program manages the vector control through Abate utilization, larva monitoring agent designation, and fogging. Environmental control is carried out through the 3M program (close, drain and bury) and house yard cleaning. In addition to that, the program also encourages dengue fever patients to do self-medication by increasing their thrombocyte level and reducing their hematocrit level. Overall, many stakeholders participate in the dengue fever eradication program in Maros Regency, including the Health Department of Maros, health centers across Maros, local government, as well as community members. Finally, this research recommends the Health Department of Maros improve the quality of Abate distribution to health centers across Maros Regency

    Environmental Overview and Physical Characteristics of Clinical Malaria Patients Houses in Caile, Ujungbulu Subdistrict, Bulukumba

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    Malaria is one of the public health problem that can causing death.Environmental factors that can affect the physical home of malaria are temperature, humidity and Breeding Place. The purpose of this researchis to describe the characteristics of the home environment and physical condition of patients with clinical malaria in Caile, Ujungbulu subdistrict, Bulukumba.Sampling was carried out with exhaustive sampling method in order to obtain as many as 63 patients house.Temperature and humidity measurement method performed probability sampling of sampling points for each home as much as 2 points from inside and outside of the home are measured at two different times in the day and night.The results showed that the presence of Breeding Place as many as 57 breeding places. The air temperature in the homes of people during the day ranged between 26 0C-31.65 0C while outside the home ranged from 26.5 0C-32.25 0C with an average temperature of 27.98 0C, at night the air temperature in the house of the respondents ranged from 25.5 0C-29.6 0C and outside the home range C-29.75 25.15 0 C with an average temperature of 29.25 0C.For home humidity at noon respondents ranged from 60% -74% both in and outside the home with 63 houses that have optimal moisture, while at night ranged between 61% -78%. The conclusion of this research is the air temperature and humidity of the house of clinical malaria in Caile at the optimum temperature for growth of mosquitoes, mosquitoes activity as rest and activity bite and suck blood

    Efektivitas Pembubuhan Keporit dalam Menurunkan Kadar Zat Besi (Fe) pada Air Sumur Gali Tahun 2013

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    Ground water often contains iron (Fe) is quite large. That it contains iron (Fe) in the water can cause the color of the water turns yellow brown after a while contact with air. Attempts to obtain water with iron levels are eligible, do not always have the sophisticated technology but could also be using chemicals like the simplest way and do not require great effort and cost in use, one of which is by way of affixing chlorine. This study aims to determine how much chlorine affixing effectiveness in lowering levels of iron (Fe) in the dug well water. This type of research is the design of Quasi-Experiments (Quasi-Experiment Design) using a time series design (Time Series Design), which uses laboratory tests. Samples taken as much as 28 liters of water in which the sample for the pretest while the other sample is done by providing chlorine treatment at a dose of 1.5 mg / l, 2.0 mg / l, and 2.5 mg / l with a settling time of 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 90 minutes. The results showed that iron (Fe) in water wells dug by the settling time 30 minutes look after affixing chlorine with a dose of 1.5 mg / l decrease of 16.66%, a dose of 2.5 mg / l of 22.6% , 2.5 mg / l at 28.37%. Later in the deposition time of 60 minutes after affixing chlorine with a dose of 1.5 mg/ l decrease of 24.75%, a dose of 2.0 mg / l at 34.15%, and at a dose of 2.5mg/ l down 45, 70%. While at the time of deposition 90 minutes after affixing chlorine with a dose of 1.5 mg / l decrease of 37.12%, a dose of 2.0 mg / l at 49.00%, and a dose of 2.5 mg / l decrease by 50 , 16%%. To address water quality dug well that levels of substance iron (Fe) is more than the standard, it can be used chlorine as a water treatment dug wells to get clean water that meets health requirements. It is advisable for people to use a dose of 2.5 mg / l after 90 minutes settling time. To study further examination of other chemical parameters such as organic compounds that can be known whether the chlorine also can decrease these parameters
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