5 research outputs found


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    The Effect of Giberelin Acid (GA3) Application to Seed Yield of Hybrid Rice. Seed yield of rice hybrid on three line system has weakness in panicle exertion and outcrossing that cause low yield.  GA3 has been proved to increase the seed set through increasing panicle exertion and improved outcrossing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of GA3 application to increase seed yield of hybrid rice (F1). The study was conducted in Singamerta Experimental Farm, Banten Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology from May to October 2013. The experiment was arranged in a split plot designed with four replications. The main plot were parental lines (cytoplasmic male sterility/CMS and restorer/R) of hybrid i.e. HIPA 8 (A1 and BP51-1), HIPA 6 (A2 and B8094), HIPA Jatim 3 (A6 and PK88) and HIPA 14 SBU (A7 and BH33d-Mr-57-1-2-2). Sub plot were the  frequency of GA3 treatments i.e. control (W0), two (W1), and three (W3) times application of GA3. GA3 dosage was 200 ppm, the best dose from the previous studies. The results showed that the GA3 applications increased plant height, stigma exertion, panicle exertion, duration of floret opening and panicle length. Two times application (W1) of  GA3  gave the best results as indicated by the highest seed yield (1429 kg/ha) that was better than three times application of GA3 that gave seed yield 1215 kg/ha and control with yield of 703 kg/ha.Keywords : GA3, hybrid rice, seed yieldABSTRAKHasil benih padi hibrida sistem tiga galur memiliki kelemahan, yaitu rendahnya eksersi malai dan tingkat penyerbukan silang,sehingga hasilnya rendah. Percobaan terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi GA3 dapat meningkatkan hasil melalui peningkatan eksersi malai dan penyerbukan silang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh frekuensi aplikasi GA3 terhadap peningkatan hasil benih padi hibrida (F1). Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Singamerta, Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Banten pada Mei sampai Oktober 2013. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi dengan empat ulangan. Petak utama yaitu tetua padi hibrida (galur mandul jantan/GMJ dan restorer) yaitu HIPA 8 (A1 dan  BP51-1), HIPA 6 (A2 dan B8094), HIPA Jatim 3 (A6 dan PK88) dan HIPA 14 SBU (A7 dan BH33d-Mr-57-1-2-2). Anak petak ialah tiga taraf frekuensi penyemprotan GA3 terdiri atas : kontrol (W0), dua kali aplikasi (W1) dan tiga kali aplikasi (W2). Dosis GA3 yang digunakan adalah 200 ppm yang merupakan konsentrasi terbaik dari hasil penelitian terdahulu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi GA3 mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, eksersi malai, eksersi stigma dan durasi bunga membuka dibandingkan kontrol. Hasil yang terbaik dicapai pada perlakuan GA3 dengan dua kali aplikasi (W1). Hasil benih  pada perlakuan W1 mencapai 1429 kg/ha, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan aplikasi tiga kali GA3 (1215 kg/ha) dan kontrol (703 kg/ha).Kata kunci : GA3, padi hibrida, hasil beni

    Do Food Price Subsidies Increase Nutritional Intake of Indonesian Households?

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    Indonesia's economy has developed rapidly, but it has not solved undernourishment issues among low-income people. Therefore, similar to other developing countries, Indonesia has instituted a food price subsidy program known as Rice for the Poor (RASKIN) to help low-income families meet their needs and alleviate some of their financial burdens. This study examined how RASKIN affected the intake of calories and three macronutrients of Indonesian households using the representative National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) data. In comparison to intake without the subsidy, the estimation results based on the endogenous switching regression model suggested that receiving the subsidy raised the household calorie intake by 368.4 Kcal/day for recipients and 454.6 Kcal/day for nonrecipients. Likewise, households receiving the subsidy raised their macronutrient intake, encompassing protein, carbohydrate, and fat, compared to those not receiving it. Therefore, RASKIN contributed to raising the intake of calories and three macronutrients. However, a certain portion of non-poor households were found to receive RASKIN owing to mistargeting, suggesting that the government should rectify targeting errors to enhance the effectiveness of the subsidy and attain the key purpose of improving the well-being of people with low incomes

    Uji Deteriorasi Terkontrol (UDT) ‎untuk Memperkirakan Masa Simpan Benih Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)

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    Deterioration of seeds during storage may reduce the supply of high-quality seeds which become the limiting ‎factor of soybean production in tropical countries. Controlled Deterioration Test (CDT) is one of the ‎fastest vigor testing methods. The objective of this study was to achieve the suitable moisture content and ‎duration of CDT treatment in soybean seed, then establish a model that associated with the seed vigor in ‎the field after a certain time of storage. Split-plot with 2 factors, namely seed varieties and the combination of ‎moisture content and heat exposure duration were used to determine the influence of CDT treatment. ‎Another split-plot for 2 factors, namely storage period and seed varieties were used to determine the effect ‎of shelf life. Viability parameters were observed by germination strength (GS) and seedling vigor index (VI), ‎using a rolled paper towel method. The results showed that there was an interaction between soybean seed ‎varieties and the combination of seed moisture content treatment with duration of CDT exposure. Sindoro ‎and Tanggamus varieties had higher viability and storability than other varieties. Combinations of 28% seed ‎moisture content for 24 hours CDT duration were sensitive enough to evaluate the physiological potential of ‎soybean seeds, providing information that was closely related to seed germination after stored for 1 month.

    Introduction of Dryland Soybean Technology in Pandeglang Regency, Banten

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    odities in Indonesia is soybeans. Domestic soybean production is still low so that it can fill the gap in the domestic fever that is possible through imports. Farmers are less interested in planting soybeans because it is less profitable. Technological innovation and increasing farmer motivation to plant soybeans need to be done, one of which is through demonstration plots and farmer training. The research was carried out in Mekar Sari Village, Panimbang District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The study was conducted in the demonstration plot including the introduction of new high yielding varieties. Farmer responses were explored through farmer field day using a questionnaire. The aims of a research is to introduce the technology of dryland soybean cultivation and explore the interest of farmers in developing this technology. the majority of farmers were males with there were 65% of farmers had narrow land area that is ≤ 0,4 ha. Dena 1 variety produced the highest productivity of 1,820.1 kg/h compared to other varieties. The motivation to develop dryland soybean technology is based on the desire to develop more advanced and modern (72.5%), gain insight and knowledge (67.5%) and to develop the regional economy (66.25%)

    Evaluating Multispectral Imaging for Assessing Bacterial Leaf Blight Damage in Indonesian Agricultural Insurance

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    Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) is one of the main diseases in Indonesia that causes a 90% reduction in grain weight. Multispectral imaging may be used as a quick and effective method for damage assessment and is expected to utilize on agricultural insurance in Indonesia. Data were collected at the rainy season and dry season 2018 in Farmers rice field at Bali Province. Vegetation indices (NDVI, GNDVI, and VARIred-edge) was analyzed using QGIS 2.18 from multispectral images. Some vegetation index shows positive correlation with SPAD and negative correlation with DSI (%). VARIred-edge has a higher relationship with DSI (R2: 0.8443) than NDVI (R2: 0.8291) and GNDVI (R2: 0.5463) at the average value on each location, but the relation seems to be affected by that relation between SPAD and LAI. Further data and analysis are required