2 research outputs found
Detection of adulteration of Decalepis hamiltonii Wight & Arn. with Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. by pharmacognostic, molecular DNA fingerprinting by RAPD, chemical and HPTLC studies
Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. (Apocynaceae) root is extensively used in Indian traditional systems due to its biological activities. Decalepis hemiltonii Wight & Arn. is another member from the same family resembling H. indicus and is adulterated in the herbal market. Aim of the study was to compare and evaluate the distinguishing features based on macroscopy, microscopy, powder microscopy, molecular differences in the genomic DNA by RAPD, physiochemical, phytochemical screening, TLC and HPTLC fingerprint profiling of successive extracts. Microscopically cork, cortex, phloem, xylem, medullary rays and pith; powder microscopically size and shape of the cork cells, fibre, fibre tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma cells were different from each other. Polymorphism (75.4 %) was found in eight primers out of 16 primers analyzed. The water soluble extractive and the hexane soluble extractive of D. hamiltonii was higher than H. indicus. Tannins, flavonoids, steroids and coumarins were present only in H. indicus and absent in D. hamiltonii. After derivatization, spots at Rf 0.88 (hexane extract), 0.81 (chloroform extract) and 0.55 (ethanol extract) in H. indicus; spots at Rf 0.22, 0.45 (chloroform extract), 0.19, 0.35, 0.58, 0.59 (ethanol extract) in D. hamiltonii were observed. This study will be helpful to find out adulteration of D. hemiltonii in place of H. indicus sold in the crude drug market and in herbal formulations
Comprehensive Pharmacognostical Profile of Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Sm.
Pteridophytes are gaining importance as therapeutic agents due to the presence of various phytochemicals and their promising bioactivities. Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Sm., a Polypodiaceae member is endowed with numerous medicinal properties and finds wide usage in ethno as well as traditional medicines. The rhizome of D. quercifolia (L.) J. Sm. was subjected to macro-microscopic, physicochemical, phytochemical and HPTLC analysis to derive a standard for this drug. The microscopic detailing showed a wavy outline due to the presence of ridges and furrows and a broad ground tissue with diffusely arranged steles. The powdered drug showed trichomes, stellar tissue and silica crystals while the physicochemical and phytochemical screenings gave substantial values of different parameters. The rhizome extracts were subjected to HPTLC studies with Linomat 5 TLC applicator and diagnostic peaks were recorded under UV 254 nm, 366 nm and 620 nm. The study put forward an exclusive identity profile of this medicinal rhizome.