707 research outputs found

    Nanoplasmonics simulations at the basis set limit through completeness-optimized, local numerical basis sets

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    We present an approach for generating local numerical basis sets of improving accuracy for first-principles nanoplasmonics simulations within time-dependent density functional theory. The method is demonstrated for copper, silver, and gold nanoparticles that are of experimental interest but computationally demanding due to the semi-core d-electrons that affect their plasmonic response. The basis sets are constructed by augmenting numerical atomic orbital basis sets by truncated Gaussian-type orbitals generated by the completeness-optimization scheme, which is applied to the photoabsorption spectra of homoatomic metal atom dimers. We obtain basis sets of improving accuracy up to the complete basis set limit and demonstrate that the performance of the basis sets transfers to simulations of larger nanoparticles and nanoalloys as well as to calculations with various exchange-correlation functionals. This work promotes the use of the local basis set approach of controllable accuracy in first-principles nanoplasmonics simulations and beyond.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Customer Information System Design in Metro Laundry

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    Customer information systems at Metro Laundry is still done manually, the data isprocessed in such a complexity of customer data, transaction data Cleaning up thedata so that it often causes the slowness of information generated, especiallyregarding the report to the CEO of the company if requested. For that it was time verynecessary and urgent to use computers as tools in data-processing data moreefficiently and accurately.The purpose of this system design is easier than getting the performance data. Thegoal of this system is:1. Providing services to the customer information needs.2. Overcoming the deficiencies that were found on systems running.3. Provide more accurate reports to the CEO

    Eksistensi Nilai Pancasila Pada Generasi Milenial

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    Pancasila merupakan ideologi bangsa yang perlu ditanamkan tanpa terputus dari generasi pendahulu kepada generasi penerusnya, yang saat ini ada pada generasi milenial, tak terkecuali bagi para santriwati milenial yang berada di lingkungan pondok pesantren. Dengan eksistensi nilai Pancasila diharapkan dapat meningkatkan rasa persatuan antar santri dan bermasyarakat, berbingkai Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk menanamkan nilai Pancasila kepada generasi milenial, khususnya kepada santriwati pondok pesantren putri Al-Awwabin, di Kelurahan Bedahan, Kecamatan Sawangan, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat sebagai mitra kegiatan. Dengan tertanamnya dengan baik nilai-nilai luhur ideologi Pancasila ini, diharapkan dapat lebih meningkatkan nilai persatuan dalam keberagaman yang ada pada diri masing-masing santriwati, serta mampu menangkal paham radikalisme yang ada di lingkungan pondok pesantren. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan dan khasanah ilmu pengetahuan khususnya dalam penanaman karakter nilai persatuan dan tanggung jawab bersama di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tiap individu maupun dalam bermasyarakat, dimana nilai egoistik individualisme kerap ditemukan lingkungan masyarakat, akibat derasnya pengaruh dari kemajuan teknologi, yang berakibat dapat merusak nilai moral dan persatuan dalam lingkungan pondok pesantren. Setelah kegiatan ini, ditemukan bahwa nilai Pancasila masih tertanam dengan baik di kalangan santriwati, yang dibuktikan dengan tanggapan atas kesadaran dalam bermasyarakat dan mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan nilai Pancasila

    Applications Payroll Smk Bina Putra Jakarta Teacher Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    At current developments in computer technology is increasing, technology is able to provide information so precise and accurate that no doubt. SMK BINA PUTRA eg JAKARTA in teacher salaries to handle manually. So that work on the calculation of teachers\u27 salaries will spend a long completion. Then the writer tries to make the application on the teacher salary calculation SMK BINA PUTRA JAKARTA using Visual Basic 6.0. The purpose of the calculation of salaries of teachers at SMK BINA PUTRA JAKARTA namely to facilitate and accelerate the process of beginning teacher salary calculation manually become computerized, so that work done more effectively and efficiently

    Mathematical Programs With Primary Turbo Pascal Version 6.0

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    To search for prime numbers the most important is the first mining-master the correct multiplication, division and other calculations, after which it understands itself a prime number is a number that can only be number one and number divided by itself, if any number other than number one and number itself , These numbers are not prime numbers

    Design And Making Homepage PT. Embossindo Utama Using Homesite 5.2

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    Designing and Making Homepages PT. Embossindo Utama Using Homesite 2.5. Inaccordance with its title, the author discusses how to create a simple homepagebegins with making the structure of the homepage, making plans to manufacture thehomepage. On the steps of manufacture described making the homepage so thatreaders understand how making this homepage.Basically, the purpose of making this homepage is to introduce to readers how thebasics of making the homepage by using the program homeSite

    Application Field Sales Company Face Photography in Galuh Wastu Kencana Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    Computer Use in the Company field of photography, is something very important, asa material to store data sales, reservations, articles and reports. Computers are nolonger regarded as an expenditure or waste of funds but as unjung spear from theservice business. Because the computer is a tool supporting the success of a business.Therefore this paper tries to present a draft administrative information system of dataprocessing in PT. Galuh Wastu Kencana order activity continues to be made apayment program with the application programming language Visual Basic 6.0 underadministrative control. With computerized data expected, it can be processedcorrectly, quickly and accurately
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