175 research outputs found

    Many Body Correlation Corrections to Superconducting Pairing in Two Dimensions.

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    We demonstrate that in the strong coupling limit (the superconducting gap Δ\Delta is as large as the chemical potential μ\mu), which is relevant to the high-TcT_c superconductivity, the correlation corrections to the gap and critical temperature are about 10\% of the corresponding mean field approximation values. For the weak coupling (Δμ\Delta \ll \mu) the correlation corrections are very large: of the order of 100\% of the corresponding mean field values.Comment: LaTeX 12 page

    Effects of T- and P-odd weak nucleon interaction in nuclei: renormalizations due to residual strong interaction, matrix elements between compound states and their correlations with P-violating matrix elements

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    Manifestations of P-,T-odd weak interaction between nucleons in nucleus are considered. Renormalization of this interaction due to residual strong interaction is studied. Mean squared matrix elements of P-,T-odd weak interaction between compound states are calculated. Correlators between P-,T-odd and P-odd, T-even weak interaction matrix elements between compound states are considered and estimates for these quantities are obtained.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. C; 21 pages, REVTEX 3, no figure

    Magnetic Field Effects on the Far-Infrared Absorption in Mn_12-acetate

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    We report the far-infrared spectra of the molecular nanomagnet Mn_12-acetate (Mn_12) as a function of temperature (5-300 K) and magnetic field (0-17 T). The large number of observed vibrational modes is related to the low symmetry of the molecule, and they are grouped together in clusters. Analysis of the mode character based on molecular dynamics simulations and model compound studies shows that all vibrations are complex; motion from a majority of atoms in the molecule contribute to most modes. Three features involving intramolecular vibrations of the Mn_12 molecule centered at 284, 306 and 409 cm-1 show changes with applied magnetic field. The structure near 284 cm1^{-1} displays the largest deviation with field and is mainly intensity related. A comparison between the temperature dependent absorption difference spectra, the gradual low-temperature cluster framework distortion as assessed by neutron diffraction data, and field dependent absorption difference spectra suggests that this mode may involve Mn motion in the crown.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRB accepte

    Far-infrared optical excitations in multiferroic TbMnO_3

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    We provide a detailed study of the reflectivity of multiferroic TbMnO_3 for wave numbers from 40 cm^{-1} to 1000 cm^{-1} and temperatures 5 K < T < 300 K. Excitations are studied for polarization directions E || a, the polarization where electromagnons are observed, and for E || c, the direction of the spontaneous polarization in this material. The temperature dependencies of eigenfrequencies, damping constants and polar strengths of all modes are studied and analyzed. For E || a and below the spiral ordering temperature of about 27 K we observe a transfer of optical weight from phonon excitations to electromagnons, which mainly involves low-frequency phonons. For E || c an unusual increase of the total polar strength and hence of the dielectric constant is observed indicating significant transfer of dynamic charge probably within manganese-oxygen bonds on decreasing temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for submission in European Physical Journal

    Semiconductive and Photoconductive Properties of the Single Molecule Magnets Mn12_{12}-Acetate and Fe8_8Br8_8

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    Resistivity measurements are reported for single crystals of Mn12_{12}-Acetate and Fe8_8Br8_8. Both materials exhibit a semiconductor-like, thermally activated behavior over the 200-300 K range. The activation energy, EaE_a, obtained for Mn12_{12}-Acetate was 0.37 ±\pm 0.05 eV, which is to be contrasted with the value of 0.55 eV deduced from the earlier reported absorption edge measurements and the range of 0.3-1 eV from intramolecular density of states calculations, assuming 2Ea2E_a= EgE_g, the optical band gap. For Fe8_8Br8_8, EaE_a was measured as 0.73 ±\pm 0.1 eV, and is discussed in light of the available approximate band structure calculations. Some plausible pathways are indicated based on the crystal structures of both lattices. For Mn12_{12}-Acetate, we also measured photoconductivity in the visible range; the conductivity increased by a factor of about eight on increasing the photon energy from 632.8 nm (red) to 488 nm (blue). X-ray irradiation increased the resistivity, but EaE_a was insensitive to exposure.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Single-hole properties in the tt-JJ and strong-coupling models

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    We report numerical results for the single-hole properties in the tt-JJ model and the strong-coupling approximation to the Hubbard model in two dimensions. Using the hopping basis with over 10610^6 states we discuss (for an infinite system) the bandwidth, the leading Fourier coefficients in the dispersion, the band masses, and the spin-spin correlations near the hole. We compare our results with those obtained by other methods. The band minimum is found to be at (π/2,π/2\pi/2,\pi/2) for the tt-JJ model for 0.1t/J100.1 \leq t/J \leq 10, and for the strong-coupling model for 1t/J101 \leq t/J \leq 10. The bandwidth in both models is approximately 2J2J at large t/Jt/J, in rough agreement with loop-expansion results but in disagreement with other results. The strong-coupling bandwidth for t/J\agt6 can be obtained from the tt-JJ model by treating the three-site terms in first-order perturbation theory. The dispersion along the magnetic zone face is flat, giving a large parallel/perpendicular band mass ratio.Comment: 1 RevTeX file with epsf directives to include 8 .eps figures 8 figure files encoded using uufile

    Critical Dynamics of Singlet Excitations in a Frustrated Spin System

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    We construct and analyze a two-dimensional frustrated quantum spin model with plaquette order, in which the low-energy dynamics is controlled by spin singlets. At a critical value of frustration the singlet spectrum becomes gapless, indicating a quantum transition to a phase with dimer order. This T=0 transition belongs to the 3D Ising universality class, while at finite temperature a 2D Ising critical line separates the plaquette and dimerized phases. The magnetic susceptibility has an activated form throughout the phase diagram, whereas the specific heat exhibits a rich structure and a power law dependence on temperature at the quantum critical point. We argue that the novel quantum critical behavior associated with singlet criticality discussed in this work can be relevant to a wide class of quantum spin systems, such as antiferromagnets on Kagome and pyrochlore lattices, where the low-energy excitations are known to be spin singlets, as well as to the CAVO lattice and several recently discovered strongly frustrated square-lattice antiferromagnets.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, additional discussion and figure added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Induced Parity Nonconserving Interaction and Enhancement of Two-Nucleon Parity Nonconserving Forces

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    Two-nucleon parity nonconserving (PNC) interaction induced by the single-particle PNC weak potential and the two-nucleon residual strong interaction is considered. An approximate analytical formula for this Induced PNC Interaction (IPNCI) between proton and neutron is derived (Q(rσp×σn)δ(rprn)Q({\bf r} {\bf \sigma}_{p} \times {\bf \sigma}_{n}) \delta({\bf r}_{p}-{\bf r}_{n})), and the interaction constant is estimated. As a result of coherent contributions from the nucleons to the PNC potential, IPNCI is an order of magnitude stronger (A1/3\sim A^{1/3}) than the residual weak two-nucleon interaction and has a different coordinate and isotopic structure (e.g., the strongest part of IPNCI does not contribute to the PNC mean field). IPNCI plays an important role in the formation of PNC effects, e.g., in neutron-nucleus reactions. In that case, it is a technical way to take into account the contribution of the distant (small) components of a compound state which dominates the result. The absence of such enhancement (A1/3\sim A^{1/3}) in the case of T- and P-odd interaction completes the picture.Comment: Phys. Rev. C, to appear; 17 pages, revtex 3, no figure

    Zero temperature phases of the frustrated J1-J2 antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a simple cubic lattice

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    At zero temperature magnetic phases of the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a simple cubic lattice with competing first and second neighbor exchanges (J1 and J2) is investigated using the non-linear spin wave theory. We find existence of two phases: a two sublattice Neel phase for small J2 (AF), and a collinear antiferromagnetic phase at large J2 (CAF). We obtain the sublattice magnetizations and ground state energies for the two phases and find that there exists a first order phase transition from the AF-phase to the CAF-phase at the critical transition point, pc = 0.28. Our results for the value of pc are in excellent agreement with results from Monte-Carlo simulations and variational spin wave theory. We also show that the quartic 1/S corrections due spin-wave interactions enhance the sublattice magnetization in both the phases which causes the intermediate paramagnetic phase predicted from linear spin wave theory to disappear.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Fig. 1b modified, Appendix B text modifie

    Quantum dynamics of crystals of molecular nanomagnets inside a resonant cavity

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    It is shown that crystals of molecular nanomagnets exhibit enhanced magnetic relaxation when placed inside a resonant cavity. Strong dependence of the magnetization curve on the geometry of the cavity has been observed, providing evidence of the coherent microwave radiation by the crystals. A similar dependence has been found for a crystal placed between Fabry-Perot superconducting mirrors. These observations open the possibility of building a nanomagnetic microwave laser pumped by the magnetic field