89 research outputs found

    Навіщо потрібно відмовитися від розщепленої ідентичності? Інтерпретація твору «Не називай мене індо-англійцем» Седа Амануддина

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    The paper analyses Syed Amanuddin’s “Don’t Call Me Indo-Anglian” from the perspective of a cultural materialist. In an effort to understand Amanuddin’s contempt for the term, the matrix of identity, language and cultural ideology has been explored. The politics of the representation of the self and the other that creates a chasm among human beings has also been discussed. The impact of the British colonialism on the language and psyche of people has been taken into account. This is best visible in the seemingly innocent introduction of English in India as medium of instruction which has subsequently brought in a new kind of sensibility and culture unknown hitherto in India. Indians experienced them in the form of snobbery, racism, highbrow and religious bigotry. P C Ray and M K Gandhi resisted the introduction of English as the medium of instruction. However, a new class of Indo-Anglians has emerged after independence which is not different from the Anglo-Indians in their attitude towards India. The question of identity has become important for an Indian irrespective of the spatial or time location of a person. У статті проаналізовано твір Седа Амануддина «Не називай мене індоанглійцем» з перспективи культурного матеріаліста. Із метою розуміння зневаги Амануддина до згаданого терміна, досліджено матрицю ідентичності, мовну та культурну ідео логію. Також обговорюється питання політики щодо уявлення себе та іншого, що призводить до утворення прірви між людьми. Береться до уваги вплив битанського колоніалізму на мову та психіку людей. Його ознаки добре простежуються в на перший погляд невинному запровадженні англійської в Індії як мови навчання, що з часом породило новий, раніше невідомий в Індії, вид чуттєвості та культури. Для індійців це втілилося у формі снобізму, расизму, інтелектуального та релігійного фанатизму. П C Рей та M K Ґанді чинили опір запровадженню англійської як мови викладання. Водночас після здобуття незалежності в Індії з’явився новий клас індо-англійців, що загалом не відрізнявся від англо-індійців у своєму ставленні до країни. Відтак, питання ідентичності постало для індійців досить серйозно, незалежно від просторових чи часових параметрів проживання особи

    Індо-англійська: конотації та денотації

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    different name than English literature, ‘Anglo-Indian Literature’, was given to the body of literature in English that emerged on account of the British interaction with India unlike the case with their interaction with America or Australia or New Zealand. Even the Indians’ contributions (translations as well as creative pieces in English) were classed under the caption ‘Anglo-Indian’ initially but later a different name, ‘Indo-Anglian’, was conceived for the growing variety and volume of writings in English by the Indians. However, unlike the former the latter has not found a favour with the compilers of English dictionaries. With the passage of time the fine line of demarcation drawn on the basis of subject matter and author’s point of view has disappeared and currently even Anglo-Indians’ writings are classed as ‘Indo-Anglian’. Besides contemplating on various connotations of the term ‘Indo-Anglian’ the article discusses the related issues such as: the etymology of the term, fixing the name of its coiner and the date of its first use. In contrast to the opinions of the historians and critics like K R S Iyengar, G P Sarma, M K Naik, Daniela Rogobete, Sachidananda Mohanty, Dilip Chatterjee and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak it has been brought to light that the term ‘Indo-Anglian’ was first used in 1880 by James Payn to refer to the Indians’ writings in English rather pejoratively. However, Iyengar used it in a positive sense though he himself gave it up soon. The reasons for the wide acceptance of the term, sometimes also for the authors of the sub-continent, by the members of academia all over the world, despite its rejection by Sahitya Akademi (the national body of letters in India), have also been contemplated on. Завдяки взаємодії англійської літератури з Індією, на відміну від її взаємодії з Америкою, Австралією або ж Новою Зеландією, утворився новий шар англій-ської літератури, який отримав назву: англо-індійська література. Спочатку навіть літе-ратурні доробки індійців (переклади, а також художні твори англійською мовою) були класифіковані під заголовком «англо-індійські», але згодом їх було перейменовано на «індо-англійські», зважаючи на зростаюче розмаїття та обсяг написаних індійцями творів англійською мовою. Проте на відміну від попереднього, останній не знайшов прихильності серед укладачів англійських словників. Із часом чітка лінія демаркації, окреслена на підставі предмета та погляду автора твору, зникла, і сьогодні навіть англо-індійські тексти класифікують як індо-англійські. Крім огляду різних конотацій терміна «індо-англійці», у статті проаналізовано такі проблеми: етимологія терміна, фіксація імені його автора і дата першого використання. На відміну від думок істориків та критиків, таких як К Р С Ієнґар, Г П Сарма, М К Наік, Даніела Роґобете, Сачідананда Моганті, Діліп Чаттерджі та Ґайатрі Чакраворти Співак, стверджувалося, що термін «індо-англійці» вперше було використано в 1880 р. Джеймсом Пейном для покликання на твори індійців англійською мовою радше в зневажливому тоні. Однак Ієнґар використовував цей термін в позитивному значенні, хоча й він сам невдовзі від нього відмовився. У статті також проаналізовано причини широкого прийняття цього терміна, іноді навіть авторами субконтиненту, членами наукових кіл у всьому світі, незважаючи на те, що «Сагітья Академі» (Національна академія літератури Індії) від нього відмовився

    Examining mental health of medical students: a DASS21 scale assessment

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    Background: Stress is a global phenomenon that affects nearly everyone. The medical curriculum is often regarded as one of the most difficult professional degree courses in the world, and so the prevalence of stress is clear. Because of this trend, the pupils' mental health must be evaluated. The purpose of this study was to gather information about stress levels among undergraduate medical students. Methods: The research was carried out at the RUHS college of medical sciences. Data was acquired using Google Forms via a self-administered questionnaire that contained students' consent and semester information. The questionnaire consisted of 21 questions based on the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS21). Results: The response rate of this study was 91.02% (213/234). The study also revealed more active female participation than male respondents. Out of the total responses (n=234), 54.6% were females and 44.8% were male. The analysis showed that medical students had experienced higher levels of depression (55%), and anxiety (64%) relative to stress (34%). Female students were found more anxious and depressed. Conclusions: The study found a high prevalence of stress, anxiety, and depression among medical students. Preventive approaches for improving student mental health are so required

    Prevalence and spectrum of rheumatological diseases in a newly formed Peripheral Medical College in Northern India

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    Background: Rheumatic disorders are chronic inflammatory and non-inflammatory disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue causing a significant socioeconomic burden resulting in immense morbidity owing to poor quality of life, loss of function and productivity. Methods: In this prospective study, consecutive patients attending Medicine Outpatient Department at GMC Doda, between august 2019 and July 2022, were studied for various rheumatological diseases.  Rheumatological diagnoses of 3560 consecutive newly detected and returning patients were recorded for three year. Results: During the study period, a total of 27546 patients visited the Medicine OPD, 3560 of which were diagnosed with various rheumatic diseases, yielding a prevalence of 12.9%. The mean age of the patients in the study was 42.33±13.18 years ranging from a minimum age of 18 to a maximum age of 96 years. Females were notably predominant in all diseases at 64%. Non inflammatory rheumatological disorders osteoarthritis and soft tissue rheumatism were most predominant in this study. Conclusions: Osteoarthritis and soft tissue rheumatism were the most predominant rheumatic disorders in our study. Rheumatic diseases constitute a major disease burden in almost all of the age groups, especially in young patients (30-50 years) within our setup

    Pregnancy in uterus didelphys delivered by caesarean section: a case report

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    The aim of this study is to report a rare case of pregnancy in uterus didelphys. Mullerian duct anomalies are congenital defects of the female genital system that arise from abnormal embryological development of the Mullerian ducts. A didelphys uterus, also known as double uterus is one of the least common amongst the various Mullerian duct anomalies. It results from complete failure of fusion of Mullerian ducts. There is presence of double uterine bodies with two separate cervices and often double or septate vagina. We report the case in our institute of a pregnancy in the left sided body of a didelphys uterus, delivered by caesarean section. Patients with uterus didelphys belong to high risk group and complications are increased in malformed uterus. Such cases need a meticulous prenatal care. It is a rare Mullerian anomaly and can present with varied obstetrical and gynaecological complications. Prompt and accurate diagnosis of uterine malformations and appropriate surgical intervention are essential to prevent complications

    Complete genome sequence of an isolate of leek yellow stripe virus from garlic in India

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    Not AvailableThe complete genome sequence of leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) isolate AC-50 from garlic in India was determined and the predicted amino acid (aa) sequence was analyzed. The LYSV RNA genome is 10,131 nucleotides (nt) long excluding the poly(A) tail (KP168261) and has a large open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative polyprotein of 3152 aa with conserved motifs typical of members of the genus Potyvirus in the family Potyviridae. The pretty interesting Potyviridae ORF (PIPO) coding region was identified in the P3 coding region. LYSV isolate AC-50 shares maximum nt and aa sequence identity of 79.9% and 87.2% with a LYSV isolate from Australia (HQ258895) at the full genome and polyprotein level, respectively, and clusters with clade II isolates from China, Mexico, Australia, Brazil and Spain. The P1 coding region of isolate AC-50 was highly variable with an identity range of 48.9- 70.9% with other LYSV isolates and a deletion of 204 nt compared to Japanese and Australian isolates. The ratio of nonsynonymous (dN) and synonymous (dS) polymorphic sites suggested that purifying selection dominates in the evolution of LYSV and the mean dN/dS ratio was highest for P1, confirming that this coding region is under less evolutionary constraints

    Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with established coronary artery disease

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    Background:Vitamin D deficiency is widely prevalent in this part of the country, in spite of the fact that there is ample sunshine and the economic status of the people is good. Several studies have suggested possible link between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular disease risk. Hence authors evaluated the patients with established coronary artery disease attending cardiology department of super speciality hospital, Government Medical College Jammu, for their vitamin D status. Methods:The study was conducted in the department of Biochemistry Government Medical College Jammu and data of established cases of coronary artery disease patients attending cardiology department of super speciality hospital, government medical college Jammu was analyzed for vitamin D levels during the period from January 2019 to February, 2020.Results: A total of 200 established cases of coronary artery disease comprising of 130 male patients and 70 female patients were analyzed in the study, out of 200 cases, 190 (95%) were found to be having low levels of vitamin D in their blood (<30 ngm/dl). 123 (94.6%) out of a total of 130 male patients had vitamin D deficiency as compared to 67 (95.7%) out of 70 females patients.Conclusions:The study has revealed a very high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in established cases of coronary artery diseases. More detailed prospective studies are required to unravel the association of vitamin D and its role in prevention of coronary artery diseases in the absence of well-established risk factors like smoking, Diabetes, Hypertension and dyslipidaemias

    A prospective observational study of prescription pattern in dermatology outpatient department of associated hospitals of Rajasthan University of Health Sciences-college of medical sciences, Jaipur

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    Background: Skin diseases are chronic in nature and they require lifetime treatment. Prescription pattern reflects health professional attitude towards the disease and role of drugs in its treatment. The study of prescription pattern is important to make medical care rational and monitoring adverse drug reactions. Methods: An observational and prospective study was carried out in Skin and VD department along with department of pharmacology, RUHS college of medical sciences, Jaipur. Data collection was done in three months after ethical approval. Data was entered and analysed with latest Microsoft Excel version. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the results. Results: During the study period, a total of 979 prescriptions were included and analysed, out of which the usage of dermatological drugs was maximum among males (n=520, 53.11%). Total 2848 drugs were prescribed in 6 different dosage forms. The most common dosage form prescribed was tablet (1267, 44.49%) followed by cream (685, 24.05%). Total 1632 (57.30%) drugs were prescribed through oral route and 1216 (42.70%) drugs were prescribed through topical route. the present study depicted that dermatophytosis (n=243, 24.82%) was one of the most common dermatological manifestations. antihistaminic (673, 23.63%) were the most commonly prescribed drug. Conclusions: The study of drug use is an effective tool to promote rational drug prescribing. Such type of study will help in formulation of proper antibiotics, drugs policy, prescription of cost-effective drugs, improvement in the patient compliance and reduction in undesirable effect of drugs

    Mavacamten: a novel avenue towards hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

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    Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common heterogeneous genetic cardiovascular disorder. Its pathophysiology involves left ventricular hypertrophy, increased fibrosis, hypercontractility, and reduced compliance. The symptomatic obstructive HCM presents as dyspnoea, syncope, chest pain, palpitations, arrhythmias, or sudden death, usually after provocative manoeuvres like exercise. Until April 2022, treatment options were disease non-specific like Beta blockers, Cardio-selective Calcium Channel Blockers, Dipyridamole, and Ranolazine. Mavacamten is a first-in-class, FDA-approved drug molecule for HCM. It works by selective and reversible inhibition of the cardiac myosin ATPase thereby decreasing the formation of actin- myosin cross- bridges in systole and diastole. The excessive actin-myosin cross-bridging is the hallmark of disease and is responsible for the compromised functioning of the heart in both the systole and diastole phase due to left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction and increased ventricular filling pressure respectively. Mavacamten acts by producing super-relaxed state of heart which is then translated into decreased LVOT obstruction and improved cardiac filling pressures thereby improving the functional capacity and symptoms in patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) stage II, and III symptomatic or obstructive heart failure. Mavacamten is administered orally 2.5-15 mg per day with titration guided by lab investigations and clinical symptoms. Its bioavailability is 85%, undergoes metabolism by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 and is excreted mainly in urine. It is also an enzyme inducer and shows considerable drug interactions. Common adverse effects are dizziness and syncope. Sometimes the drug may worsen heart failure or completely block ventricular function. Mavacamten has raised hopes for the possibility of managing this potentially lethal intrigue disorder with medicines alone

    Artificial intelligence (AI) integration in medical education: A pan-India cross-sectional observation of acceptance and understanding among students

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    Background/Aim: From accurate diagnostics to personalised treatment plans, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise healthcare. The abundance of medical data has led to AI being employed for accurate diagnoses, treatment protocols and patient care. Students' perception of AI integration in medical education is crucial for its successful implementation. This study aimed to assess the acceptance and understanding of AI integration among students in medical education across different regions of India through a cross-sectional observation. Methods: A pan-India survey was conducted among medical students between 1 August 2023 to 20 August 2023 with a pre-validated questionnaire covering AI awareness and understanding through Google Form, circulated via WhatsApp. Results: A total of 730 medical students completed the survey of which 58.6 % were males and 41.4 % were females. Most students (80.7 %) knew about AI, but 53.6 % had limited awareness of AI in medicine. Opinions on AI integration was diverse, with 46.8 % in favour. Workshops (45.2 %) and lectures (31.1 %) were preferred learning formats. Students were interested in various AI topics and expect AI to positively impact medicine (45.9 %). Radiology, surgery and general medicine were predicted to be most influenced by AI. Concerns about overreliance on AI (49.2 %) and lack of empathy (43.7 %) were highlighted. Conclusions: Medical students in India display a keen interest in AI and its integration into medical education. To fully harness AI's potential in healthcare, comprehensive AI curricula and faculty training are needed. Students are aware of the challenges and opportunities, emphasising the importance of balanced AI adoption in medical practice and education