17 research outputs found

    Pengkajian nilai-nilai luhur budaya spiritual bangsa daerah Jawa Timur I

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    Kegiatan pengkajian nilai-nilai luhur budaya spiritual bangsa yang dilakukan berdasarkan ketetapan Pemimpin Proyek Inventarisasi Kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa tahun anggaran 1989/1990 yang bernaung di bawah Direktorat Pembinaan Penghayat Kepercayaan terhadap, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, terhadap beberapa organisasi Kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa di Wiiayah Propinsi Jawa Timur dimaksudkan untuk menghimpun data dan informasi mengenai nilai-nilai luhur budaya spiritual bangsa sebagai sistem nilai. Di samping itu, tujuan pengkajian ini antara lain meneliti dan mengungkap makna nilai-nilai luhur budaya spiritual yang terdapat dalam Kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa sebagai bagian dari budaya bangsa; menginventarisasi data yang lcbih lengkap terutama butir-butir nilai luhur budaya spiritual bangsa yang terdapat dalam Kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang dianut oleh sebagian masyarakat Indonesia; dan memperkaya khasanah kebudayaan bangsa, yang dapat menumbuhkan rasa bangga terhadap kebudayaan yang mencerminkan kepribadian bangsa. Dari hasil pengkajian tersebut diharapkan akan diperoleh pengetahuan tentang nilai-nilai luhur yang terkandung dalam ajaran-ajaran organisasi Kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang ada di wilayah ini

    Surasem Aneka Rasa untuk Penurun Diabetes dan Hipertensi

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    Rice is the basic food of most Indonesian people. Currently available in three types of rice is white rice, brown rice, and embryo rice. Embryo rice is brown or red rice reprocessed to eliminate the phytic acid that are anti-nutrients in the hard layer of the epidermis and maintain embryo containing 66% of the total nutrition of rice.Embryo rice milk (surasem) uses the basic ingredients of embryonic red rice and mineral water at a dose of about 1 in 20, cooked within 46 minutes using a pressure cooker to decompose rice nutrients into the water. Subsequent processing is mixing surasem with the natural flavors of fresh fruits such as apples and berries, stirred and packed with a volume of 220 ml. Surasem excellent consumption by people with diabetics mellitus and hypertension due to low glucose and high anti oxidant content. This activity produces surasem with various fruit flavors in packs ready for sale, is distributed to the campus cafeteria and government agencies, and health care communities in Jember. Business development is done by increase production capacity, packaging design, marketing by leveraging information and communication technologies, and franchise business models based small and medium enterprises (UKM) to become a profitable business opportunity, contributing to improving the health and prosperity of society

    Exploring AI-Generated Text in Student Writing: How Does AI Help?

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    English as foreign language_EFL_students' use of text generated from artificial intelligence_AI_natural language generation_NLG_tools may improve their writing quality. However, it remains unclear to what extent AI-generated text in these students' writing might lead to higher-quality writing. We explored 23 Hong Kong secondary school students' attempts to write stories comprising their own words and AI-generated text. Human experts scored the stories for dimensions of content, language and organization. We analyzed the basic organization and structure and syntactic complexity of the stories' AI-generated text and performed multiple linear regression and cluster analyses. The results show the number of human words and the number of AI-generated words contribute significantly to scores. Besides, students can be grouped into competent and less competent writers who use more AI-generated text or less AI-generated text compared to their peers. Comparisons of clusters reveal some benefit of AI-generated text in improving the quality of both high-scoring students' and low-scoring students' writing. The findings can inform pedagogical strategies to use AI-generated text for EFL students' writing and to address digital divides. This study contributes designs of NLG tools and writing activities to implement AI-generated text in schools.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    A review of Microfluidic blood separation techniques

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    Microfluidic blood separation is a modern biological technology used to separate blood cells from their fluids. Blood cells present in the blood become an important outline of many diseases. To maintain the stability and sterility of blood, a tool with renewable technology and a large capacity is needed. Microfluidic blood separation has important assets, especially changes in the physicochemical properties of blood cells that are used for quick and accurate clinical diagnosis. Dissemination of structural materials and compositions from the separation and sorting of blood uses a technical system that will create this optimal microfluidic blood separation in research. As for this paper structure starts with introduction, then continued with literature review, type of Microfluidic methods, application of Microfluidic, and bibliometric analysis. With those methods the result could be conducted with systematic literature reviews. Therefore, this study is prepared to identify research gaps in topics related to Microfluidic blood separation techniques. Related studies about microfluidic blood separation techniques are identified using bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review of the study search index through database Scopus-indexed publications. The results from this paper reveal the topics in urine as a parameter for Microfluidic separations as the research gap according to Microfluidic separations. This paper expects research on Microfluidic blood separation techniques will continue to be developed to maximize the potential of Microfluidic blood separations in helping the research process

    The Influence of Compensation Towards Employee Productivity at PT. Citra Jaya Nusantara Pekanbaru

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    PT. Citra Jaya Nusantara is company that run a business in property sector. This company has run its business in Pekanbaru for around two years. The main business is building shophouses. Employee productivity relates positively to the compensation system design of an enterprise. Since this is the key indicator of the selection of pay strategies, it should be highly valued. Compensation strategy is seen as one of the most important strategies in management function as it influences the productivity and growth of an organization. The objective of this research is to know the influence of compensation toward employee productivity at PT. Citra Jaya Nusantara Pekanbaru. Based on statistical calculation and analysis, the data is highly valid and the questionnaire is reliable. The Pearson correlation coefficient is 0,75 and the determination is 56%. This means that there are high and positive relation between compensation and employee productivity. Compensation influences employee productivity only for 56%, the other factors influence productivity for 44%. The linear regression equation of this variable is Y = 7,09 + 0,69X. The Zcount of this skripsi is 4,1983 and Ztable 1,96. Since Zcount > Ztable, hence Ha is accepted. This means that compensation influences employee productivity at PT. Citra Jaya Nusantara Pekanbaru


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    e-Procurement merupakan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah secara elektronik yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang belaku. Dalam pelaksanaannya proses e- Procurement diselenggarakan oleh Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) sebagai adminitrator dan unit layanan bagi pengguna. Pemerintahan Provini Bengkulu menerapkan e-Procurement pada tahun 2011 dan baru dilaksanakan dengan baik pada tahun 2012dimana LPSE Provinsi Bengkulu telah melakanakan lelang secara elektronik dan proses–proses lainnya dengan baik. Proses e-Procurement terdapat sistem yang melakanaknnya secara online, yaitu Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (SPSE). Di dalam SPSE terdapat beberapa aplikasi yang digunakan dalam proses pengadaan barang/jasa antara lain admin (PPE dan admin agency), verifikator, helpdesk,training, panitia dan penyedia. Untuk mengambarkan proses e-Procurement di Pemerintah Provinsi Bengkulu penulis melakukan wawancara kepada personil LPSE Provinsi Bengkulu dan observasi langsung pada LPSE Provinsi Bengkulu serta meminta data pada LPSE Provinsi Bengkulu yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Dari hasil pengumpulan data dapat penulis gambarkan bahwa proses e-Procurement sangat jauh berbeda pelaksanaannya dengan kovensional. Dalam pelaksanaannya e-Procurement lebih efektif, efisien dan transparan serta dapat mensikronkan pemahaman antar pengguna e-Procurement terhadap aplikasi, proses dan hasil yang dicapai. LPSE Provinsi Bengkulu sangat berperan dalam penerapan e-Procurement di Pemerintah Provinsi Bengkulu sehingga terjadi efisiensi anggaran yang cukup signifikan, walaupun masih terdapat kendala yang dihadapi LPSE Provinsi Bengkulu dalam menerapkan e-Procurement ini tetapi secara bertahap proses e- Procurement mengarah pada tata pemerintahan yang baik (Good Governance) dibidang pengadaan barang/jasa