1,340 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motif Hedonis dan Browsing terhadap Pembelian Impulsif pada Pembelian Online Produk Fashion

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of hedonic motive and browsing toward implusive buying on online purchasing fashion product. The subject of the research is consument coming from varsity student in Yogyakarta that buy fashion product toward e-commerce company. This research use purposive sampling technique to collect the data. From the survey, the researcher gain 100 person as the respondent. Next, the data will be analyze by using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The result of the research showed that the hedonic motive has a positive influence towards the impulsive buying. It also has positive influence in browsing, while browsing does not have any influence towards impulsive buying. Hence, the other results showed that browsing does not have any influence to be a mediator between hedonic motive and impulsive buying

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Usaha Ekowisata Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau (Studi Kasus di Desa Lubuk Kembang Bungo)

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    This research purposed to get know how the communities participation and how the management of ecotourism in tesso nilo national park lubuk kembang bunga village district ukui sub-district plalawan on the stage of development of ecotourism there and potential to be developed in the Tesso Nilo national park.This study used a qualitative method with descriptive approach to describe the actual state by collecting data and information in the field. The subject of the study researchers used a key informant as many as 16 people are concerned with sub-indicators. While data collection techniques in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation.Based on the research that has been done, the public response to community participation in the management of ecotourism businesses that occurred in the area of Tesso Nilo National Park is already underway in three participation that direct participation, indirect participation, and no participation, each of which has involved the participation of society in every, but the direct participation has not maximize the role of local communities or local in them.Key words : Community participation, ecotourism, Tesso Nilo National Park

    Faktor Penentu dari Persepsi Nilai Pelanggan dan Implikasinya terhadap Intensi Pembelian

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of customer value perception of the purchase intention on the internet consumer services. The methodology of this research was hypothesis testing. Sample in this research is conducted by non-probability method with purposive sampling technique from350 internet subscribers in Jakarta. The result of the research by structural equation modeling analysis in the first model showed that the service quality, experience economy and price fairness have a significant influence to customer value perception. In the second model, the results showed that service quality, experience economic, price fairness and customer value perception have a significant influenceto purchase intention

    Penggunaan Web Sebagai Salah Satu Pendukung Strategi Pemasaran Produk Oleh Perusahaan Kusuma Agro Industri Batu

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    Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut (a) Kusuma Agro industri telah memiliki website dan facebook yang digunakan untuk pemasaran melalui internet, memberikan informasi mengenai Perusahaan kepada konsumen, selalu memberi tanggapan atas komentar konsumen di website, dan digunakan kode recapcha untuk menghindari spam.(b) Kelemahan dari sistem website yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan adalah web belum digunakan untuk transaksi penjualan (pemesanan barang dan pembayaran), melainkan melalui email, kontak atau distributor. (c) Peluang yang ada untuk menggunakan web dan internet sebagai pendukung strategi pemasaran adalah teknologi internet/smartphone yang berkembang pesat. (d) Ancaman yang ada adalah adanya gangguan virus, spam, hacker yang mengganggu sistem. Persaingan antar Perusahaan sejenis yang menggunakan pemasaran melalui internet. dan SDM harus mampu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi. (2) Berdasarkan analisis sistem informasi pemasaran yang digunakan Perusahaan pada saat ini menunjukkan bahwa: (a) Pada saat ini Kusuma Agro Industri telah menggunakan sistem terkomputerisasi walaupun belum on line antar bagian. Namun Perusahaan telah menggunakan akses internet seperti website, dan email untuk lalu lintas pengiriman data. (b) Sistem informasi pemasaran yang dilakukan Perusahaan sudah cukup terkendali, namun kelemahannya adalah belum dimilikinya bagian riset pemasaran. (c) Dari hasil analisis karakteristik informasi menunjukkan sudah cukup baik, ditinjau dari efektivitas sistem informasi pemasaran, ketepatan waktu, keakuratan informasi, kelengkapan informasi dan keringkasan informasi pemasaran, sehingga sistem informasi pemasaran yang ada dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pemasaran. (3) Penggunaan website dapat digunakan sebagai pendukung strategi pemasaran karena Perusahaan akan lebih memiliki jangkauan wilayah pemasaran yang tak terbatas. Adanya otomatisasi penerimaan order lewat email, yang menghemat waktu, penghematan biaya promosi, karena website Perusahaandapatdiaksesselama 24 jam darisegalapenjurudunia. Adanya penghematan biaya tenaga kerja tanpa perlu ruang pameran/display. Untuk produk inovasi baru, Perusahaan dapat menggunakan komentar konsumen apakah produk tersebut diminati atau tidak oleh konsumen

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Modal Kerja Koperasi Dalam Meningkatkan Profitabilitas Dan Menjaga Tingkat Likuiditas (Studi Penelitian Pada Kpri Universitas Brawijaya Malang Tahun 2010 - 2012)

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    Working Capital has a great significance for a company. Working capital that is managed ineffectively can hinder Koperasi in obtaining optimal profit. Determination of working capital that is too small will affect the company\u27s liquidity position. If that is too large working capital indicates that funds are idle and unproductive cause the loss of the opportunity to earn a profit. Results of research in KPRI Brawijaya University of Malang suggest that condition of NWC (Net Working Capital) from year to year tend to be dropped from the year 2012 by a margin of IDR 14.716.065 to IDR 20.606.879.352. On liquidity ratios also tend to decline in 2013, it indicates that the management of koperasi has not been able to meet and maintain Current Asset turnover (current assets) and Current Liabilities (current liabilities). Based on the projection calculations have been performed, the obtained results that the overall koperasi\u27s financial ratios ie profitability ratios, activity ratios are still likely to rise but the liquidity ratio tends to fall. This can be seen at the level of current ratio has fluctuated from year to year, although that number was up to standard according to the theory of the firm by 200%

    Survey on Performance on Certified Penjasorkes Teacher in a Junior High School Civil in District Northern Klaten of Regency Klaten in 2012

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    The purpose of this study is to determine: The Performance of Certified Penjasorkes Teacher in Junior High SchoolCivil in North Klaten of District Klaten in 2012. This study used quantitative descriptive methods. The source dataobtained from respondents consisting of Students, Teachers non- Penjasorkes and Principal Junior High School Civilin North Klaten in 2012 amounted to 170 people. The techniques of collecting the data by enclosed questaionnaire(questioner). The Validiy and reliability of the data using SPSS 16. The technique of descriptive data analysis that isbased on a quantitative analysis through the frequency and percentage. The result showed that: (1) The performanceof Certified Penjasorkes Teacher in Junior High School Civil in Nort Klaten of District Klaten in 2012 was good.From the analysis of questionnaires the Performance of Certified Penjasorkes Teacher in Junior High School in Northof District Klaten in 2012 get scores of all aspects of of the overall answer is 30388 with a percentage of 81,1% thatinclude in good category. This is indicated in each indicator, (a) The Performance of Certified Penjasorkes Teacher inJunior High School Civil in North Klaten of District Klaten in 2012 from the aspect of Pedagogic Competence getthe score 7532 with 80,55% percentage that include into good category. (b) The Performance of Certified PenjasorkesTeacher in Junior High School Civil in North Klaten of District Klaten in 2012 from the aspect of Competencepersonality 5655 with a percentage score obtained 83,16% who include into good category. (c) The Performance ofCertified Penjasorkes Teacher in Junior High School Civil in North Klaten of District Klaten in 2012 the aspect ofSocial Competence score obtained 6164 with the percentage of 80,57% that include into good category. and (4) ThePerformance of Certified Penjasorkes Teacher in Junior High School Civil in North Klaten of District Klaten in2012from the aspect of Profesional Competence score obtained 10987 with the percentage of 80,7% that include intogood category
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