15 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Residu Insektisida Actellic 500EC Pada Berbagai Macam Permukaan Dinding Terhadap Kematian Nyamuk Anopheles Aconitus, Aedes Aegypti, Dan Culex Quinquefasciatus

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    Insecticide spray has been commonly practiced for malaria eradication program. Well chosen and accurate dose of insecticide is required to obtain the best result. In this study, a small scaletrial of Actellic 500EC residual spray with dosage ranges of 1.0 ml/m2, 2.0 ml/m2, 4.0 ml/m2 and 5.0 ml/m was applied on wall, shelf and bamboo surfaces. Three malaria vectors e.g. Anopheles aconitus, Aedes aegypti, andCulex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, 3-4 days old and well fed were used for the experiment using bioassay test kit cone (WHO standard 1975). The result showed that 4.0 ml/m dosages of Actellic 500EC were more effective than the other dosages. The mosquito mortality was 100% in one week for An. aconitus, Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus

    Pengaruh Insektisida Sipermethrin 100 G/l Terhadap Nyamuk Dengan Metode Pengasapan

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     The use of insecticides in vector control has long been done. As one of the insecticide malathion are widely used now beginning to be reported the occurrence of mosquito resistance to it. It would require other types of insecticides that can be used as an alternative in controlling disease vectors, especially mosquitoes which can be used by the Department of Health and companies. In this study tests were conducted insecticide active ingredients: sipermethrin 100 g/l, against dengue mosquito vectors (Ae. aegypti), urban filariasis (Cx quinquefasciatus) and malaria (An. Aconitus) with the application of curing (thermal fogging). Contain active insecticide Cypermethrin 100 g/l at a dose of 100; 150 and 200 ml/ha with the applied diesel solvent evaporation (thermal fogging), effectively used to kill dengue mosquito vector Ae.aegypti, filariasis vector Cx. quinqefasciatus and malaria vector An. aconitus inside and outside the home with 100% mortality rate

    Aplikasi Insektisida Portafog 3,8pl (Allethrin 3,8%) Terhadap Serangga Pengganggu Rumah Tangga Dan Vektor Penyakit

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    Have been conduct a study of house fumigation using insecticide PORTAFOG 3,8 PL (active materials Allethrin 3,8 w / w) dosses 25 m3 of room/can, 50 m3 of room/can, 75 m ofroom/can and 100 m3 of room/can to mosquitoes (Ae. aegypti , Culex quinquefasciatus), house fliesMusca domestica and Cockroach Periplaneta americana. on settlement in Salatiga resident. Theresult of this bioassay\u27s study proved that insecticide PORTAFOG 3,8 PL ( active materials Allethrin3,8 w / w) with dosses 25 m3 of room/can, 50 m3 of room/can, 75 m3 of room/can and 100. m ofroom/can was effective to kill mosquitoes Ae. aegypti , Cx. quinquefasciatus and M. domestica(100% deathness)

    Efikasi Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 Yang Dibiakan Dalam Media Kelapa Pada Penyimpanan Suhu Kamar Dan Refrigerator (Suhu 40c) Terhadap Vektor Dbd Dan Malaria

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    ENGLISHThe use of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 as biolarvacide is known effectively kill the vector mosquito larvae. The use of coconut media as a culture media for B. thuringiensis H-14 has been conducted in Institute of Vector-Reservoir Research and Development Salatiga. Coconut used as growth media for B. thuringiensis H-14 was taken from the Getas village, Semarang regency. This research was conducted in two ways: coconut water media stored at 4C and at room 0temperature for one day. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of B. thuringiensis H-14 which growth in various pH media of coconut water at room temperature and storage temperature of 4C against dengue and malaria vectors. The results showed that Bacillus 0thuringiensis H-14 which cultured at various pH of coconut water media stored at 4C and at 0room temperature requires respectively 90 ppm to kill 100% larvae Ae. aegypti and 0.64% to kill the 100% larvae An. aconitus. The highest growth of living cells and living spores of B. thuringiensis H-14 stored at 4C at pH 7.5 were respectively 24 x 10cells / ml and 23.9 x 10 011 11spores / ml, while the media stored at room temperature were 27.1 x 10 cells / ml and 5, .3 x 1110 spores / ml at pH 8.5. The results of coconut water analysis showed that the content 11carbohydrate, protein, reduction sugar, and fat were respectively 1.68%, 0.12%, 1.52% . and 0.01%. Coconut water media is a local media that is potential for culturing B. thuringiensis H-14.INDONESIAPenggunaan Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 sebagai biolarvasida telah diketahui efektif membunuh jentik nyamuk vektor. Penggunaan media buah kelapa sebagai media pengembangbiakan B. thuringiensis H-14, telah dilakukan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit Salatiga. Kelapa yang digunakan sebagai media pertumbuhan B. thuringiensis H-14 diambil dari Desa Getas, Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu menyimpan media air kelapa pada suhu 40C dan suhu kamar selama 1 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan efikasi B. thuringiensis H-14 yang dibiakan dalam berbagai pH media air kelapa pada penyimpanan temperatur kamar dan suhu 40C terhadap vektor DBD dan malaria. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 yang dikembangbiakan pada berbagai pH media air kelapa yang disimpan pada suhu 40C dan suhu kamar berturut-turut membutuhkan konsentrasi sebesar 90 ppm untuk membunuh jentik Ae. aegypti dan 0,64 % untuk membunuh jentik An aconitus sebesar 100 %. Pertumbuhan sel hidup dan spora hidup B.thuringiensis H-14 yang terbanyak dari media yang disimpan pada 40C adalah pada pH 7,5 berturut-turut sebesar 24, x 1011 sel/ml dan 23,9 x 1011 spora/ml, sedangkan dari media yang disimpan pada suhu kamar adalah 27,1 x 1011 sel/ml dan 5,.3 x 1011 spora/ml pada pH 8,5.Hasil uji analisa air kelapa adalah kandungan karbohidrat 1.68%, protein 0.12%, kadar gula reduksinya 1.52%. dan lemak 0.01%, Media air kelapa merupakan media lokal yang potensial bagi pengembangbiakan B. thuringiensis H-14

    Pengaruh Ketinggian Habitat Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera) Terhadap Pengembangbiakan Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 Dan Toksisitasnya Terhadap Jentik (Anopheles Aconitus)

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    Penggunaan Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 sebagai biolarvasida sudah banyak diketahui di masyarakat. Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit (B2P2VRP) telah menguji penggunaan media buah kelapa sebagai media pengembangbiakan B.thuringiensis H-14. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangbiakkan B.thuringiensis H-14 galur lokal dengan menggunakan media air kelapa yang diambil dari berbagai wilayah dengan memperhatikan ketinggian wilayahnya. Lokasi pengambilan sampel air kelapa adalah daerah dengan ketinggian 600 gram dari masing-masing wilayah penelitian. Kemudian air kelapa dari masing-masing wilayah penelitian diambil secara random untuk dilakukan pengujian kandungan nutrisinya, sedangkan sisanya di sterilisasi untuk dijadikan media pengembangbiakan B.thuringiensis H-14. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan hasil pengembangbiakan di media air kelapa yang didapatkan dari lokasi dengan ketinggian habitat yang berbeda-beda, serta efek toksisitasnya terhadap jentik Anopheles aconitus. Hasil uji analisa air kelapa dari pantai Parangtritis adalah kadar karbohidrat 1,82%, dengan lemak 0,02%, protein 0,04% dan gula reduksi sebesar 1,67%. Air kelapa dari kabupaten Purworejo kandungan karbohidrat 1,92%, lemak 0,01%. protein 0,06% dan gula reduksi 1,87%. Air kelapa dari Kabupaten Semarang kandungan karbohidrat 1,68%, lemak 0,01%, protein 0,12% dan gula reduksi 1,52%. Sedangkan kandungan karbohidrat dari air kelapa kota Salatiga adalah 3,12% merupakan kandungan yang tertinggi dibandingkan dari daerah lain, kandungan lemak 0,01%, protein 0,11% dan gula reduksi 2,97%, merupakan kandungan tertinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil dari daerah lain. Hasil pertumbuhan sel dan spora B.thuringiensis H-14 dari media air kelapa pantai Parangtritis pada pH 7,5 adalah 85,7 x1010 dan 11,1 x 1010, sedangkan dari kabupaten Purworejo jumlah sel dan spora yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 2,3 x 1010 dan 2,5 x 1010. Media air kelapa dari kabupaten Semarang jumlah sel dan spora sebesar 24,9 x 1010 dan 23,9 x 1010, dan air kelapa yang berasal dari kota Salatiga 62,7 x 1010 dan 1,1 x 1010. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah B.thuringiensis yang dikembangbiakkan dalam media dari kabupaten Semarang memiliki Lc50 0,003 % dan Lc95 0,021%,yang merupakan Lc terkecil dibandingkan dengan B.thuringiensis yang dikembangbiakkan dalam media air kelapa dari daerah lain. Kata kunci : B.thuringiensis H-14, Air kelapa, toksisitas Abstract Using of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 as a Biolarvacide are more commonly on this decade. Institute of Vector Control and Reservoir Disease (IVCRD) has used coconut as a medium for B.thuringiensis H-14. This research used only coconut water that was took from many kind of places with difference on altitudes. Locations of this research were from Parangtritis (with altitude < 20 m dpl)), Purwerojo district (150 m dpl), Semarang district (400 m dpl) and Salatiga municypality (650 m dpl). The objective of this study is to know what difference result of B.thuringiensis H-14 spores that was growth from many kind of habitat (locations) which is diferent on altitudes, and the eficacy of B.thuringiensis H-14 to An.aconitus larvae. The nutrition that contain on coconut water was analise by Health Laboratory on Semarang District. Result of this research shows that coconut water from Parangtritis beach was contain of carbohidrat 1.82 %, fats 0.02%, protein 0.04% dan glucose 1.67%. Coconut water from Purworejo district was contain carbohydrat 1.92%, fats 0.01%, protein 0.06% and glucose 1.87%. There for coconut water from Semarang district was contain carbohydrats 1.68%, fats 0.01%, protein 0.12% and glucose 1.52%. And the coconut water from Salatiga Munycipality was contain carbohydrat 3.12%, that is the highest than others, fats 0.01%, protein 0.11% and glucose 2.97%. Number of sels and spores that growth on that medium were different. Number of sels and spores from parangtritis beach medium were85.7 x 1010 and 11.1 x 1010. Coconut water medium from Purworejo district may potencial to growth B. thuringiensis H.14. number sels and spores from Purworejo district medium were 2.3 x 1010 and 2.5 x 1010. Coconut water medium from Semarang district could resulting number of sels and spores were 24.9 x 1010 and 23.9 x 1010, and the medium from Salatiga municypality were 62.7 x 1010 and 1.1 x 1010. The efficacy from B.thuringiensis to the An.aconitus larvae shows that lethal concentration from Semarang district were Lc50 0.003% dan Lc95 0.021%, which is the lowest concentration than B.thuringiensis that was growth on the medium from other places. Keywords : B.thuringiensis H-14, coconut water, An.aconitu

    Pengaruh Ph Air Kelapa Terhadap Patogenisitas Larvasida Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 Galur Lokal Pada Larva Aedes Aegypti Dan Aopheles Aconitus

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    A study was conducted to determine 1). The optimum of pH coconut water for proliferation cell and spore B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain 2). The LC50 (Lethal Concentration 50 %) and LC95 Ae. aegypti dan An. aconitus mosquito larvae from various kinds of coconut water for 24 hours testing. 3). The measure contents of the nutrition ( carbohydrate, fat, protein and reduced glucose) coconut water for proliferation B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain.. This study was using 6-8 months age coconuton average weight around 1 kg that contained water approximately 400-500 ml/coconut. Those coconuts were taken from Kunir Rejo village, Butuh regency, Purworejo district. Fifteen out of 20 coconuts were used to culture living cells and spore of B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain on Institute of Vector and reservoir Control Research and Development Salatiga laboratory and the rests of them were used to analyze the contain of coconut water (it was done in the Institute of Health Laboratory Semarang). The results showed pH 7 as the optimum pH for proliferation cells and spore of B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain at coconut water media with LC50 dan LC95 against Ae. aegypti and An. aconitus larvae for 24 hours of exposure were LC50 = 21.77 ppm and LC95 = 64,00 ppm ; LC50 = 0.0004 ppm and LC95 = 0.0010 ppm. respectively. It has 1.92%, carbohydrate, 0.01% fat, 0.06% protein and reduced glucose 1,87 %. Coconut water can be used as an alternative local media to culture B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain

    Pengembangbiakan Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 Galur Lokal Pada Berbagai Macam Ph Media Air Kelapa Dan Toksisitasnya Terhadap Jentik Nyamuk Vektor Aedes Aegypti Dan Anopheles Aconitus

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    The culture of bioinsecticide containing active Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 local strain on various kinds on coconut water pH and its toxicity against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles aconitus were carried out in the laboratory on Institute of Vector and Reservoir Control Research and Development Salatiga. The objectives of this study were : To determine the optimum pH from various kinds of coconut water pH forculturing of B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain. This study was using 20 coconuts with 6-8 months age coconut on average weight around 1 kg that contained water approximately 400-500 ml/coconut were taken from Kunir Rejo village, Butuh regency, Purworejo district. Fifteen out of 20 coconuts were used to culture cells and spores of B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain and 5 coconuts were used to analyze the contain of coconut water in the Institute of Health Laboratory Semarang. The results showed, that B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain can culture at ranges from pH 7 to pH 8.5 with the pH7 as the optimum pH. Total Viable Cell (TVC) and a Total Viable Spore Count (TVSC) were 3,5 x 10 degree 10 cells /ml and 3, 3 x 10 degree 10 spores/ml respectively. The Lethal Concentration (LC50) = 10.56 ppm and LC95 = 22. 13 ppm against Ae. agypti larvae and LC50 = 5 ppm and LC95 = 11 ppm against An.aconitus larvae. The result showed the analyze test contain of coconut water were 1.92 % carbohydrate, 0.01 % fat, 0.06 % protein and reduced glucose 1.87 %. Coconut water can be used asan alternative local media to culture B. thuringiensis H-14 local strain

    Hubungan Karakteristik, Pengetahuan, dan Sikap, dengan Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Penggunaan Anti Nyamuk di Kelurahan Kutowinangun

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    . There are various selections of household insecticides in the community. So far socialization on appropriate method of using household insecticide has never been undertaken. The majority of heterogenous community of Kutowinangun village have the habit of using household insecticide. Based on this condition the problem of the study is how community behaves in relation to the use of household insecticide. The aim of study was to describe community behavior include knowledge, attitude and their practice in the use of household insecticide . The study used descriptive analytical. method to identify community behavior was done by closed questionnaire. Population of the study were community of Kutowinangun village, Salatiga Municipality whereas samples were taken using quota sampling technique. Information on community behavior was obtained quantitatively and qualitatively. Out of 100 respondents, only 72 respondents that use of mosquito repellent. Users of aerosol insecticides were 28%, repellent insecticide 8%, Mosquito coils were 36% and electric mat insecticide were 42%. Knowledge of respondents was 62% is adequate; but only 36% had supportive attitude toward the use of mosquito repellent. Users of household insecticides sometimes read the label of mosquito repellent package (58 %) at the frequency of spray once a day (36.3%). Most of them did not wash their hand after using household insecticide (54%), and they were kept insecticide on the floor (> 40%). Knowledge and attitudes influence peoples behavior with a p value 40%). Pengetahuan dan Sikap berpengaruh terhadap perilaku masyarakat dengan p value < 0.05. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap, Praktik, insektisida rumah tangg

    Gambaran Kemudahan Memperoleh Air dan Sarana Penyimpanan Air terhadap Kasus Dbd di Kota Semarang, Kabupaten Wonosobo dan Kabupaten Jepara

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    ENGLISHHow to get clean water and habits of people to keep the water in the containers before it is used for household purposes is the potential to become a breeding site of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The purpose of this study is to determine the relation of water supply and water storage method with the occurrence of DHF cases. Research was conducted in Semarang city, Jepara and Wonosobo regencies. Results showed that 82.5% of the public in the survey area is easy to obtain water for domestic use year-round. When compared with the number of DHF cases found in that area easy to get more water has more sufferers (83.6% of cases) than in areas difficult to get water during the dry season (16.4%). From the test results with the Chi square statistic (X2) showed no significant correlation between DHF cases with the ease of obtaining water for daily needs throughout the year, with P&gt; 0.05. 60.7% of the public already has a reservoir container closed, 17.5% and amounted to an open reservoir container, 18.4% of all people who have no water (direct from the source). From the statistical test showed that there was significant relationship between DHF cases with ownership of water reservoir with a P &lt;0.05. People who have more water reservoirs affected by the DHF cases compared to people has no water reservoirs for domestic use. Most people have no trouble obtaining water for domestic use year round and most also have a water storage fasilities for household purposes, then the 3M program (drain, cover and bury) must remain fixed emboldened by seeing the potential of local communities for conservationINDONESIACara memperoleh air bersih dan kebiasaan masyarakat dalam menyimpan air pada tempat penampungan air sebelum digunakan untuk keperluan rumah tangga merupakan tempat potensial untuk menjadi tempat berkembangbiaknya nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterkaitan ketersediaan air bersih dan cara penyimpanan air dengan terjadinya kasus DBD. Penelitian akan dilakukan di Kota Semarang, Kabupaten Jepara dan Kabupaten Wonosobo. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa 82.5% masyarakat di wilayah survei mudah dalam memperoleh air untuk keperluan rumah tangga sepanjang tahun. Apabila dibandingkan dengan jumlah kasus DBD yang ditemukan bahwa daerah yang mudah memperoleh air lebih banyak penderitanya (83.6% kasus) daripada daerah yang sulit memperoleh air pada musim kemarau (16.4%). Dari hasil uji statistic dengan Chi square (X2) ternyata tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kasus DBD dengan kemudahan memperoleh air untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari sepanjang tahun, dengan P&gt;0.05. Sebesar 60.7% masyarakat sudah mempunyai wadah tandon tertutup, 17.5% wadah tandon terbuka dan sebesar 18.4% saja masyarakat yang tidak mempunyai penampungan air (langsung dari sumber). Dari hasil uji statistik diketahui bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kasus DBD dengan kepemilikan penampungan air dengan P&lt;0.05. Jadi penduduk yang mempunyai penampungan air lebih banyak terkena kasus DBD disbanding yang tidak mempunyai penampungan air untuk keperluan rumah tangga. Sebagian besar penduduk tidak mengalami kesulitan memperoleh air untuk keperluan rumah tangga sepanjang tahun dan sebagian besar juga mempunyai sarana penampungan air untuk keperluan rumah tangga, maka program 3M (menguras, menutup dan mengubur) harus tetap tetap digalakkan dengan melihat potensi yang dimiliki masyarakat setempat untuk kelestariannya