784 research outputs found
Bibliographische ErschlieĂung der Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung als Instrument universitĂ€rer Forschung : Weimarer Bibliographie im Jenaer Sonderforschungsbereich
Die Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (A.L.Z.) war insbesondere in ihrer Jenaer Periode zwischen 1785 und 1803 (anschlieĂend erschien sie bis 1849 in Halle) das auflagenstĂ€rkste und wohl auch verbreitetste wie einflussreichste Rezensionsorgan im deutschsprachigen Raum. Ihr ambitioniertes Ziel war es, die gesamte aktuelle Literaturproduktion aus allen Wissensgebieten kritisch zu begleiten. Der vorliegende Aufsatz ordnet die ErschlieĂung der A.L.Z in den Kontext der Weimarer bibliographischen Projekte ein und stellt die ErfassungsgrundsĂ€tze sowie Einzelheiten der Recherchemöglichkeiten dar. Das Projekt begann als eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar und des Sonderforschungsbereichs 482 âEreignis Weimar-Jena. Kultur um 1800â
Identity development in adolescents with mental problems
Background: In the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), "Identity" is an essential diagnostic criterion for personality disorders (self-related personality functioning) in the alternative approach to the diagnosis of personality disorders in Section III of DSM-5. Integrating a broad range of established identity concepts, AIDA (Assessment of Identity Development in Adolescence) is a new questionnaire to assess pathology-related identity development in healthy and disturbed adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. Aim of the present study is to investigate differences in identity development between adolescents with different psychiatric diagnoses.
Methods: Participants were 86 adolescent psychiatric in- and outpatients aged 12 to 18 years. The test set includes the questionnaire AIDA and two semi-structured psychiatric interviews (SCID-II, K-DIPS). The patients were assigned to three diagnostic groups (personality disorders, internalizing disorders, externalizing disorders). Differences were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance MANOVA.
Results: In line with our hypotheses, patients with personality disorders showed the highest scores in all AIDA scales with T>70. Patients with externalizing disorders showed scores in an average range compared to population norms, while patients with internalizing disorders lay in between with scores around T=60. The AIDA total score was highly significant between the groups with a remarkable effect size of f= 0.44.
Conclusion: Impairment of identity development differs between adolescent patients with different forms of mental disorders. The AIDA questionnaire is able to discriminate between these groups. This may help to improve assessment and treatment of adolescents with severe psychiatric problems
Regenerative potential of human adipose-derived stromal cells of various origins
AbstractIn regenerative concepts, the potential of adult stem cells holds great promise concerning an individualized therapeutic approach. These cells provide renewable progenitor cells to replace aged tissue, and play a significant role in tissue repair and regeneration.In this investigation, the characteristics of different types of adipose tissue are analysed systematically with special attention to their proliferation and differentiation potential concerning the angiogenic and osteogenic lineage. Tissue samples from subcutaneous, visceral, and omental fat were processed according to standard procedures. The cells were characterized and cultivated under suitable conditions for osteogenic and angiogenic cell culture. The development of the different cell cultures as well as their differentiation were analysed morphologically and immunohistochemically from cell passages P1 to P12. Harvesting and isolation of multipotent cells from all three tissue types could be performed reproducibly. The cultivation of these cells under osteogenic conditions led to a morphological and immunohistochemical differentiation; mineralization could be detected. The most stable results were observed for the cells of subcutaneous origin. An osteogenic differentiation from adipose-derived cells from all analysed fatty tissues can be achieved easily and reproducibly. In therapeutic concepts including angiogenic regeneration, adipose-derived cells from subcutaneous tissue provide the optimal cellular base
A multi-stable switchable metamaterial
The field of metamaterial research revolves around the idea of creating
artificial media that interact with light in a way unknown from naturally
occurring materials. This is commonly achieved by creating sub-wavelength
lattices of electronic or plasmonic structures, so-called meta-atoms, that
determine the interaction between light and metamaterial. One of the ultimate
goals for these tailored media is the ability to control their properties
in-situ which has led to a whole new branch of tunable and switchable
metamaterials. Many of the present realizations rely on introducing
microelectromechanical actuators or semiconductor elements into their meta-atom
structures. Here we show that superconducting quantum interference devices
(SQUIDs) can be used as fast, intrinsically switchable meta-atoms. We found
that their intrinsic nonlinearity leads to simultaneously stable dynamic
states, each of which is associated with a different value and sign of the
magnetic susceptibility in the microwave domain. Moreover, we demonstrate that
it is possible to switch between these states by applying a nanosecond long
pulse in addition to the microwave probe signal. Apart from potential
applications such as, for example, an all-optical metamaterial switch, these
results suggest that multi-stability, which is a common feature in many
nonlinear systems, can be utilized to create new types of meta-atoms
Processes of identity formation between nationalism and ethnicity : the case of Mestizos and Morenos in Ecuador
Jung S. IdentitĂ€tsfindung im Spannungsfeld von NationalbewuĂtsein und EthnizitĂ€t : am Beispiel von Mestizos und Morenos in Ecuador. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2002.Das ecuadorianische Gesellschaftsbild ist nicht nur infolge der spanischen Kolonialisierung ethnisch vielfĂ€ltig und muss daher als heterogen bezeichnet werden. Obwohl die Menschen einer nationalstaatlich verfassten Gesellschaft angehören, leben sie in sehr verschiedenen geographischen und sozialen Lebensbereichen und schreiben sich gegenseitig auch grundsĂ€tzliche Unterschiede zu. Diese Differenzierungen beziehen sich einerseits auf das Ă€uĂere Erscheinungsbild, also den PhĂ€notyp, andererseits aber auch auf soziale und kulturelle Merkmale, die sich in unterschiedlichen Lebensstilen manifestieren. Solche ethnischen Merkmale bilden die Grundlage fĂŒr die Konstruktion unterschiedlicher kollektiver IdentitĂ€tsmuster, welche die Angehörigen der ecuadorianischen Gesellschaft anwenden, um sich zu assoziieren und voneinander abzugrenzen.
Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Beziehung zwischen Mitgliedern der sog. Nationalkultur mit europĂ€isch-indigener Abstammung, die die Mehrheit im Land bilden, und Angehörigen der afro-ecuadorianischen MinoritĂ€t. DiesbezĂŒglich wird herausgearbeitet, wer Mestizos und Morenos im allgemeinen Gesellschaftsbild von Ecuador sind, wer oder was sie sein wollen und wie sie von anderen gesehen werden. Die herausgebildeten IdentitĂ€tsmuster werden aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachtet, um darzustellen, auf welch unterschiedliche Art und Weise IdentitĂ€ten eingesetzt und aufrechterhalten oder fallen gelassen werden können. Durch die subjektivistische Herangehensweise wird das Blickfeld des Betrachters auf die Herkunft, Struktur und NĂŒtzlichkeit der ethnischen Differenzierung gerĂŒckt. Die damit verbundene Kontextualisierung wiederum lĂ€sst die SinnfĂ€lligkeit sozialer IdentitĂ€t ersichtlich werden
Evaluation neurodegenerativer VerÀnderungen der Retina bei Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz mittels optischer KohÀrenztomographie
Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) represents a reliable tool for retinal layer volume and thickness measurement. The aim of this study was to evaluate retinal changes indicating neurodegenerative processes in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) compared to healthy controls.
This was a cross-sectional, single-center study comprising 32 ESRD patients and 38 controls. Sectoral retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and retinal layer volumes were obtained by SD-OCT.
Age- and gender-adjusted retinal layer volumes such as total retinal volume (p=0.037), ganglion cell layer volume (GCL, p=0.003), ganglion cell layer â inner plexiform layer volume (GCL-IPL, p=0.005) and inner retinal layer volume (IRL, p=0.042) of the right eye were lower in ESRD patients. Inner plexiform layer volume of both eyes (IPL, right eye: p=0.017; left eye: 0.044) was reduced, as was RNFL thickness in the temporal superior sector (right eye: p=0.016). A subgroup analysis excluding patients with diabetes revealed that GCL (p=0.014) and GCL-IPL volume of the right eye (p=0.024) and temporal superior sector of the RNFL scan (p=0.021) in ESRD patients were still significantly thinner.
We observed a decrease in several retinal layer volumes and temporal RNFL thickness indicative of retinal neurodegenerative processes in patients with ESRD.Die optische KohĂ€renztomographie (OCT) stellt eine verlĂ€ssliche diagnostische Methode zur Messung der Schichtdicke und des âvolumens der Retina dar. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Evaluation neurodegenerativer VerĂ€nderungen der Retina bei Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz im Vergleich zu einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe.
32 Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz und 38 gesunden Kontrollpatienten wurde in die Studie eingeschlossen. Die Dicke der retinalen Nervenfaserschicht (RNFL) und die Schichtvolumina der Retina wurden mittels OCT ermittelt.
Das Gesamtvolumen der Retina (p=0.037), das Volumen der Ganglionzellschicht (GCL, p=0.003), der Ganglionzell â inneren plexiformen Schicht (GCL-IPL, p=0.005) und der inneren retinalen Schicht (IRL, p=0.042) des rechten Auges waren in der Gruppe der Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz niedriger als in der Kontrollgruppe. Ebenso waren das Volumen der inneren plexiformen Schicht (IPL rechts: p=0.017; links: 0.044) als auch die Dicke der RNFL im temporal superioren Sektor (rechts p=0.016) reduziert. Auch nach Ausschluss der Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus persistierte ein GroĂteil der genannten VerĂ€nderungen.
Zusammenfassend zeigten sich in dieser Arbeit eine Minderung der Volumina mehrerer Schichten der Retina sowie eine Minderung der Schichtdicke der RNFL, die auf neurodegenerative Prozesse der Retina bei Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz hindeuten
Nasopharyngeal Development in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Retrospective Case-Control Study
Introduction. The aim of this paper was to evaluate cephalometrically the nasopharyngeal development of patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. Influencing factors were evaluated and cleft to noncleft subjects were compared to each other. Material and Methods. The lateral cephalograms of 66 patients with complete cleft lip and palate were measured and compared retrospectively to the cephalograms of 123 healthy probands. Measurements were derived from a standardized analysis of 56 landmarks. Results. We observed significant differences between cleft and control group: the cleft patients showed amaxillary retroposition and a reduced maxillary length; the inclination of the maxilla was significantly more posterior and cranial; the anterior nasopharyngeal height was reduced; the nasopharyngeal growth followed a vertical tendency with reduced sagittal dimensions concerning hard and soft tissue. The velum length was reduced. In the cleft group, an accumulation of mandibular retrognathia and an anterior position of the hyoid were observed. Skeletal configuration and type of growth were predominantly vertical. Conclusions. Our data provides a fundamental radiological analysis of the nasopharyngeal development in cleft patients. It confirms the lateral cephalogram as a basic diagnostic device in the analysis of nasopharyngeal and skeletal growth in cleft patients
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