20 research outputs found

    Schulkulturen im Kontext migrationsbezogener Differenz und Ungleichheit. Theoretische und empirische Perspektivierungen unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung des schulischen Umgangs mit Mehrsprachigkeit

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    Die Autorinnen stellen ein Mixed-Methods-Forschungsprojekt zu Schulkulturen im Kontext migrationsbezogener Differenz und Ungleichheit vor. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein work-in-progress, fĂŒr das im quantitativen Teil am Beispiel von Mehrsprachigkeit bereits differenzierte Aussagen zum Zusammenhang schulischer Ordnung und ethnischer Differenzierung gemacht werden. Insgesamt ist damit ein Feld institutioneller Diskriminierung beschrieben, das in einer qualitativen Teilstudie vertiefend und am Beispiel von Mehrsprachigkeit ausdifferenziert werden soll. (DIPF/Orig.)The present contribution takes up the theme of optimizing the \u27other\u27 by examining ways migrationrelated heterogeneity and difference, and in particular multilingualism, are pedagogically addressed in schools. It is based on a research project that uses a mixed-methods design to analyze schoolcultural differences in approaches to addressing migration-related heterogeneity and difference in the context of students who immigrated after the age of six into the German school system. Against this background, the contribution focuses, on the one hand, on connections between the Hallesche school-culture theory and a school-related educational migration research. On the other hand, it presents exemplary results from the quantitative sub-study concerning the ways different schools address multilingualism of their students. The results show - across schools - a strong monolingual orientation of schools. Yet, also differences between schools become apparent. (DIPF/Orig.

    Needs-oriented resource allocation as an opportunity to face educational disparities? The Berlin bonus program

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    Mit dem im Februar 2014 gestarteten Berliner Bonus-Programm sollen Schulen an sozialrĂ€umlich benachteiligten Standorten unterstĂŒtzt werden. Verbunden mit dem Ziel, Bildungsbenachteiligungen im Schulsystem entgegenzuwirken, werden den Schulen zusĂ€tzliche finanzielle Mittel bereitgestellt, um eigenverantwortlich Schulentwicklungsmaßnahmen durchzufĂŒhren. Im Sinne einer bedarfsorientierten Ressourcenallokation sollen somit die Bildungschancen sozial benachteiligter SchĂŒler*innen verbessert werden. Weiterhin soll das Programm einen Beitrag zur Entkopplung von sozialer Herkunft und Bildungserfolg leisten. Im Zeitraum von 2014 bis 2018 erfolgte mit der BONUS-Studie die wissenschaftliche Begleitung und Evaluation des Bonus-Programms. Diese nahm die Bewertung, die Umsetzung sowie die Auswirkungen des Programms in den Blick. Das Programm stĂ¶ĂŸt bei den Schulen auf breite Akzeptanz und konnte in vielen Schulen Entwicklungsprozesse anregen. Auswirkungen im Hinblick auf die Zielsetzungen des Programms zeigten sich jedoch im Evaluationszeitraum nur vereinzelt. (DIPF/Orig.)The Berlin Bonus Program, launched in February 2014, is designed to support schools serving disadvantaged communities. In order to counteract educational disadvantages, schools are provided with additional financial resources to implement school improvement measures in their own responsibility. In terms of a needs-oriented resource alloca tion, the educational opportunities for students at schools serving disadvantaged communities are thus to be improved. Furthermore, the Bonus Program is intended to contribute to the decoupling of educational achievement from socio-economic background. From 2014 to 2018, the scientific monitoring and evaluation of the Bonus Program took place within the framework of the BONUS study. The study focused on the assessment, implementation, and effects of the program. The Bonus Program has been widely accepted by the schools and has stimulated improvement processes in many of them. However, effects with regard to the program’s objectives were only apparent in a few cases during the evaluation. (DIPF/Orig.

    Prevalences of cardiometabolic risk and lifestyle factors in young parents: evidence from a German birth cohort study

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    Background Studies show that parents significantly impact their children’s health through their cardiometabolic risk profile and health behavior. There is only little information about the prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors and lifestyle factors among new parents yet. The aims of this study are therefore to evaluate the prevalences of cardiometabolic risk factors in parents of infants in Germany and to examine their lifestyle and health behavior. Methods In the KUNO-Kids health study, an ongoing birth cohort, parents (n = 930 mothers and 769 fathers) were asked about cardiometabolic risk factors (obesity/hypertension/type 2 diabetes mellitus) and lifestyle factors (dietary/sports/smoking habits/alcohol consumption) during the first year after the birth of their children via questionnaires. Chi-square as well as fisher exact tests were conducted to analyse associations between lifestyle factors and cardiometabolic risk factors. Results 34.2% of mothers and 58.5% of fathers were overweight or obese. In 11.8% of the families, at least one parent suffered from hypertension, in 2.4% from type 2 diabetes mellitus. One year after delivery, 8.5% of mothers were smoking, 6.9% showed a risky alcohol consumption (> 10 g/d). 16.0% of fathers were smoking 4 weeks after childbirth, 10.7% showed risky alcohol consumption (> 20 g/d). 21.6% of mothers carried out sports activity for more than 2 h a week then. Parental hypertension was linked to a higher prevalence of risky alcohol consumption, obesity to a lower prevalence of daily fruits consumption. Conclusions Cardiometabolic risk factors were widespread among new parents with obesity and overweight having the highest prevalences. A considerable number of parents also practiced an unhealthy lifestyle showing that there is potential for improvement to promote the healthy development of their children

    Implementation of safe infant sleep recommendations during night-time sleep in the first year of life in a German birth cohort

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    The aim of our study was to assess the extent to which families followed recommendations, issued by the German society for sleep medicine, for the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) during night-time sleep. Analyzing longitudinal data from a birth cohort located at the University Children’s Hospital Regensburg in Bavaria (Germany), we determined data regarding the infant's sleep location, sleep settings and body position, and exposure to environmental factors. Data were collected in a structured interview after birth and by standardized questionnaires at 4 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year of life, respectively. The majority of 1,400 surveyed infants (94% at 4 weeks) were reported to sleep in the parents’ sleeping room during the first months of life. While the most common furniture was a bedside sleeper (used by 48%), we also observed a considerable proportion of families who regularly practiced bed-sharing and, for 16% of infants, the parents’ bed was the default sleeping place. 12% of infants were still put regularly in the prone position. The vast majority (87%) of the infants were breastfed at some timepoint and 17% lived in a household with one or more smokers. Although most parents implemented many SIDS recommendations, our analysis illustrates a considerable gap between recommendations and intentions after birth on the one hand and actual implementation in real life on the other. The number-one deviation from the current SIDS guidelines during night-time sleep was bed-sharing with an adult

    Electron Rich Triarylphosphines as Nucleophilic Catalysts for Oxa-Michael Reactions

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    Herein, we study the activity of methoxysubstituted arylphosphines (4-methoxy-phenyl)diphenylphosphine (MMTPP) and tris(4-trimethoxyphenyl)phosphine (TMTPP) in catalyzing oxa-Michael additions in comparison to commonly used triphenylphosphine (TPP). Acrylonitrile, acryl amide and divinyl sulfone are used as Michael acceptors and propargyl alcohol, allyl alcohol, n-propanol and i-propanol are assessed as Michael donors. In many cases, catalyst loadings of only 1 mol% in respect to the Michael acceptor are sufficient to provide full conversion towards the Michael adduct in 24 h at room temperature. Generally, TMTPP is the most active catalyst in all cases. The experimental activity trend was rationalized by calculating the Michael acceptor affinities of all phosphine – Michael acceptor combinations. Besides this parameter, the acidity of the alcohol has a strong impact on the reaction speed. The oxidation stability of the phosphines was evaluated and electron richest TMTPP was found to be only slightly more sensitive to oxidation than TPP. Finally, the catalysts were employed in the oxa-Michael polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate. With TMTPP polymers characterized by number average molar masses of about 1200 g/mol at room temperature are accessible. Polymerizations carried out at 80 °C resulted in macromolecules containing a considerable share of Rauhut-Currier type repeat units and consequently lower molar masses were obtained

    Kooperationsbereit oder Innovationsgegner? Schulleiterprofile im Kontext der Implementation von Schulreformen

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    Die Frage nach der Implementation von large-scale-Reformen spielte bzw. spielt sowohl in der Vergangenheit als auch in den aktuellen Debatten um StrukturverĂ€nderungen und QualitĂ€tsoffensiven im Bildungssystem eine entscheidende Rolle. Bei der Umsetzung dieser Reformen richtet sich der Blick in besonderem Maße auf die einzelne Schule und damit vor allem auf die Schulleitung, die gerade in Reformprozessen eine SchlĂŒsselrolle einnimmt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wurde der Stages of Concern-Fragebogen (SoCQ, vgl. Hall und Hord 2011), der den Grad der Auseinandersetzung beteiligter Akteure mit einer Innovation phasen- bzw. stufenweise erfassen soll, jedoch in jĂŒngerer Zeit zunehmend auch zur Bildung von unterschiedlichen Profilen bzw. Typen der Auseinandersetzung mit Reformen verwendet wird, im Rahmen einer umfassenden Schulstrukturreform in Berlin eingesetzt. Auf Basis der Angaben von N=196 Schulleiterinnen und Schulleitern konnten mithilfe latenter Profilanalysen fĂŒnf Profile der Auseinandersetzung identifiziert werden, die insgesamt darauf hindeuten, dass der Großteil der Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter bereit ist, die Reform umzusetzen und zu ihrer weiteren Optimierung beizutragen. Nur eine kleine Gruppe zeigte sich skeptisch gegenĂŒber der Schulreform. Die Zusammensetzung der Profile variierte in AbhĂ€ngigkeit der weiterfĂŒhrenden Schulform. Auch bezogen auf das Geschlecht und die Berufserfahrung der Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter deuteten sich Unterschiede in der Profilzusammensetzung an. (DIPF/Orig.)The issue of implementing large-scale reforms has played an important role both in the past as well as in current debates on structural changes and quality measures in education. When putting reforms into practice, individual schools and their leaders, who take a key role in reform processes, are focused. In the context of a comprehensive school reform in Berlin, this contribution presents an implementation of the Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ, Hall and Hord 2011), which intends to assess the degree of participants\u27 engagement with innovations in a phased respectively stepwise approach. Recently, the SoCQ questionnaire has been used to build different profiles or types of engagement in reform. Based on N=196 school leaders, latent profile analyses thus served to identify five types of profiles. Altogether, they indicate that the majority of school leaders are ready to implement the reform and contribute to its optimization. A rather small group remained skeptical with regard to the school reform. With respect to individual leadership characteristics, differences in profile composition could be found for gender, school type, and professional experience. (DIPF/Orig.