1,341 research outputs found

    Evolution: rationalism versus creationism

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    The actual neo-Darwinian concepts of human evolution conceive this evolution as a bush, unpredictable and at random. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the biologists conceived evolution as a linear process oriented to progress, even if Darwin already presented evolution as a bush. It is this point of view, of a process in one dimension, that some Catholics, for instance, still see human evolution. One accepts with more difficulty that human evolution constitutes, as for all animal species, a bush where numerous abortive branches are present. The evolution does not correspond to any creator myths of the different religions: these myths are parts of the memes, from which the "reproductive success" is regularly decreasing, they keep only some allegoric value

    L'enseignement de l’évolution (humaine) dérange au moins les fondamentalistes?

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    L'Influence de la nutrition sur les populations actuelles, en particulier dans le cas de l'evolution sèculaire

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    La antropología acostumbra a utilizar métodos epidemiológicos y estadísticos, a relacionar sus observaciones con las condiciones mesológicas, permite abordar problemas tan diversos como elde la obesidad, carencias nutricionales, enfermedades o síndromes genéticos, diferencias socioeconómicas.Los cambios seculares en Europa, que corresponden a un aumento medio de estatura y de peso y a una disminución de la edad donde llega la maduración sexual, van junto con cambios de nutrición y de costumbres alimenticias.Antropologiak metodo epidemiologiko eta estatistikoak erabili ohi ditu, behaketak, baldintza mesologikoekin erlazionatu ohi ditu eta obesitatea, nutrizio eskasiak, gaixotasun edo sindrome genetikoak, diferentzia sozioekonomikoak bezalako hainbat gairi ekitea ahalbidetzen du. Europan gertatu diren mendeko aldaketak -batez besteko altura eta pisua igotzea eta heltze sexuala iristen deneko adina jaistea-, nutrizio eta elikadura ohituren aldaketarekin batera gertatzen dira.L'anthropologie est habituée à utiliser des méthodes épidémiologiques et statistiques, à relier ses observations aux conditions mésologiques, elle permet d.aborder des problèmes aussi diversque celui de l.obésité, des carences nutritionnelles, des maladies ou des syndromes génétiques, desdifférences socio-économiques. Les changements séculaires en Europe, qui correspondent à uneaugmentation moyenne de taille et de poids et à une diminution de l.âge où la maturation sexuelleest atteinte, vont de pair avec des changements de nutrition et d.habitudes alimentaires.Anthropology usually uses epidemiological and statistic methods, usuallyrelates its observations with mesologic observations, allows us to cover such diverse topics as obesity, nutritional shortages, illnesses or genetic syndromes, and socioeconomic differences. Secular changes in Europe, which correspond to an average increase in height and weight and an earlier age in which sexual maturity is reached, go together with nutritional changes and changes in nutritional habits

    Evolution: rationalism versus creationism

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    The actual neo-Darwinian concepts of human evolution conceive this evolution as a bush, unpredictable and at random. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the biologists conceived evolution as a linear process oriented to progress, even if Darwin already presented evolution as a bush. It is this point of view, of a process in one dimension, that some Catholics, for instance, still see human evolution. One accepts with more difficulty that human evolution constitutes, as for all animal species, a bush where numerous abortive branches are present. The evolution does not correspond to any creator myths of the different religions: these myths are parts of the memes, from which the "reproductive success" is regularly decreasing, they keep only some allegoric value

    Population genetics: factors of human evolution

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    Wars can strengthen U.S. Presidents' policy gains in Congress, but as casualties rise, they can become a liability

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    Wars divert public attention to foreign affairs. While this provides the president with leverage in his encounters with Congress, public perception of the war can turn the tide against him. Research by Susanne Schorpp and Charles Finocchiaro shows that the president's gains from public attention to foreign affairs are mediated by the human cost of war. As casualties increase, the public's position will shift from support to blame, allowing Members of Congress to oppose ..

    Evolution: rationalism versus creationism

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    The actual neo-Darwinian concepts of human evolution conceive this evolution as a bush, unpredictable and at random. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the biologists conceived evolution as a linear process oriented to progress, even if Darwin already presented evolution as a bush. It is this point of view, of a process in one dimension, that some Catholics, for instance, still see human evolution. One accepts with more difficulty that human evolution constitutes, as for all animal species, a bush where numerous abortive branches are present. The evolution does not correspond to any creator myths of the different religions: these myths are parts of the memes, from which the "reproductive success" is regularly decreasing, they keep only some allegoric value