57 research outputs found

    Caudal vertebra 28.

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    <p><b>A</b>, anterior, <b>B</b>, posterior, <b>C</b>, left lateral, <b>D</b>, right lateral, <b>E</b>, ventral and <b>F</b>, dorsal view. <b>Ns</b>, neural spine. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.</p

    Right ulna.

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    <p><b>A</b>, anterior, <b>B,</b> posterior, <b>C</b>, medial, <b>D</b>, lateral, <b>E</b>, dorsal and <b>F</b>, ventral views. <b>Ap</b>, anterior process; <b>mp</b>, medial process; <b>op</b>, olecranon process; <b>rf</b>, radial facet. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.</p


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    <p><b>A-C</b>, left astragalus; <b>D-F</b>, right astragalus, in <b>A, D</b>, ventral, <b>B, E,</b> anterior and <b>C, F</b>, posterior views. <b>G-L</b>, left calcaneum; <b>M-R</b>, right calcaneum, in <b>G, M</b>, dorsal, <b>H, N</b>, ventral, <b>I, O</b>, medial, <b>J, P</b>, lateral, <b>K, Q</b>, anterior and <b>L, R,</b> posterior views. Scale bars equal to 5 cm.</p

    Tibiae and left fibula.

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    <p><b>A-E</b>, left tibia and fibula and <b>F-J</b>, left tibia in <b>A, F</b>, anterior, <b>B, G</b>, posterior, <b>C, H</b>, medial, <b>D, I</b>, lateral, <b>E, J</b>, dorsal views. Note that the distal end of the tibia and fibula has been rotated and flattened relative to the proximal end, so anterior view of the proximal end is lateral view of the distal end. <b>Ast</b>, astragalus; <b>cc</b>, cnemial crest; <b>lm</b>, lateral malleolus; <b>lp</b>, lateral process; <b>mm</b>, medial malleolus. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.</p

    Dorsal vertebra eight.

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    <p><b>A</b>, anterior, <b>B</b>, posterior, <b>C</b>, left lateral, <b>D</b>, right lateral, <b>E</b>, ventral and <b>F</b>, dorsal view. <b>Acpl</b>, anterior centroparapophyseal lamina; <b>dia</b>, diapophysis; <b>ns</b>, neural spine; <b>pcdl</b>, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; <b>pozyg</b>, postzygapophysis; <b>ppdl</b>, paradiapophyseal lamina; <b>przyg</b>, prezygapophysis; <b>ri</b>, ridge. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.</p


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    <p><b>A-F</b>, chevron 27 and <b>G-L</b>, chevron 29 in <b>A, G,</b> anterior; <b>B, H</b>, posterior; <b>C, I</b>, left lateral; <b>D, J</b>, right lateral; <b>E, K</b>, ventral and <b>F, L</b>, dorsal views. <b>Hc</b>, haemal canal; <b>ri</b>, ridge. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.</p

    Right pes.

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    <p><b>A-F</b>, Metatarsal 2; <b>G-L</b>, metatarsal 3; <b>M-R</b>, metatarsal 4 in <b>A, G, M</b>, anterior, <b>B, H, N</b>, posterior, <b>C, I, O,</b> medial, <b>D, J, P</b>, lateral, <b>E, K, Q</b>, dorsal and <b>F, L, R</b>, ventral views. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.</p
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