5 research outputs found

    Copernicus Ocean State Report, issue 6

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    The 6th issue of the Copernicus OSR incorporates a large range of topics for the blue, white and green ocean for all European regional seas, and the global ocean over 1993–2020 with a special focus on 2020

    The Arctic freshwater budget

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    In dieser Arbeit wird der SĂŒĂŸwasserhaushalt der Arktis mit all seinen Komponenten diskutiert. Dazu wird die Arktis in die Zweige AtmosphĂ€re, Land und Ozean aufgeteilt und Haushaltsgleichungen fĂŒr die drei Subsysteme aufgestellt. Die einzelnen SĂŒĂŸwasserkomponenten werden anschließend untersucht, wobei hauptsĂ€chlich das neuste ECMWF Reanalyseprodukt ERA5 verwendet wird. Die Parameter werden untersucht auf SaisonalitĂ€t, zwischenjĂ€hrliche VariabilitĂ€t und Trends. So zeigt beispielsweise die mittlere Arktis einen leichten Zuwachs an SĂŒĂŸwasserzufuhr von der AtmosphĂ€re zur OberflĂ€che, wĂ€hrend Regionen wie die Karasee, Barentssee und Beaufortsee relativ betrĂ€chtliche Abnahmen verzeichnen. Die GrĂ¶ĂŸten Unstimmigkeiten zeigt der SĂŒĂŸwasser-Abfluss von den LandflĂ€chen in den Ozean. WĂ€hrend Daten von ERA5 starke Abfluss Abnahmen ĂŒber die letzten Jahrzehnte zeigen, deuten Beobachtungen auf leichte Zunahmen hin. Da der Abfluss in ERA5-Land, der offline Simulation von ERA5, deutlich höhere Werte zeigt, liegt das Problem wohl am Datenassimilationssytsem und insbesondere an der EinfĂŒhrung eines neuen IMS Schneeprodukts in 2004.In this thesis the freshwater budget of the Arctic and all it's relevant components is discussed. Therefore the Arctic system is divided into it's three branches, the atmosphere, the land and the ocean, and budget equations for the subsystems are constructed. The individual hydrological components are then examined, using essentially the newest ECMWF reanalysis ERA5, and, if available, compared to other datasets and previous studies. The parameters are analysed on their spatial distribution, seasonalities, interannual variabilities and possible trends. Several hydrological variables exhibit significant changes over the past decades, e.g. the central Arctic indicates a slight increase of freshwater delivery from the atmosphere to the surface, while peripheral oceanic regions like Kara, Barents and Beaufort Sea show relatively strong decreases. The biggest inconsistencies were found concerning the hydrological land variable runoff, with values from ERA5 showing strong negative trends over the past decades and hence differing greatly from observed runoff values, that feature rather positive trends. As runoff from ERA5-Land, the offline simulation of ERA5, showed considerably higher values, the problem was attributed mainly to the data assimilation system and the introduction of a new IMS (Interactive Multi-sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System) snow cover product in 2004

    Dichloromethane utilized by an anaerobic mixed culture: acetogenesis and methanogenesis

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    Dichloromethane (8.9 mg/l) was eliminated from industrially polluted, anaerobic groundwater in a fixed-bed reactor (43 m3) which was packed with activated charcoal and operated continuously for over three years. The elimination of dichloromethane over this period was some ten-fold in excess of the sorptive capacity of the charcoal, and the elimination (3.7 mg/h·[kg of charcoal]: residence time, 49 h) was tentatively attributed to dehalogenative microorganisms immobilized on the charcoal. Anaerobic enrichment cultures, with dichloromethane as the sole added source of carbon and energy, were inoculated with material from the reactor. Reproducibly complete substrate disappearance in subcultures was observed when traces of groundwater (1%) or yeast extract (0.01%) were supplied. Fed-batch experiments under an atmosphere of CO2 plus N2 led to the conversion in 11 days of 11 mM dichloromethane to 3 mM acetate and 2 mM methane, with a growth yield of 0.4 g of protein/mol of dichloromethane; insignificant amounts