49 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Sensor Detecting Free Sulfhydryl Groups: Evaluation of Milk Heat Treatment

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    We describe a new and rapid method for the evaluation of reactive sulfhydryl groups in whey proteins obtained after precipitation of casein by acetic acid at pH 4.6. The procedure is based on the use of a wire tungsten electrode operating at -0.2 V versus saturated calomel electrode in flow injection analysis. The method was applied to raw milks and to commercial pasteurized and UHT milks. Results showed that the tungsten electrode constituted a robust amperometric sensor that could be used to differentiate milks that underwent different heat treatments. The decrease of thiol content in the whey proteins from samples was in agreement with the whey protein content found by HPLC. The procedure is suitable for on-line quality control of heat-treated milks

    emerging health issues of cyanobacterial blooms

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    This paper describes emerging issue related to cyanobacterial dynamics and toxicity and human health risks. Data show an increasing cyanobacteria expansion and dominance in many environments. However there are still few information on the toxic species fitness, or on the effects of specific drivers on toxin production. Open research fields are related to new exposure scenario (cyanotoxins in water used for haemodialysis and in food supplements); to new patterns of co-exposure between cyanotoxins and algal toxins and/or anthropogenic chemicals; to dynamics affecting toxicity and production of different cyanotoxin variants under environmental stress; to the accumulation of cyanotoxins in the food web. In addition, many data gaps exist in the characterization of the toxicological profiles, especially about long term effects

    Sensori amperometrici per il controllo analitico degli alimenti

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    Dottorato di ricerca in biotecnologia degli alimenti. 12. ciclo. Docente guida e coordinatore S. ManninoConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Development of a Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin-Based Liquid Formulation for the Oral Administration of Propranolol in Pediatric Therapy

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    Propranolol (PPN) is widely used in children to treat various cardiovascular diseases. The availability of a suitable PPN solution should avoid recourse to extemporaneous preparations of unknown/limited stability, as commonly made in hospital pharmacies. However, the development of pediatric PPN solutions is hindered by their instability to light and stability at pH ≈ 3, bitter taste, and the need to improve palatability and avoid co-solvents, flavoring agents, or preservatives that are potentially toxic. In this study, cyclodextrin (CD) complexation has been exploited to develop a safe, stable, and palatable oral pediatric solution of PPN. An initial screening among various CDs allowed us to select HPβCD for its good complexing ability and no toxicity. Drug-HPβCD physical mixtures or co-ground systems (1:1 or 1:2 mol:mol) were used to prepare 0.2% w/v drug solutions. Photo stability studies evidenced the protective effect of HPβCD, revealing a reduction of up to 75% in the drug degradation rate after 1 h of exposure to UV radiation. Storage stability studies showed unchanged physical–chemical properties and almost constant drug concentration after 6 months and under accelerated conditions (40 °C), despite the less aggressive pH (≈5.5) of the solution. The electronic tongue test proved that the HPβCD taste-masking properties improved the formulation palatability, with a 30% reduction in drug bitterness

    E-nose, e-tongue and e-eye for edible olive oil characterization and shelf life assessment: A powerful data fusion approach

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the applicability of e-senses (electronic nose, electronic tongue and electronic eye) for the characterization of edible olive oils (extra virgin, olive and pomace) and for the assessment of extra virgin olive oil and olive oil quality decay during storage at different temperatures. In order to obtain a complete description of oil samples, physico-chemical analyses on quality and nutritional parameters were also performed. Data were processed by PCA and a targeted data processing flow-sheet has been applied to physico-chemical and e-senses dataset starting from data pre-processing introducing an innovative normalization method, called t0 centering. On e-senses data a powerful mid-level data fusion approach has been employed to extract relevant information from different analytical sources combining their individual contributions. On physico-chemical data, an alternative approach for grouping extra virgin olive oil and olive oil samples on the basis of their freshness was applied and two classes were identified: fresh and oxidized. A k-NN classification rule was developed to test the performance of e-senses to classify samples in the two classes of freshness and the average value of correctly classified samples was 94%. Results demonstrated that the combined application of e-senses and the innovative data processing strategy allows to characterize edible olive oils of different categories on the basis of their sensorial properties and also to follow the evolution during storage of extra-virgin olive oil and olive oil sensorial properties thus assessing the quality decay of oils

    Setting-up of a simplified handheld optical device for decay detection in fresh-cut Valerianella locusta L

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    The aim of this work was to study the feasibility of a simplified handheld and low-cost optical device. This study was focused on identifying the most significant vis/NIR wavelengths able to discriminate freshness levels during shelf-life of fresh-cut Valerianella locusta L. The shelf-life of Valerianella leaves was monitored using a portable commercial vis/NIR spectrophotometer and by traditional analyses (pH, moisture and total phenols content). The Valerianella samples were stored at three temperature: 4 C, 10 C, and 20 C. Through PLS-RCA technique, standardized regression coefficients of PLS models were used to select the relevant variables, representing the most useful information of full spectral region. The four selected wavelengths were 520 nm, 680 nm, 710 nm and 720 nm. Multiple linear regression was applied in order to verify the effectiveness of selected wavelengths. Results demonstrate the feasibility of a simplified device for quickly monitoring the shelf-life of fresh-cut Valerianella leaves. \uc2\ua9 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Influence of Two Innovative Packaging Materials on Quality Parameters and Aromatic Fingerprint of Extra-Virgin Olive Oils

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    The performance of two innovative packaging materials was investigated on two Sardinian extra-virgin olive oils (Nera di Gonnos and Bosana). In particular, a transparent plastic film loaded with a UV-blocker (packaging B) and a metallized material (packaging C) were compared each other and to brown-amber glass (packaging A). During accelerated shelf-life tests at 40 and 60 °C, the evolution of quality parameters (i.e., acidity, peroxide value, K270, and phenolic content) was monitored, together with the aromatic fingerprint evaluated by electronic nose. Packaging B resulted in the best-performing material in protecting oil from oxidation, due to its lower oxygen transmission rate (0.1 ¹ 0.02 cm3/m2 24 h) compared to packaging C (0.23 ¹ 0.04 cm3/m2 24 h). At the end of storage, phenolic reduction was on average 25% for packaging B and 58% for packaging C, and the aromatic fingerprint was better preserved in packaging B. In addition, other factors such as the sanitary status of the olives at harvesting and the storage temperature were demonstrated to have a significant role in the shelf life of packaged extra-virgin olive oil

    Characterization and differentiation of Italian Parma, San Daniele and Toscano dry-cured hams: A multi-disciplinary approach

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    This study aimed at characterizing the sensory quality of Italian PDO dry-cured Parma, San Daniele and Toscano hams, applying a multi-disciplinary approach. Ham sensory profile as well as physico-chemical, aromatic, morphological and textural characteristics was investigated. There was a great difference between Toscano ham and Parma and San Daniele hams, which were more similar even though differentiated. Toscano ham showed higher scores for pork-meat odor, saltiness, dryness, fibrousness and hardness; accordingly, this ham was described by a high NaCl content and by high values of instrumental hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness. Parma ham was characterized by a cured flavor, whereas San Daniele ham showed a wider fatty area and higher pH values. Parma and San Daniele hamswere also described by higher values of sweetness, RGB color values andwater activity. Sensory characteristics evaluated by trained assessorswere correlated to instrumental measures, indicating that instrumental devices can be effectively applied for dry-cured ham characterization