4 research outputs found

    Jornal de Pediatria The preceptor in pediatric residency programs: main attributes

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    Abstract Objective: to analyze the profile of preceptors and the attributes they consider important for the exercise of that activity in two pediatric residency programs in Rio de Janeiro. Methods: a questionnaire answered by the preceptors of two pediatric residency programs in Rio de Janeiro (one of them a university hospital) was used to collect information on gender, age, time since graduation, time working as preceptors, academic degrees, specific training in teaching, and on the attributes (up to five) that they believed a good preceptor should have. Results: of the 90 participants, 70% were women; 74% were between 30 and 49 years of age; 87% had graduated between 10 and 29 years earlier. Half reported that they did not have any specific training in teaching. The other half had attended courses on medical pedagogy and special didactics as part of their graduate studies. The most frequently cited attributes were: mentorship, focus on ethics and humanism, command of the field, ability to continue learning, and didactic skills. Conclusion: the preceptors interviewed underscored the challenges of preceptorship, an activity based on the practice of medicine and guided by professional responsibility, human relationships, organizational skills, assessment skills, and command of the field, in addition to ethical and humanistic principles and ability to continue learning. They felt, however, the need for further didactic training

    A estratégia saúde da família: motivação, preparo e trabalho segundo médicos que atuam em três distritos do município de Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil The family health program: motivation, training and work according to physicians acting at three districts of the city of Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Analisou-se como o médico do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) de Duque de Caxias percebe sua atuação. Foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 15 médicos que trabalham no primeiro, terceiro e quarto distritos, sendo o primeiro urbano e os demais rurais. Aplicou-se aos dados a análise de conteúdo, na modalidade temática. Os núcleos de sentidos referiram-se à motivação e ao preparo para ingressar na equipe, e a oportunidade que o PSF oferece para estabelecer vínculos com o paciente, reforçando o acolhimento, a escuta e a responsabilidade. Estabeleceram-se: a) a maioria se ressente da opinião que os colegas fazem dela; b) a preparação ofertada é eminentemente teórica; c) vínculo, escuta e responsabilidade são avanços conquistados na realização profissional, e d) as bases da racionalidade médica formatam a organização das práticas, traduzindo uma concepção de saúde que se define pela ausência das doenças. Consubstancia-se uma lacuna entre a realidade e a proposta do governo de fazer do PSF uma via de reorganização da atenção básica.<br>The study analyzed how physicians working in Programa Saúde da Família (PSF - Family Health Program) perceive their professional practice in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen physicians working in the first, third and fourth districts. The first district is urban and the others, rural. Data was analyzed by content analysis, and the nuclear senses found were associated with motivation and training to carry out the job, and the opportunity the Program offers to establish close personal bonds between physicians and patients, reinforcing the capacity to listen and accountability. The results showed that: a) the great majority resent what their colleagues think about them; b) the offered training is essentially theoretical; c) bonding, capacity to listen and accountability are advances and professional achievements; d) the modern occidental medical rationality is the base of the practice, health being the absence of disease. It can be said that there is a gap between reality and the government's intention of making PSF become a path to reorient the Brazilian health system

    Mulher, Medicina e tecnologia nos discursos de residentes em Obstetrícia/Ginecologia Women, Medicine, and technology in the discourse of medical residents in Obstetrics/Gynecology

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    Este estudo objetivou explicitar os significados culturais sobre a mulher e seu processo de adoecimento que estão presentes nos discursos médicos de residentes em Obstetrícia/Ginecologia do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas: observação participante e construção de fontes orais. Tendo como referência o modelo indiciário, o procedimento técnico-metodológico utilizado incluiu uma codificação analítica qualitativa das entrevistas e posterior análise semiótica. Os resultados apontam para: (a) a percepção da mulher como essencialmente mãe, cujo processo de adoecimento é focado prioritariamente em sua função reprodutiva; (b) o crescente aumento do uso de tecnologia, sobretudo nos exames por imagem, provocando um distanciamento do eixo semiológico da Medicina; e (c) a medicalização, inserida no contexto biotecnológico, como envolvendo práticas materiais-semióticas.<br>This study focused on revealing the cultural meanings assigned to womanhood and the health-disease process in women according to the discourse of medical residents in Obstetrics/Gynecology at the Fernandes Figueira Institute, a public reference hospital specializing in maternal-child care in Rio de Janeiro. The research had two components: participatory observation in Ob-Gyn meetings and recording of oral sources. The sign-based method was used to analyze the data. The methodology included qualitative analytical coding of interviews and subsequent semiotic analysis. According to the results: (a) women are seen essentially as mothers, and their illness focuses primarily on their childbearing function; (b) technological evolution, mainly with the increased use of imaging, has reduced the importance of semiology; and (c) within the biotechnological context medicalization is part of the material and semiotic practices