157 research outputs found

    Inhibition of cellular protein secretion by norwalk virus nonstructural protein p22 requires a mimic of an endoplasmic reticulum export signal.

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    Protein trafficking between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus is central to cellular homeostasis. ER export signals are utilized by a subset of proteins to rapidly exit the ER by direct uptake into COPII vesicles for transport to the Golgi. Norwalk virus nonstructural protein p22 contains a YXΦESDG motif that mimics a di-acidic ER export signal in both sequence and function. However, unlike normal ER export signals, the ER export signal mimic of p22 is necessary for apparent inhibition of normal COPII vesicle trafficking, which leads to Golgi disassembly and antagonism of Golgi-dependent cellular protein secretion. This is the first reported function for p22. Disassembly of the Golgi apparatus was also observed in cells replicating Norwalk virus, which may contribute to pathogenesis by interfering with cellular processes that are dependent on an intact secretory pathway. These results indicate that the ER export signal mimic is critical to the antagonistic function of p22, shown herein to be a novel antagonist of ER/Golgi trafficking. This unique and well-conserved human norovirus motif is therefore an appealing target for antiviral drug development

    Marketing social corporativo en el sector hostelero: una revisión sistemática

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    Objectives: To determine the incidence of different aspects about corporate social marketing in the hostelry sector. Methods: The research was realized with a qualitative methodology of previous research’s systematic review. Results: The hostelry industry’s peculiarities have been extensively investigated on corporate social responsibility terms; but its potential use as a competitive advantage and the possible action typologies structured by many authors in corporate social marketing form are newer and developed in lesser degree. The main results show that activities are focused largely on the business practices’ area socially responsible and on which are linked to environmental aspects, with a broad spectrum of additional activities to realize. Conclusions: Companies in the hostelry industry have the opportunity and the challenge to use their activities of corporate social responsibility as a competitive advantage. For this reason, it will certainly be necessary to deepened through empirical research in the use and the corporate social marketing policies’ results in the hostelry sector in the future.Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de las diferentes vertientes del marketing social corporativo en el sector hostelero. Métodos: Investigación realizada con una metodología cualitativa de revisión sistemática de las investigaciones previas. Resultados: Las peculiaridades del sector hostelero han sido ampliamente investigadas en términos de responsabilidad social empresarial; pero su potencial utilización como ventaja competitiva y las tipologías posibles de actuación estructuradas por varios autores en forma de marketing social corporativo son más recientes y desarrolladas en menor grado. Los principales resultados muestran que las actividades se centran en gran parte en el área de las prácticas empresariales socialmente responsables y en aquellas vinculadas a aspectos medioambientales, con un amplio espectro de actividades adicionales a realizar. Conclusiones: Las empresas del sector hostelero tienen la oportunidad y el desafío de utilizar sus actividades de responsabilidad social empresarial como una ventaja competitiva. Por esta razón, sin duda será necesario profundizar mediante investigaciones empíricas en el uso y los resultados de las políticas de marketing social corporativo en el sector hostelero en el futuro

    Human astrovirus MLB replication in vitro: persistence in extraintestinal cell lines

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    MLB astroviruses were identified 10 years ago in feces from children with gastroenteritis of unknown etiology and have been unexpectedly detected in severe cases of meningitis/encephalitis, febrile illness of unknown etiology, and respiratory syndromes. The aim of this study was to establish a cell culture system supporting MLB astrovirus replication. We used two clinical strains to infect several cell lines, an MLB1 strain from a gastroenteritis case, and an MLB2 strain associated with a neurologic infection. Efforts to propagate the viruses in the Caco-2 cell line were unsuccessful. In contrast, we identified two human nonintestinal cell lines, Huh-7 and A549, permissive for both genotypes. After serial passages in the Huh-7.5 cell line, the adapted strains were able to establish persistent infections in the Huh-7.5, Huh-7AI, and A549 cell lines, with high viral loads (up to 10 log10 genome copies/ml) detected by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-qPCR) in the culture supernatant. Immunofluorescence assays demonstrated infection in about 10% of cells in persistently infected cultures. Electron microscopy revealed particles of 32 to 33 nm in diameter after negative staining of cell supernatants and capsid arrays in ultrathin sections with a particularly high production in Huh-7.5 cells. Interferon (IFN) expression by infected cells and effect of exogenous IFN varied depending on the type of infection and the cell line. The availability of a cell culture system to propagate MLB astroviruses represents a key step to better understand their replicative cycle, as well as a source of viruses to conduct a wide variety of basic virologic studie

    Inhibition of Cellular Protein Secretion by Norwalk Virus Nonstructural Protein p22 Requires a Mimic of an Endoplasmic Reticulum Export Signal

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    Protein trafficking between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus is central to cellular homeostasis. ER export signals are utilized by a subset of proteins to rapidly exit the ER by direct uptake into COPII vesicles for transport to the Golgi. Norwalk virus nonstructural protein p22 contains a YXΦESDG motif that mimics a di-acidic ER export signal in both sequence and function. However, unlike normal ER export signals, the ER export signal mimic of p22 is necessary for apparent inhibition of normal COPII vesicle trafficking, which leads to Golgi disassembly and antagonism of Golgi-dependent cellular protein secretion. This is the first reported function for p22. Disassembly of the Golgi apparatus was also observed in cells replicating Norwalk virus, which may contribute to pathogenesis by interfering with cellular processes that are dependent on an intact secretory pathway. These results indicate that the ER export signal mimic is critical to the antagonistic function of p22, shown herein to be a novel antagonist of ER/Golgi trafficking. This unique and well-conserved human norovirus motif is therefore an appealing target for antiviral drug development

    Propidium monoazide RTqPCR assays for the assessment of hepatitis A inactivation and for a better estimation of the health risk of contaminated waters.

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    The waterborne transmission of hepatitis A virus (HAV), the main cause of acute hepatitis, is well documented. Recently, two ISO proposals for sensitive determination of this pathogen by RTqPCR in water and food have been published (ISO/TS 15216-1 and ISO/TS 15216-2), and could enable the formulation of regulatory standards for viruses in the near future. However, since detected viral genomes do not always correlate with virus infectivity, molecular approaches need to be optimized to better predict infectivity of contaminated samples. Two methods involving the use of propidium monoazide (PMA), with or without Triton X-100, prior to RTqPCR amplification were optimized and adapted to infer the performance of infectious viral inactivation upon two different water treatments: free chlorine and high temperature. Significant correlations between the decrease of genome copies and infectivity were found for both inactivation procedures. The best procedure to infer chlorine inactivation was the PMA-RTqPCR assay, in which 1, 2 or 3-log genome copies reductions corresponded to reductions of infectious viruses of 2.61 ± 0.55, 3.76 ± 0.53 and 4.92 ± 0.76 logs, respectively. For heat-inactivated viruses, the best method was the PMA/Triton-RTqPCR assay, with a 1, 2 or 3-log genome reduction corresponding to reductions of infectious viruses of 2.15 ± 1.31, 2.99 ± 0.79 and 3.83 ± 0.70 logs, respectively. Finally, the level of damaged virions was evaluated in distinct types of water naturally contaminated with HAV. While most HAV genomes quantified in sewage corresponded to undamaged capsids, the analysis of a river water sample indicated that more than 98% of viruses were not infectious. Although the PMA/Triton-RTqPCR assay may still overestimate infectivity, it is more reliable than the RTqPCR alone and it seems to be a rapid and cost-effective method that can be applied on different types of water, and that it undeniably provides a more accurate measure of the health risk associated to contaminated waters

    Type I interferon response is delayed in human astrovirus infections

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    Type I interferon (IFN) activation and its subsequent effects are important in the response to viral infections. Here we show that human astroviruses (HAstVs), which are important agents of acute gastroenteritis in children, induce a mild and delayed IFN response upon infecting CaCo-2 cells. Although IFN-β mRNA is detected within infected cells and supernatant from infected cells show antiviral activity against the replication of other well-known IFN-sensitive viruses, these responses occur at late stages of infection once genome replication has taken place. On the other hand, HAstV replication can be partially reduced by the addition of exogenous IFN, and inhibition of IFN activation by BX795 enhances viral replication, indicating that HAstVs are IFN-sensitive viruses. Finally, different levels of IFN response were observed in cells infected with different HAstV mutants with changes in the hypervariable region of nsP1a/4, suggesting that nsP1a/4 genotype may potentially have clinical implications due to its correlation with the viral replication phenotype and the antiviral responses induced within infected cells

    Vigilancia del SARS-CoV-2 en aguas residuales: una herramienta de alerta rápida

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    En el Saint Thomas’s Hospital de Londres, la escocesa June Almeida (apellido que obtuvo de su marido venezolano) visualizó por microscopía electrónica en 1964 unos virus con unas estructuras superficiales que sobresalían de una envuelta lipídica y que recordaban el halo de la corona solar. Por eso los bautizó como coronavirus

    Norovirus in Bottled Water Associated with Gastroenteritis Outbreak, Spain, 2016

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    In April 2016, an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness (4,136 cases) occurred in Catalonia, Spain. We detected high levels of norovirus genogroups I and II in office water coolers associated with the outbreak. Infectious viral titer estimates were 33-49 genome copies/L for genogroup I and 327-660 genome copies/L for genogroup II

    Inactivation of hepatitis A virus and human norovirus in clams subjected to heat treatment

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    Bivalve mollusk contamination by enteric viruses, especially human noroviruses (HuNoV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV), is a problem with health and economic implications. The aim of the study was the evaluation of the effect of heat treatment in clams (Tawera gayi) experimentally contaminated with HuNoV using a PMA-viability RTqPCR assay to minimize measurement of non-infectious viruses, and used HAV as a model to estimate infectivity loss. Spiked clams were immersed in water at 90°C to ensure that internal meat temperature was maintained above 90°C for at least 5 min. The treatment resulted in >3.89 ± 0.24 log10 TCID50/g reduction of infectious HAV, confirming inactivation. For HuNoV, RTqPCR assays showed log10 reductions of 2.96 ± 0.79 and 2.56 ± 0.56, for GI and GII, respectively, and the use of PMA resulted in an additional log10 reduction for GII, providing a better correlation with risk reduction. In the absence of a cell culture system which could be used to determine HuNoV infectivity reduction, a performance criteria based on PMA-RTqPCR log reduction could be used to evaluate food product safety. According to data from this study, heat treatments of clams which cause reductions >3.5 log10 for GII as measured by PMA-RTqPCR assay may be regarded as an acceptable inactivation treatment, and could be set as a performance criterion to test the effectiveness of other time-temperature inactivation processes

    Norovirus outbreaks in long-term care facilities in Catalonia from 2017 to 2018

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    Norovirus is the leading cause of outbreaks of acute viral gastroenteritis. We carried out this study to investigate outbreaks in long-term care facilities reported in 2017 and 2018 in Catalonia (Spain). The characteristics of the centers, exposed persons and the genogroups responsible were analyzed. Viral loads were estimated. The attack rate (AR) of the outbreaks studied, and the rate ratio (RR) and the odds ratio (OR) and their 95% confdence intervals as measures of association were calculated. The mean cycle thresholds were compared using the t-test for independent means. We included 30 outbreaks (4631 exposed people). The global AR was 25.93%. The RR of residents vs. staf was 2.28 (95% CI 2.0-2.6). The RR between AR in residents with total or severe dependence vs. residents with moderate, low or no-dependence was 1.23 (95% CI 1.05-1.45). The AR were higher in smaller centers than in larger ones (38.47% vs. 19.25% and RR 2; 95% CI 1.82-2.2). GII was responsible for 70% of outbreaks. No association was found between the genogroup and presenting symptoms (OR 0.96; 95% CI 0.41-2.26). Viral loads were higher in symptomatic than in asymptomatic patients (p = 0.001)
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