25 research outputs found

    Zur Vereinbarkeit der BeschrÀnkung der gemeindlichen Siedlungsentwicklung auf "zentralörtlich bedeutsame Allgemeine Siedlungsbereiche" mit dem Recht auf kommunale Selbstverwaltung

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    Dem neuartigen Steuerungsinstrument der zentralörtlich bedeutsamen Allgemeinen Siedlungsbereiche (zASB) stehen keine durchgreifenden rechtlichen Bedenken entgegen. Es kann als Ziel der Raumordnung im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 ROG formuliert werden. Zwar handelt es sich um einen unbestimmten Rechtsbegriff, sein Inhalt kann jedoch im Wege der Auslegung hinreichend konkretisiert werden: Die rĂ€umliche Bestimmtheit steht außer Frage und ein kundiger Betrachter kann angesichts der vorliegenden Legaldefinition der zASB und der ausfĂŒhrlichen ErlĂ€uterungen den Zielinhalt mit hinreichender Genauigkeit bestimmen. DarĂŒber hinaus ist das Ziel letztabgewogen.The new planning tool of general residential areas with significant central-place functions (zentralörtlich bedeutsame Allgemeine Siedlungsbereiche - zASB) is in accordance with the law. Firstly, it meets the criteria necessary for a spatial planning goal (Ziel der Raumordnung) as laid down in § 3(1) No. 2 of the Federal Spatial Planning Code (ROG). Even though it is a vague legal term, its meaning can be interpreted. There is no doubt that the objective (Ziel) is spatially definite. Furthermore, a knowledgeable observer would be able to interpret the meaning of the norm - using the legal definition and the detailed explanation - in a sufficiently precise manner. Finally, the norm is definitively balanced

    Stable Scheduling Increases Productivity and Sales

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    Variable schedules are now the norm for part-time workers in a variety of industries including retail, where schedules typically change every day and every week, with three to seven days' notice of the next week's schedule. In recent years, these scheduling practices have come under increasing scrutiny in state attorney general offices, state and local legislatures, and the media. In retail, unstable schedules for employees have been considered an inevitable outcome of stores' need for profitability. Operations researchers have found that matching labor to incoming traffic is a key driver of retail store profitability (Perdikaki et al., 2012). At the same time, social scientists have studied the deleterious effects of variable schedules on employee wellbeing (Henly & Lambert, 2014). What has been lacking is evidence that schedules in service-sector jobs can be improved in ways that benefit both employers and employees

    Antigen affinity discrimination is an intrinsic function of the B cell receptor

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    Antibody affinity maturation, a hallmark of adaptive immune responses, results from the selection of B cells expressing somatically hypermutated B cell receptors (BCRs) with increased affinity for antigens. Despite the central role of affinity maturation in antibody responses, the molecular mechanisms by which the increased affinity of a B cell for antigen is translated into a selective advantage for that B cell in immune responses is incompletely understood. We use high resolution live-cell imaging to provide evidence that the earliest BCR-intrinsic events that follow within seconds of BCR–antigen binding are highly sensitive to the affinity of the BCR for antigen. High affinity BCRs readily form oligomers and the resulting microclusters grow rapidly, resulting in enhanced recruitment of Syk kinase and calcium fluxes. Thus, B cells are able to read the affinity of antigen by BCR-intrinsic mechanisms during the earliest phases of BCR clustering, leading to the initiation of B cell responses

    Features and Outcomes of 899 Patients With Drug-Induced Liver Injury: The DILIN Prospective Study

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    The drug-induced liver injury network (DILIN) is conducting a prospective study of patients with DILI in the United States. We present characteristics and subgroup analyses from the first 1257 patients enrolled in the study

    Rounds: A 'Signature Pedagogy' for Clinical Education?

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    A Signature Pedagogy for Clinical Legal Education?

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    This new Second Edition of Clinical Anthology: Readings for Live Client Clinics has the same goal as the first edition published in 1997: to make available to law students in live client clinical courses materials which introduce the goals and methods of clinical education and identify and address the issues and dilemmas consistently arising in the practice of law. The Second Edition of Clinical Anthology: Readings for Live Client Clinics is also updated to reflect the growth of clinical scholarship that has had a significant influence on curriculum and methodology in law schools throughout the United States since 1997. And, it differs from the first edition in the following ways: ‱ It is organized into five parts, each with two or three chapters ‱ It includes excerpts in Chapter 1 of portions of the Clinical Legal Education Association sponsored Best Practices Project and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching study of legal education, which emphasize the critical role of clinical experience in preparing students for the legal profession ‱ It moves the materials from Chapters 2 and 6 of the first edition to Part II titled Professionalism: Ethics, Values and Access to Justice in order to emphasize that a lawyer\u27s duty to clients, to the justice system, and to the public are inseparable components of professionalism ‱ It adds a new chapter: Re-thinking Advocacy: Community Lawyering and Transactional Clinics in the new Part III to respond to the increased diversity of types of clinics and their approacheshttps://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/facsch_bk_contributions/1317/thumbnail.jp

    Lawyers and Clients: Critical Issues in Interviewing and Counseling

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    This book focuses on what and how to teach students about being a lawyer as they take responsibility for clients in a clinical course. The book identifies learning and lawyering theories as well as practical approaches to planning and teaching; it highlights how the four clinical methodologies—seminar, rounds, supervision, and fieldwork—reinforce and complement each other. The book illustrates clinical education\u27s transformative potential to create ethical, skilled, thoughtful practitioners imbued with professional values of justice and service. With contributions by both seasoned and newer clinical educators, the book addresses issues faced by all who teach in experiential lawyering courses.https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/facsch_bks/1179/thumbnail.jp

    Transforming the Education of Lawyers: The Theory and Practice of Clinical Pedagogy

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    This book focuses on what and how to teach students about being a lawyer as they take responsibility for clients in a clinical course. The book identifies learning and lawyering theories as well as practical approaches to planning and teaching; it highlights how the four clinical methodologies—seminar, rounds, supervision, and fieldwork—reinforce and complement each other. The book illustrates clinical education\u27s transformative potential to create ethical, skilled, thoughtful practitioners imbued with professional values of justice and service. With contributions by both seasoned and newer clinical educators, the book addresses issues faced by all who teach in experiential lawyering courses.https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/facsch_bks/1179/thumbnail.jp