200 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Social Media Utilization by Latino Adolescents: Implications for Mobile Health Interventions

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    Background: Trends in social media use, including sending/receiving short message service (SMS) and social networking, are constantly changing, yet little is known about adolescent’s utilization and behaviors. This longitudinal study examines social media utilization among Latino youths, and differences by sex and acculturation. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine Latino adolescents’ social media utilization and behavior over a 16-month period, and to assess whether changes in use differed by sex and acculturation. Methods: This study included 555 Latino youths aged 13-19 who completed baseline and 16-month follow-up surveys. Prevalence of social media utilization and frequency, by sex and acculturation categories, was examined using generalized estimating equations. Results: Women are more likely to use SMS, but men are significantly more likely to SMS a girl/boyfriend (P=.03). The use of Internet by men and women to research health information increased over time. Facebook use declined over time (P\u3c.001), whereas use of YouTube (P=.03) and Instagram (P\u3c.001) increased, especially among women and more US acculturated youths. Conclusion: Social media is ubiquitous in Latino adolescents’ lives and may be a powerful mode for public health intervention delivery

    Infrequent HIV Testing and Late HIV Diagnosis Are Common Among a Cohort of Black Men Who Have Sex With Men in 6 US Cities

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    Objective: US guidelines recommend at least annual HIV testing for those at risk. This analysis assessed frequency and correlates of infrequent HIV testing and late diagnosis among black men who have sex with men (BMSM). Methods: HIV testing history was collected at enrollment from participants in HPTN 061, an HIV prevention trial for at-risk US BMSM. Two definitions of late HIV diagnosis were assessed: CD4 cell count <200 cells per cubic millimeter or <350 cells per cubic millimeter at diagnosis. Results: HPTN 061 enrolled 1553 BMSM. HIV testing questions were completed at enrollment by 1284 (98.7%) of 1301 participants with no previous HIV diagnosis; 272 (21.2%) reported no HIV test in previous 12 months (infrequent testing); 155 of whom (12.1% of the 1284 with testing data) reported never testing. Infrequent HIV testing was associated with: not seeing a medical provider in the previous 6 months (relative risk [RR]: 1.08, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03 to 1.13), being unemployed (RR: 1.04, CI: 1.01 to 1.07), and having high internalized HIV stigma (RR: 1.03, CI: 1.0 to 1.05). New HIV diagnoses were more likely among infrequent testers compared with men tested in the previous year (18.4% vs. 4.4%; odds ratio: 4.8, 95% CI: 3.2 to 7.4). Among men with newly diagnosed HIV, 33 (39.3%) had a CD4 cell count <350 cells per cubic millimeter including 17 (20.2%) with CD4 <200 cells per cubic millimeter. Conclusions: Infrequent HIV testing, undiagnosed infection, and late diagnosis were common among BMSM in this study. New HIV diagnoses were more common among infrequent testers, underscoring the need for additional HIV testing and prevention efforts among US BMSM. Infrequent HIV Testing and Late HIV Diagnosis Are Common Among a Cohort of Black Men Who Have Sex With Men in 6 US Cities. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265419180_Infrequent_HIV_Testing_and_Late_HIV_Diagnosis_Are_Common_Among_a_Cohort_of_Black_Men_Who_Have_Sex_With_Men_in_6_US_Cities [accessed Feb 4, 2016]

    A randomized clinical trial of auricular point acupressure for chronic low back pain: a feasibility study

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    Objectives. This prospective, randomized clinical trial (RCT) was designed to investigate the feasibility and effects of a 4-week auricular point acupressure (APA) for chronic low back pain (CLBP). Methods. Participants were randomized to either true APA (true acupoints with taped seeds on the designated ear points for CLBP) or sham APA (sham acupoints with taped seeds but on different locations than those designated for CLBP). The duration of treatment was four weeks. Participants were assessed before treatment, weekly during treatment, and 1 month following treatment. Results. Participants in the true APA group who completed the 4-week APA treatment had a 70% reduction in worst pain intensity, a 75% reduction in overall pain intensity, and a 42% improvement in disability due to back pain from baseline assessment. The reductions of worst pain and overall pain intensity in the true APA group were statistically greater than participants in the sham group (P<0.01) at the completion of a 4-week APA and 1 month followup. Discussion. The preliminary findings of this feasibility study showed a reduction in pain intensity and improvement in physical function suggesting that APA may be a promising treatment for patients with CLBP

    Eliminating Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Outpatient Surgery with Multimodal Strategies including Low Doses of Nonsedating, Off-Patent Antiemetics: Is “Zero Tolerance“ Achievable?

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    For ondansetron, dexamethasone, and droperidol (when used for prophylaxis), each is estimated to reduce risk of postoperative nausea and/or vomiting (PONV) by approximately 25%. Current consensus guidelines denote that patients with 0–1 risk factors still have a 10–20% risk of encountering PONV, but do not yet advocate routine prophylaxis for all patients with 10–20% risk. In ambulatory surgery, however, multimodal prophylaxis has gained favor, and our previously published experience with routine prophylaxis has yielded PONV rates below 10%. We now propose a “zero-tolerance” antiemetic algorithm for outpatients that involves routine prophylaxis by first avoiding volatile agents and opioids to the extent possible, using locoregional anesthesia, multimodal analgesia, and low doses of three nonsedating off-patent antiemetics. Routine oral administration (immediately on arrival to the ambulatory surgery suite) of perphenazine 8 mg (antidopaminergic) or cyclizine 50 mg (antihistamine), is followed by dexamethasone 4 mg i.v. after anesthesia induction (dexamethasone is avoided in diabetic patients). At the end of surgery, ondansetron (4 mg i.v., now off-patent) is added. Rescue therapy consists of avoiding unnecessary repeat doses of drugs acting by the same mechanism: haloperidol 2 mg i.v. (antidopaminergic) is prescribed for patients pretreated with cyclizine or promethazine 6.25 mg i.v. (antihistamine) for patients having been pretreated with perphenazine. If available, a consultation for therapeutic acupuncture procedure is ordered. Our approach toward “zero tolerance” of PONV emphasizes liberal identification of and prophylaxis against common risks

    Visual Psychophysics and Physiological Optics Development of Refractive Error in Individual Children With Regressed Retinopathy of Prematurity

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    PURPOSE. We investigated longitudinally the refraction development in children with regressed retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), including those with and those without a history of peripheral retinal laser photocoagulation. METHODS. Longitudinal (0-7 years) cycloplegic refraction data were collected prospectively for two groups of preterm children: severe ROP group included those with regressed ROP following bilateral panretinal laser photocoagulation (n ¼ 37; median gestational age [GA] ¼ 25.2; range, 22.7-27.9 weeks) and mild/no ROP group included those with spontaneously regressed ROP or no ROP (n ¼ 27; median GA ¼ 27.1; range, 23.1-32.0 weeks). Analyses were based on spherical equivalent (SEQ), anisometropia, astigmatism, and age (corrected for gestation). RESULTS. The prevalence, magnitude, and rate of myopic progression all were significantly higher in the severe ROP group than in the mild/no ROP group. Longitudinal SEQ in the severe ROP group were best fit with a bilinear model. Before 1.3 years old, the rate of myopic shift was À4.7 diopters (D)/y; after 1.3 years, the rate slowed to À0.15 D/y. Longitudinal SEQ in the mild/no ROP group was best fit with a linear model, with a rate of À0.004 D/y. Anisometropia in the severe ROP group increased approximately three times faster than in the mild/no ROP group. In the severe ROP group, with-the-rule astigmatism increased significantly with age. CONCLUSIONS. The severe ROP group progressed rapidly toward myopia, particularly during the first 1.3 years; anisometropia and astigmatism also increased with age. The mild/no ROP group showed little change in refraction. Infants treated with laser photocoagulation for severe ROP should be monitored with periodic cycloplegic refractions and provided with early optical correction. Keywords: myopia, refractive error development, retinopathy of prematurity, laser photocoagulation R etinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is one of the leading causes of childhood visual impairment and blindness in the United States. The prevalence of myopia has been reported to vary with severity of ROP, ranging from 0% to 16% for preterm infants with no ROP 1-3 to 21% to 100% for children whose severe ROP was laser-treated. 1-4 The prevalence of myopia in children with severe ROP is astonishingly high, especially in those who received peripheral laser-photocoagulation. 7,8 A longitudinal study of 62 preterm children with mild/no ROP reported that 24% had myopia during early childhood and only 11% had high myopia. 9 This study will focus on comparing longitudinal changes in refractive error of individual preterm children who had severe ROP (treated with laser-photocoagulation) and those with mild/no ROP. To our knowledge, previous studies have not offered a model to predict an individual&apos;s development of refractive error because they did not track individual myopic progression. As a result, gaps remain in our understanding of refractive error development in individual children with ROP. Furthermore, it is well-known that there is a high prevalence (6-fold higher tha

    The care unit in nursing home research: Evidence in support of a definition

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    Abstract Background Defining what constitutes a resident care unit in nursing home research is both a conceptual and practical challenge. The aim of this paper is to provide evidence in support of a definition of care unit in nursing homes by demonstrating: (1) its feasibility for use in data collection, (2) the acceptability of aggregating individual responses to the unit level, and (3) the benefit of including unit level data in explanatory models. Methods An observational study design was used. Research (project) managers, healthcare aides, care managers, nursing home administrators and directors of care from thirty-six nursing homes in the Canadian prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba provided data for the study. A definition of care unit was developed and applied in data collection and analyses. A debriefing session was held with research managers to investigate their experiences with using the care unit definition. In addition, survey responses from 1258 healthcare aides in 25 of the 36 nursing homes in the study, that had more than one care unit, were analyzed using a multi-level modeling approach. Trained field workers administered the Alberta Context Tool (ACT), a 58-item self-report survey reflecting 10 organizational context concepts, to healthcare aides using computer assisted personal interviews. To assess the appropriateness of obtaining unit level scores, we assessed aggregation statistics (ICC(1), ICC(2), η2, and ω2), and to assess the value of using the definition of unit in explanatory models, we performed multi-level modeling. Results In 10 of the 36 nursing homes, the care unit definition developed was used to align the survey data (for analytic purposes) to specific care units as designated by our definition, from that reported by the facility administrator. The aggregation statistics supported aggregating the healthcare aide responses on the ACT to the realigned unit level. Findings from the multi-level modeling further supported unit level aggregation. A significantly higher percentage of variance was explained in the ACT concepts at the unit level compared to the individual and/or nursing home levels. Conclusions The statistical results support the use of our definition of care unit in nursing home research in the Canadian prairie provinces. Beyond research convenience however, the results also support the resident unit as an important Clinical Microsystem to which future interventions designed to improve resident quality of care and staff (healthcare aide) worklife should be targeted

    Teaching About Health Care Disparities in the Clinical Setting

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    Clinical teachers often observe interactions that may contribute to health care disparities, yet may hesitate to teach about them. A pedagogical model could help faculty structure teaching about health care disparities in the clinical setting, but to our knowledge, none have been adapted for this purpose. In this paper, we adapt an established model, Time-Effective Strategies for Teaching (TEST), to the teaching of health care disparities. We use several case scenarios to illustrate the core components of the model: diagnose the learner, teach rapidly to the learner’s need, and provide feedback. The TEST model is straightforward, easy to use, and enables the incorporation of teaching about health care disparities into routine clinical teaching