16 research outputs found

    All SDM points

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    This file contains latitude and longitude coordinates for the 91 unique localities used to construct species distribution models

    Infile for SGoF+ analysis

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    Input file for sequential goodness-of-fit test to correct for multiple comparisons implemented in SGoF+. The file consists of an integer indicating the total number of tests (102) and after it two columns with pairs of identifiers and p-values

    Structure infile

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    This is the input file for Structure analyses. The second column contains sample group information used as a prior. Missing data are represented by -9

    Geneland coordinates

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    This is the spatial coordinate file (in UTM format) for Geneland analyses. There is one line per individual and two columns representing the x-axis and y-axis coordinate. Original latitude/longitude coordinates were collected in the field using a hand-held GPS (WGS84 datum) and subsequently converted to UTM format in ArcView

    Geneland genotypes

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    This is the microsatellite genotypes file for Geneland analyses. There is one line per individual with 20 columns (diploid, codominant data). Missing data are represented by 000

    IBDWS infile for IBR regression

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    Matrixes of resistance distance (above diagonal) and genetic distance (below diagonal) for Isolation by Distance Web Service analysis. Genetic distances calculated as Fst/(1-Fst) in Genepop v4.2

    Genepop infile

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    This is the input file for Genepop v4 analyses. Individual sample names have been replaced by x and y coordinates in meters. Microsatellite and mitochondrial data are included. Missing data are represented by 000

    IBDWS infile for IBD regression

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    Matrixes of geographic distance (in meters; above diagonal) and genetic distance (below diagonal) for Isolation by Distance Web Service analysis. Genetic distances calculated as Fst/(1-Fst) in Genepop v4.2