19 research outputs found

    Social Learning Theory in Youth Sexual Behaviour Study in Central Java

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    Background: Many public health researchers in Indonesia have advocated a greater role for the use of theory in strengthening the practice of research. However, public health researches and sexual & reproductive health researches in Indonesia have continued to focus primarilyon evaluating outcomes with less attention to the mechanisms by which these outcomes are produced. In this situation they argue that research is reduced to a set of predetermined steps that are mechanically applied to various interventions without concern for the theoretical implications of intervention content, setting, participants or implementing organizations. Such simple evaluations may provide a gross assessment of whether or not an intervention works under one set of conditions but fail to identify the reasons why (Brazil K., Ozer E., et all, 2005). As such, the conclusions are often less than satisfying to consumers of research resultsand not easily transferable to different settings.Method: The study applied a cross-sectional design, involving a total 2000 sample derived from youth population aged 18-24 years old, 1000 samples were each randomly selected from factory employers and university students in urban Central Java. The study employed quan-titative (survey) method using structured questionnaire as instrument and qualitative method (in-depth interviews and FGDs).Result : Although the findings of this cross-sectional study do not demonstrate that change in those factors/variables will reduce risk sexual behavior, they do suggest that future development and evaluation of sexual and reproductive health programs in youth population shouldtest the feasibility and the effect of changing those personal/cognitive and environment factors. Demonstrating causality would have required the experimental manipulation of self efficacy beliefs and a test of their effects on sexual behavior in a prospective rather than cross-sectional design. It is important to provide an open environment and counseling re-sources to the youth population in Central Java for strengthening youth self-efficacy which will increasing youth's ability to avoid and/or reduce risky sexual behaviour. There is clearly a need for the reviewing of various laws, regulations, and policies at the central and regional level in order to develop more conducive environment for improving knowledge, attitude and practice of adolescent's sexual lifestyl

    Analisis Waktu Tunggu Pelayanan Resep Pasien Rawat Jalan Di Depo Farmasi Gedung Mceb RS Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

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    The outpatients at Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital complained about the long waiting time duration of their prescription services. This case primarily occured in the pharmaceutical depot at MCEB Bulding, a building which contained most of the specialist polyclinic. Thus at the rush hour causing the waiting time become longer. There are few things that considered to be the main cause of this long waiting periods, such as the lack of employee, the space of the room, the hospital information system and management (SIM RS), and also the still existence of prescribing that is not based on the formularium, that caused the waiting time service has not meet the standard, both the standard of minimum service standard (SPM) and hospital quality indicators (IMRS). The purpose of this study is to describe and identify the factors that lead to long periods of waiting times in prescription services, whichever on the general, national health insurance (JKN), and private health insurance patients. This research is a quantitative and qualitative research. The data of this research were collected with an observation sheet of the waiting time and with an in-depth interviews. The result of this research indicating that the average waiting time for non concoction prescription services is 48.9 minutes and concoction recipes is 46.54 minutes, whereas delay time in the process of non concoction recipes is 40.39 minutes which is larger than the action time 8.47 minutes. Recipe that do not reach waiting time standard mostly are the recipes for non concoction, mainly from JKN patients with percentage 85.7% on SPM standard and 57.1% on IMRS standard. The factors that lead this longer waiting period are the lacking numbers of employee, the SIM RS and the space of the room that has not been optimal, the big numbers of recipes that not suitable with the formulary, and the lack of understanding about standard operating procedure (SPO) and the waiting time standard. The few suggestion for this case are increasing the number of employees accompanied with expansing of the room's space, maintaining the facility periodically, repairing SIM RS, and promoting about SPO and the waiting time standard

    Studi Korelasi Nilai Suhu Permukaan Laut Dari Citra Satelit Aqua Modis Multitemporal Dan Coral Bleaching Di Perairan Pulau Biawak, Kabupaten Indramayu

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    Ekosistem terumbu karang di Perairan Pulau Biawak masih dalam kategori baik. Namun, Perubahan iklim global yang terjadi dewasa ini telah menyebabkan peningkatan suhu terutama suhu permukaan laut. Hal tersebut dapat menjadi ancaman serius bagi keberlangsungan hidup terumbu karang, dalam hal ini fenomena coral bleaching. Coral bleaching terjadi akibat stress yang dialami hewan karang terhadap Perubahan suhu sebesar 1-2 oC dalam kurun waktu minimal empat minggu. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kekuatan hubungan antara Perubahan nilai suhu permukaan laut yang diperoleh dari pengolahan citra satelit Aqua MODIS multitemporal level 3 dengan persentase coral bleaching di Perairan Pulau Biawak yang diukur dengan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi Perubahan suhu drastis pada bulan Februari-Maret tahun 2009 sebesar 2,27 oC dan bulan Januari-Februari 2013 sebesar 2,22 oC. 5 dari 12 stasiun pengamatan ekosistem terumbu karang mengalami pemutihan sekitar 0,13-3,63%. Nilai persentase tersebut masuk kedalam kategori pemutihan tidak parah. Lifeform ACB merupakan jenis lifeform karang yang umumnya mengalami pemutihan dengan persentase keseluruhan mencapai 3,13%. Analisa regresi tunggal antara suhu permukaan laut dan coral bleaching menunjukkan hubungan yang sangat lemah antara keduanya ditunjukkan dengan nilai r sebesar 0,038. Oleh karena itu, coral bleaching di Perairan Pulau Biawak khususnya pada saat penelitian yakni bulan April 2013 dapat terjadi karena adanya faktor lain penyebab bleaching selain suhu permukaan lau

    Influences on Youth Sexual Behaviour in Central Java: Implication of Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy and Services

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    Indonesian youth nowadays have been experiencing an increasing vulnerability to various kind of healthhazards specially related to reproductive and sexual health, including the growing threat of HIV/AIDS. This paperreports on findings from a study undertaken during the year 2003-2004 among urban youth in Central Java. The studyseeks to identify factors influencing youth sexual behavior and their need for services, in order to derive practical policyfor enhancing youth sexual and reproductive health services. The study involved a total of 2000 samples derived from ayouth population, aged 18-24 years old. A group of 1000 samples was randomly selected from a working youthpopulation through factory employers, whereas the other 1000 samples were from middle class youth among universitystudents. Social learning theory was applied as a base of the conceptual framework of the study with quantitativesurveys and qualitative methods The findings showed that the overall pattern of sexual and reproductive youth healthrisk were relatively low in comparison to that in many other countries, which was partly related to distinctive andpositive characteristics of the culture of the community in Central Java. The findings also showed that self efficacy wasthe strongest influencing factor on youth sexual behavior. Future policies and program development should be addressedto the ways in maintaining young peoples positive norms and values in line with the existing culture and religion byenhancing their self efficacy through school-based sexual and reproductive health education and services. Advocacyshould also be used continuously to address environmental constraints that impede the adoption of healthy reproductivehealth behavior

    Determinants of Youth Sexual Behaviour and Its Implications to Reproductive and Sexual Health Policies and Services in Central Java

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    Background : Indonesian young people have been facing significant challenges to their health and well-being. This situation has causing an increased vulnerability to health hazards of various kinds, specially related to reproductive and sexual health, including the growing threat of HIV/AIDS. These adolescent health issues, most of which are preventable, can lead to significant morbidity and mortality.Method : This paper reports on findings from a recent study, which seeks to identify predictor factors of youth sexual behaviour and their need for services, in order to derive practical policy for enhancing youth sexual and reproductive health services. Involving a total 2000 sample derived from youth population aged 18-24 years old. 1000 samples were each randomly selected from factory employers and university students.Result : The findings show that the overall pattern of sexual and reproductive youth health risk is relatively low in comparison to that in many other countries, this is partly related to distinctive and positive characteristics of the culture of Central Java. The findings also showthat Self-efficacy is the strongest predictor of youth sexual behaviour.This study recommends that future policy and program should address how to protect oneself if engaging in sex, rather than only focusing on how to abstain from sex. Such policies and program development should be addressed to the ways to maintaining young people's positivenorms and values in line with existing culture and religion by enhancing their self efficacy and life-skill through school-based sexual and reproductive health education and services.Keywords : Health services, reproductive and sexual health, sexual behaviour, javaneseyouth

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kinerja Perawat Rawat Inap Di RSUD Kota Semarang

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    Nurses are the spearhead of hospitals in providing health service and should be managed professionally to improve the performance. The quality or satisfaction of nursing care was connected to nurses' performance. Nursing care quality of the hospital was determined by patient satisfaction. Complaint data of inpatient patient at Regional Public Hospital of Semarang there were some complaints in nursing care. On the other side, the nurses were still complaining about the workload, leadership, promotion and supervision. The purpose of this study was to determine the related factors of nurses' performance in inpatient unit at Regional Public Hospital of Semarang. The method of this research was using explanatory research with cross sectional approach. The population was all nurses in inpatient unit at Regional Public Hospital of Semarang with 71 peoples as sample. The analysis of the data was employed univariate and bivariate analysis with Rank Spearman Test. The result showed that variabels associated with the performance of nurses in inpatient unit at Regional Public Hospital of Semarang and has strong connection were workload (p value 0,001 and rs 0,554), leadership (p value 0,001 and rs 0,623), incentive (p value 0,001 and rs 0,680), and promotion opportunity has weak connection (p value 0,025 and rs 0,266). While the supervision is no associated with the performance of nurses in inpatient unit at Regional Public Hospital of Semarang (p value 0,794). Suggestion for the hospital are they have to rearrange the amount of the nurse, to evaluate incentive system, do some periodic coaching to all the nurses

    The effect of forest area change in tropical islands towards baseflow and streamflow

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    Baseflow is a very important component in maintaining river flow. Baseflow is generated from groundwater flow. Baseflow is very important role in water conservation. Indonesia is located in a tropical climate. Based on the Koppen climate classification, Indonesia is included in the tropical rainforest climate (type Af), so that the characteristics of the climate, soil, flora and fauna are unique. About 70% of Indonesia's territory consists of water. Baseflow in the tropical island region has a unique characteristic. This research aimed to obtain the knowledge on the effect of forest area change in tropical islands towards the characteristics of baseflow and streamflow that involved RDF filter parameter calibration, baseflow contribution towards streamflow based on the Baseflow Index (BFI) and Q90 on Q50 ratio, rain contribution on the total baseflow, baseflow stream domination, and discharge stability of streamflow. This research was conducted in three sub watersheds with forest area percentage of ±18% Bango Sub watershed, ±23% Brantas Hulu Sub watershed, and ±59% Cobanrondo Sub watershed. The results showed that One Parameter Algorhitm method satisfied the application of baseflow separation. There was a positive correlation between rain and baseflow. Baseflow dominated the streamflow in the research location. The greater the forest area, the more stable the flow condition from year to year

    Performance of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment in Urban Malang, Indonesia

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    In order to assess the impact of the Sanitation by Communities (SANIMAS) program for community-led sanitation in Indonesia (established in 2002), this research work was conducted with the aim of characterizing the current performance of anaerobic baffled reactors (ABRs), which were deployed in high numbers for the provision of domestic wastewater treatment in densely populated urban areas in Malang (Indonesia). Small and decentralized sewage treatment facilities serve ⇡3% of the total population in Malang, including 89 ABR treatment plants. Our findings reveal that only 14% of the 89 ABRs in Malang have an acceptable performance with regard to pollutant removal and integrity of their building structure, but the majority of them produce a treated effluent of poor quality, according to discharge consents set by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (Regulation No. P.68/2016). Clearly the lack of consistent operation and maintenance practices have had a detrimental effect on these decentralized sewage treatment systems, despite their robustness and buffer capacity to cope with changes in organic and hydraulic loading rates. Urbanization will continue to exert pressure on the provision of sanitation services in lower and middle economies, and the role of decentralized sewage management systems is expected to be prominent in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals era (2015–2030); however, sustainable service delivery must be conceived beyond the provision of sanitation infrastructure