62 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Saluran Distribusi PLN Untuk Pengiriman Tanda Bahaya

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    ABSTRAK Terjadinya krisis moneter di Indonesia menyebabkan meningkatnya tindak kejahatan. Dengan semakin meningkatnya kecerdasan manusia dan perkembangan teknologi, maka pelaku tindak kejahatan sulit ditangkal dengan pencegahan tradisional. Seringkali, sebelum beraksi, pelaku tindak kejahatan merusak terlebih dahulu sarana komunikasi yang ada sehingga talon korban tidak dapat berbuat untuk minta pertolongan pada saat pelaku tindak kejahatan itu beralcsi. Melihat kenyataan di atas, perlu dibuat suatu alat penangkal tindak kejahatan yang tersembunyi sehingga pelaku tindak kejahatan tidak dapat mengidentifikasi adanya alat komunikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak kejahatan tersebut. Penelitian ini mempelajari pembuatan suatu alat pengirim sinyaL/pesan dengan memanfaatkan saluran PLN yang sudah terpasang sebagai saluran transmisinya. Alat pengirim sinyal yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini berbasis IC TCM 5087 yang menghasilkan sinyal DTMF sehingga dapat diterima oleh alat penerima yang berbasis IC MT 8870 sehingga sinyal yang dikirimkan itu dapat diubah menjadi kode biner, yaitu kombinasi angka 0 dan 1 yang sesuai dengan kode pengirim. Agar dapat terlihat dengan mudah, maka kode pengirim itu dinyatakan dengan nyala lampu yang sesuai dengan kode alamat pengirim

    The Work Performance of Married Female Employees during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The research aims to determine the effect of learning organizations on married female permanent employees' performance at restaurants in Jakarta and Bali by mediating job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The phenomenon that occurs is that married female employees at restaurants tend to work less optimally and are reluctant to participate in development training programs since the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. This quantitative research was conducted with purposive random sampling on 73 married female employee respondents. The measuring instrument is a questionnaire with five-Likert scales—data processing using CB-SEM with Smart PLS program. The results showed a significant influence of learning organizations on female staff performance through the mediation of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The research contribution is expected to provide input to the management at restaurants in managing the performance of married female employees

    Production and characterization of murine models of classic and intermediate maple syrup urine disease

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    BACKGROUND: Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) is an inborn error of metabolism caused by a deficiency of branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase. MSUD has several clinical phenotypes depending on the degree of enzyme deficiency. Current treatments are not satisfactory and require new approaches to combat this disease. A major hurdle in developing new treatments has been the lack of a suitable animal model. METHODS: To create a murine model of classic MSUD, we used gene targeting and embryonic stem cell technologies to create a mouse line that lacked a functional E2 subunit gene of branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase. To create a murine model of intermediate MSUD, we used transgenic technology to express a human E2 cDNA on the knockout background. Mice of both models were characterized at the molecular, biochemical, and whole animal levels. RESULTS: By disrupting the E2 subunit gene of branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase, we created a gene knockout mouse model of classic MSUD. The homozygous knockout mice lacked branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase activity, E2 immunoreactivity, and had a 3-fold increase in circulating branched-chain amino acids. These metabolic derangements resulted in neonatal lethality. Transgenic expression of a human E2 cDNA in the liver of the E2 knockout animals produced a model of intermediate MSUD. Branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase activity was 5–6% of normal and was sufficient to allow survival, but was insufficient to normalize circulating branched-chain amino acids levels, which were intermediate between wildtype and the classic MSUD mouse model. CONCLUSION: These mice represent important animal models that closely approximate the phenotype of humans with the classic and intermediate forms of MSUD. These animals provide useful models to further characterize the pathogenesis of MSUD, as well as models to test novel therapeutic strategies, such as gene and cellular therapies, to treat this devastating metabolic disease

    Early Energy Deficit in Huntington Disease: Identification of a Plasma Biomarker Traceable during Disease Progression

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    Huntington disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, with no effective treatment. The pathogenic mechanisms underlying HD have not been elucidated, but weight loss, associated with chorea and cognitive decline, is a characteristic feature of the disease that is accessible to investigation. We, therefore, performed a multiparametric study exploring body weight and the mechanisms of its loss in 32 presymptomatic carriers and HD patients in the early stages of the disease, compared to 21 controls. We combined this study with a multivariate statistical analysis of plasma components quantified by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. We report evidence of an early hypermetabolic state in HD. Weight loss was observed in the HD group even in presymptomatic carriers, although their caloric intake was higher than that of controls. Inflammatory processes and primary hormonal dysfunction were excluded. 1H NMR spectroscopy on plasma did, however, distinguish HD patients at different stages of the disease and presymptomatic carriers from controls. This distinction was attributable to low levels of the branched chain amino acids (BCAA), valine, leucine and isoleucine. BCAA levels were correlated with weight loss and, importantly, with disease progression and abnormal triplet repeat expansion size in the HD1 gene. Levels of IGF1, which is regulated by BCAA, were also significantly lower in the HD group. Therefore, early weight loss in HD is associated with a systemic metabolic defect, and BCAA levels may be used as a biomarker, indicative of disease onset and early progression. The decreased plasma levels of BCAA may correspond to a critical need for Krebs cycle energy substrates in the brain that increased metabolism in the periphery is trying to provide

    E4der0 Evolving Antiplatelet Treatment Will The New Agent Change Clinical Practice for All Acute Coronary Syndrome ?

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    Despite improvements in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes (ACS), cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States. Antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin and clopidogrel, play an important role in the treatment of patients with ACS, particularly those at high risk for whom treatment may yield the greatest benefits. The main challenge in preventing and managing ACS is to tailor treatment for each patient by taking into consideration patients characteristics, comorbidities, underlying short- and long-term risk factors, ischemic and bleeding risks, and expected individual responses to different medications. Several new alternatives providing more rapid and consistent platelet inhibition than aspirin and clopidogrel have been introduced for routine treatment of patients with ACS. These new treatments seem to provide additional benefits without a significant increase in the risk of bleeding, if used for the appropriate patients

    Evolving Antiplatelet Treatment, Will the New Agent Change Clinical Practice for All Acute Coronary Syndrome?

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    Despite improvements in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes (ACS), cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States. Antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin and clopidogrel, play an important role in the treatment of patients with ACS, particularly those at high risk for whom treatment may yield the greatest benefits. The main challenge in preventing and managing ACS is to tailor treatment for each patient by taking into consideration patient characteristics, co-morbidities, underlying short- and long-term risk factors, ischemic and bleeding risks, and expected individual responses to different medications. Several new alternatives providing more rapid and consistent platelet inhibition than aspirin and clopidogrel have been introduced for routine treatment of patients with ACS. These new treatments seem to provide additional benefits without a significant increase in the risk of bleeding, if used for the appropriate patients
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