67 research outputs found

    Feature Level Fusion of Face and Signature Using a Modified Feature Selection Technique

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    The multimodal biometric which is a combination of two or more modalities of biometric is able to give more assurance for the securities of some systems. Feature level fusion has been shown to provide higher-performance accuracy and provide a more secure recognition system. In this paper, we propose a feature level fusion of face features which are the physical appearance of a person in image-based and the online handwritten signature features which are the behavioral characteristics of a person in dynamic-based. The problem of high dimensionality of the combined features is overcome by the used of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) in the feature extraction phase. One challenge in multi modal feature level fusion is to maintain the balance of the features selected between the two modalities, otherwise one modality may outweigh another. In order to address this issue, we propose to perform feature fusion in the feature selection phase. Feature selection using GA with modified fitness function is applied to the concatenated features in order to ensure that only significant and most balanced features are used for classification. Comparison of the performance of the proposed method with other approaches indicates the highest in the recognition accuracy of 97.50%

    Reversible watermarking technique for fingerprint authentication based on DCT

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    In this paper, a new reversible and blind fingerprint image watermarking technique based on the differential method and discrete cosine transform (DCT) domains is presented. The focus is to increase the security of the fingerprint image in authentication systems. Two CTtransformed sub-vectors are employed to embed the bits of the watermark sequence in a differential scheme. The original sub-vectors are acquired by the DCT transform on the host fingerprint image. In the extraction process, a minor variance between the sub-vectors that correspond to the watermarked fingerprint image directly allows access to the embedded watermark sequence; therefore, the extraction process doesn’t require an original fingerprint. The original fingerprint image is then recovered from the watermarked fingerprint image based on the reversible watermarking technique. The similarity between the reversible fingerprint image and the original is considered, and we could extract minutiae points from it without a problem. The proposed technique is evaluated using 80 fingerprint images from 10 persons for each from FVC2002 fingerprint database. Eight fingerprint images have been taken from each person to be used as the template then the process was followed by embedding the watermark into each fingerprint image. The experimental results validate the proposed method able to give promising results in preserving the fingerprint image security

    Performance evaluation of hybrid feature selection technique for sentiment classification based on food reviews

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    This paper presents an evaluation of the performance efficiency of sentiment classification using a hybrid feature selection technique. This technique is able to overcome the issue of lack in evaluating features importance by using a combination of TF-IDF+SVM-RFE (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and Supports Vector Machine (SVM-RFE)). Feature importance is measured and significant features are selected recursively based on the number of significant features known as k-top features. We tested this technique with a food reviews dataset from Kaggle to classify a positive and negative review. Finally, SVM has been deployed as a classifier to evaluate the classification performance. The performance is observed based on the accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure. The highest accuracy is 80%, precision is 82%, recall is 76% and F-measure is 79%. Consequently, 24.5% of the features to be classified in this technique have been reduced in obtaining these highest results. Thus, the computational resources are able to be utilized optimally from this reduction and the classification performance efficiency is able to be maintained

    Robust blind image watermarking scheme using a modified embedding process based on differential method in DTCWT-DCT

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    This research paper presents a modified blind and robust image watermarking scheme that combines dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) domains. A key challenge for researchers is to determine the optimal locations for embedding watermarks in the low-frequency coefficients of the hybrid domains, ensuring both imperceptibility and security. To identify the most effective sequence for the watermark embedding process, a differential approach is implemented on two correlated DCT-transformed vectors derived from DTCWT wavelet low-frequency coefficients. The watermark data does not need to be extracted from the original image. The proposed scheme aims to assess the efficiency improvement against various image processing attacks. We utilized fifteen grayscale images from the UCI-sipi image database, each with a size of 512 × 512 pixels, to evaluate the proposed scheme. The experimental results demonstrate that our scheme outperforms existing schemes in common image attacks such as geometric attacks, compression, filtering, and noise addition

    Suspicious activity trigger system using YOLOv6 convolutional neural network

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    Property theft is one of the crimes that increases in which leads to a major concern in Malaysia. Despite of having surveillance cameras (CCTV) everywhere, the crimes keep occur due to the lack of security system. The security system can be developed by utilizing the existence of CCTVs specifically home surveillance CCTV. Therefore, this paper introduces a security system known as Suspicious Activity Trigger System (SATS) that able to automatically trigger an alarm or an alert message whenever suspicious activity is detected from the CCTV video image. The activity will be detected in a video image using Deep Learning technique which is YOLOv6 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. The algorithm will detect an object which is a person in the video and classify it as a suspicious activity or not. If the activity is classified as the suspicious activity, the system will automatically display a trigger message to alert SATS user. The user can therefore take whatever appropriate measure to prevent being a victim. Experiments have been conducted using a dataset taken from Google Open Image. We also implemented the experiments on the self-obtained dataset. Based on the experiment, 92.53% for precision and 96.6% of the accuracy is obtained using this algorithm. Therefore, YOLOv6 can be implemented in the security system to prevent crimes in residency areas

    Region-Based Distance Analysis of Keyphrases: A New Unsupervised Method for Extracting Keyphrases Feature from Articles

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    Due to the exponential growth of information’s and web sources, Automatic keyphrase extraction is still a challenging issue in the current research area. Keyphrases are very helpful for several tasks in natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR) systems. Feature extractions for those keyphrases execute a vital role in extracting the top-quality keyphrases and summarising the documents at a superior level. This paper proposes a new region-based distance analysis of keyphrases (RDAK) unsupervised technique for feature extraction of keyphrases from articles. The proposed method comprises six phases: data acquisition and preprocessing, data processing, distance calculation, average distance, curve plotting, and curve fitting. At first, the system inputs the collected different datasets to the preprocessing step by employing some text preprocessing techniques. Afterwards, the preprocessed data is applied to the data processing phase, and then after distance calculation, it is passed to the region-based average calculation process, then curve plotting analysis, and afterwards, the curve fitting technique is utilized. Finally, the proposed system has tested and evaluated the performance through implementing them on benchmark datasets. The proposed system will significantly improve the performance of existing keyphrase extraction techniques

    Comparison of accuracy performance based on normalization techniques for the features fusion of face and online signature

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    Feature level fusion in multimodal biometrics system is able to produce higher accuracy compared to score level and decision level of fusion due to the richer information provided. Features from multi modalities are fused prior to a classification phase. In this paper, features from face (image based) and online signature (dynamic based) are extracted using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The aim of this research is to recognize an authorized person based on both features. Due to the different domain, the features of one modality might have dominant values that will superior in classification phase. Thus, that aim is unable to be achieved if the classification will rely more on one modality rather than both. To overcome the issue, features normalization is deployed to the extracted features prior to the fusion process. The normalization is performed to standardize the range of features value. A few normalization techniques have been focused in this paper, namely min–max, z-score, double sigmoid function, tanh estimator, median absolute deviation (MAD) and decimal scaling. From those techniques, which normalization technique is most applicable to this case is observed based on best accuracy performance of the system. After the classification phase, the highest accuracy is 98.32% that is obtained from the decimal scaling normalization. It shows that technique is able to give an outperform result compared to other techniques

    Road enforcement monitoring system based on vehicle type recognition using sparse filtering convolutional neural network with layer skipping strategy (SFCNNLS)

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    Road Enforcement Monitoring System (REMS) is one of the traffic monitoring systems to monitor the enforcement of a specific route for public transportation in cities. The aim of this system is to automatically and efficiently monitor the enforcement to ensure it is adhered by the traffic users. This aim is difficult to be achieved in current practice that relied on human observation by the authorities. Due to that, we proposed to combine REMS with vehicle type recognition (VTR) method known as Sparse-Filtered Convolutional Neural Network with Layer Skipping-strategy (SF-CNNLS). The purpose of using this method is to recognize and classify the vehicles that use the specific route. It is to prevent any vehicle other than public transportations use that route. The output from VTR will be used by REMS to trigger an immediate message to the authorities for further action. The major challenge of our method is to differentiate taxi and bus as public transportations with car and truck. This is because these vehicles have almost similar features. We tested our method with a self-obtained video that captured from a mounted-camera to observe if the challenge is able to be overcome. For the initial stage, the test is deployed on 4 major vehicle classes; car, taxi, truck and bus. The highest accuracy is obtained from car class with 92.5% and an average accuracy is 81.76%. Based on the test, we proved that our method is able to recognize and classify the vehicle classes although the vehicles are sharing almost similar features
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