326 research outputs found
Psychosocial Need Analysis of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic pulmonary disease impacted on physical and psychosocial of the patients. However, to date, the goverment’s programs has not address the psychososial problem of the patients yet. The existing programs are still focused on the treatment and prevention of disease transmission This descriptive correlational study aims to analyze determinant factors related to the fulfillment of psychosocial needs of TB patients in the city of Cirebon. 171 pulmonary TB patients involved in this study were selected by consecutive sampling from 10 health centers in Cirebon. Instrumen used in this study was developed by the researchers. Before using the instrument, it was tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that there are three dominant factors associated with the patient satisfaction level to meet the needs of their psychosocial. These factors are the psychological conditions in the past week, duration of treatment and support services. Demographic factors have no influence on their satisfaction toward the fulfillment of their psychosocial needs. The study suggested that the government should provide support services in health centers so that pulmonary tuberculosis psychosocial needs can be met and drop out cases can be prevented
Membangun Kinerja Guru Berlandaskan Nilai-nilai Agam Islam
In Islam, learning is compulsory. Then in the learning process, Islam provides guidance. It is intended that learning impacts and makes learners nobel. Among the guidelines are patience, commitment, and consistency based on worship. Then the impact of that is sincerity (enjoying learning). For teachers continuous learning is a necessity. Certainly getting a method that is detailed and guaranteed will make it a trustworthy person in educating results-oriented and life benefits (quality). This research was conducted to see how the performance of teachers through the practice of Islamic religious values, whether realized or not. The research method uses a qualitative approach using the interview method and the closed answer scale. The object of this research is a state junior high school in South Tangerang City. The sampling technique uses judgment sampling. The results of the study suggest that the teacher feels emotionally bound by the spiritual which is always practiced to be a good teacher (quality
Model Simulasi Sistem Dinamik Dalam Sistem Produksi Dan Pertumbuhan Pasar
Adanya tingkat persaingan yang ketat saat ini, menuntut Perusahaan untuk terus melakukan inovasi produk supaya tetap bertahan. Saat yang tepat untuk inovasi produk inilah yang harus diidentifikasi oleh pihak manajemen agar keputusan yang diambil tepat mengenai sasaran, sebelum pangsa pasarnya mengalami penurunan. Hal lain yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah membuat keputusan berapa banyaknya jumlah produksi dan apakah kapasitas produksi Perusahaan mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar. Penggunaan model simulasi sistem dinamik akan membantu memecahkan masalah tersebut. Terdapat beberapa sub model yang dikembangkan diantaranya yaitu sub model customer, order serta produksi. Periode simulasi dilakukan selama lima tahun dengan mempertimbangkan umur kapasitas fasilitas produksi dan dinamika customer (konsumen). Dari hasil simulasi didapat bahwa kapasitas produksi suatu Perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh kapasitas yang diinginkan (desired production), investasi (investment) dan pengurangan kapasitas akibat umur kapasitas (reduction). Konsumen potensial suatu produk, pada awalnya bisa saja memiliki jumlah yang besar namun bisa berkurang jika mereka beralih ke Perusahaan lain karena Perusahaan kurang baik dalam mengkomunikasikan produknya dan adanya Perubahan selera konsumen yang tidak dapat dibaca oleh Perusahaan tersebut. Besarnya jumlah Backlog (timbunan order) dipengaruhi oleh desired backlog yang tergantung pada service level yang ditetapkan oleh manajemen , order yang diterima dan produksi
Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program K3 Di Kelurahan Duren Jaya Bekasi Timur
Headman leadership involvement to influence the community is needed in order to participate in the implementation of K3 program. Effectiveness of the program can be seen from the high and low levels of leadership and influence public participation in the implementation of the K3 program
3M dalam Pembelajaran Keaksaraan
Pembelajaran keaksaraan melalui 3M berdasarkan konsep bahwa dengan mendengar maka peserta didik hanya sekedar tahu, apabila melihat maka akan ingat, dan apabila melakukan maka akan mengerti. Hasil yang dicapai dari 3M dalam pembelajaran keaksaraan yaitu 1) peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik, 2) peningkatan kreativitas, 3) peserta didik mampu memanfaatkan IT dengan tepat, dan 4) peningkatan penghasilan peserta didik. Faktor yang mendukung 3M dalam pembelajaran keaksaraan yaitu (1) peserta didik sangat antusias apabila menggunakan media, (2) tutor memiliki kompetensi dan kualifikasi yang memadai, (3) terdapat hubungan yang baik antara tutor, peserta didik, dan pengelola. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, proses pembelajaran keaksaraan bukan hanya sekedar teori dalam memahamkan calistung namun dapat membuat produk yang bernilai jual untuk menambah penghasilan
Pengaruh Metode Inquiry Terstruktur Terhadap Hasil Belajar Murid Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Di Kelas IV
: This study aims to determine the effect of a structured method of inquiry on learning outcomes of students in the learning of science in the fourth grade State Elementary School 32 Southeast Pontianak . The method used in this study is the experimental method , the pattern One- Group Pre -test and post -test. The sample was IVB classes totaling 34 students . By processing the data obtained from the results of tests on student learning outcomes in teaching natural science class IV State Elementary School 32 Southeast Pontianak , the average pre -test 41.44 and the average post-test is 69.55 . Results of data analysis obtained t_hitung t test 14.56 , while t_tabel and significant level ( α ) = 0.05 is 1.6924 . Because t_hitung > t_tabel or 14.56 > 1.6924 a significant means Ha accepted . After the calculation of effect size , the price obtained ES = 2.42. This means learning with structured inquiry methods provide a high impact on learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 32 Southeast Pontianak . This means learning with structured inquiry methods provide a high impact on learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 32 Southeast Pontianak
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