36 research outputs found

    Model for Measuring Post-Harvest Technological Capability of Paddy Farmers in Dealing with Climate Change

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    Extreme weather has been occuring recently in various regions in Indonesia. In the early 2013, this condition has caused flood in Karawang district. The increasing extreme climate indicates that climate change has occurred. Climate change, in the form of high/low rainfall, erratic rainfall or changes in the rainy/dry season, has become problem to paddy farmers in Karawang district. Problem faced by farmers due to climate change is the increase of paddy post-harvest losses. Technological capability of farmers is one of the main factors that play important role in facing such condition. Measurement of post-harvest technological capabilities of paddy farmers in dealing with climate change is carried out using six criteria, i.e the production capability, investment capability, capability to make small changes, capability to make major changes, marketing capability, and capability to create network. The methods used to measure the technological capabilities are the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Non Numeric Multi Expert Multi Criteria Decision Making (ME-MCDM). This study reveals the level of farmer post-harvest technological capabilities in dealing with climate change and provides technology policy recommendation. Key Words:Climate change, technological capability, level of technological capabilities, policy recommendatio

    Karakteristik dan Struktur Mikro Gel Campuran Semirefined Carrageenan dan Glukomanan

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    Karagenan dan glukomanan merupakan komponen pembentuk gel, karena memiliki pengaruh sinergis yang menghasilkan gel yang memiliki kekuatan tinggi, elastis, dan sineresis rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan struktur mikro gel kombinasi semirefined carrageenan dan glukomanan pada berbagai perbandingan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan campuran semirefined carrageenan dan glukomanan 1:1 memiliki nilai kekuatan gel dan kekerasan tertinggi yaitu sebesar 3.649,09 g/cm2 dan 701,72 g, perbandingan 1:3 memiliki nilai sineresis yang rendah dibandingkan dengan perbandingan lainnya yaitu sebesar 7,36%, sedangkan nilai rigiditas tertinggi diperoleh perbandingan 2:1 yaitu sebesar 4.282,45 g/cm. Struktur mikro gel yang dihasilkan untuk semua perlakuan berbeda satu sama lainnya yaitu untuk perbandingan 1:1 memiliki struktur yang kompak dan padat. Peningkatan penambahan glukomanan akan menghasilkan gel yang lebih elastis dan cenderung lebih lembut daripada struktur matriks gel yang tidak kompak dan menggumpal serta memiliki rongga yang cukup banyak seperti ada perbandingan 1:2, 1:3, dan 1:4 sedangkan penambahan semirefined carrageenan menghasilkan gel yang keras dan kaku serta terlihat dari struktur gel yang lebih padat dan kompak dengan rongga yang terlihat pada perbandingan 2:1, 3:1, dan 4:1

    Pengaruh Waktu Fermentasi Terhadap Produksi Biogas Menggunakan Digester Dua Tahap Pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Palm Oil-Mill Effluent Dan Lumpur Aktif

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    The production of biogas from palm oil-mill effluent (POME) and activated sludge derived from fresh cow feces through a few stages of the reaction at a single digester inhibited the reaction of anaerobic fermentation. The development of the biogas production process using two stages digester can optimize the anaerobic fermentation reactions. The aims of this research was to know the fermentation time effect toward biogas production in two stage digester. The study was done in three stages, that are subtrate analysis, biogas production by using two stages digester, and data analysis. The study was done in three combinations of feedstock which were POME concentrations of 90, 80, and 70% and activated sludge concentrations of 10, 20, and 30%. A mixture of POME and activated sludge at 0.35 L/day for 40 days were fed into two stages digester. Combination POME of 90% and activated sludge of 10% was denoted 90LC:10LA, combination POME of 80% and activated sludge of 20% was denoted 80LC:20LA, and combination POME of 70% and activated sludge of 30% was denoted 70LC:30LA. The result showed the fermentation time gave significant effect toward biogás production in the second stage digester. All combinations showed the upward trend in the volume of biogás during fermentation. Combination 80LC:20LA showed the highest volume increases from 1st digester to 2nd digester, that was 121,29%. Fermentation time in 2nd digester for all combinations (90LC:10LA, 80LC:20LA, and 70LC:30LA) gave significant effects toward pH where pH increased for 40 days the fermentation time. The highest volume of biogas was reached when POME and activated sludge in combination 90LC:10LA. It was 11.35 L

    Synthesis of Trimethylolpropane Esters of Calophyllum Methyl Esters : Effect of Temperature and Molar Ratio

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    Trimethylolpropane esters were synthesized by transesterification of calophyllum methyl esters and trimethylolpropane using a calcium oxide as the catalyst. The results showed that the optimal reaction conditions (temperature: 130 0C, reaction time: 5 h, reactant molar ratio: 3.9:1, catalyst amount 3%w/w, and formed trimethylolpropane ester of 79.0% were obtained. The basic physicochemical properties of the trimethylolpropane esters were the following : kinematic viscosities of 56.40 cSt and 8.8 cSt at 40 0C and 100 0C, viscosity index 193, flash point 218 0C and pour point -3 0C. So Methyl esters of fatty acids of would callophylum methyl ester is good raw material for the synthesis of lubricating oils

    Pengaruh Suhu Dan Lama Proses Sulfonasi Dalam Proses Produksi Methyl Ester Sulfonic Acid (MESA) Menggunakan Single Tube Falling Film Reactor (STFR)

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    Methyl Ester Sulfonic Acid (MESA) is an intermediate product of Methyl Etser Sulfonate (MES). MES has manyapplications for personal care products, washing and cleaning products, and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). MESA production using SO3 in Single Tube Falling Film Reactor (STFR) is a common practice. This study was aimed to getthe best condition of methyl esters (ME) sulfonation process from palm olein using SO3 gas in STFR. The study wasdone in three stages which were production activities, analysis, and data processing. Research activities consisted ofproduction process of methyl esters from palm olein and studying of temperature and sulfonation time effects towardME sulfonation process using STFR. Analysis stage include analysis of physico chemical properties of palm olein,analysis of physico chemical properties of methyl esters, and analysis of physico chemical properties of MESA. Tostudy the effect of temperature and sulfonation time toward ME sulfonation process, temperatures of 70, 90, and 110