191 research outputs found

    Pengembangan USAha Ternak Sapi Potong Berorientasi Agribisnis dengan Pola Kemitraan

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    Development of beef cattle agribusiness through partnership patternBeef cattle are the largest contributor of the ruminants to the national meat production, therefore cattle farming is potential to be developed. In Indonesia, cattle are raised traditionally by farmers as a family saving and as draught animal in land preparation. Beef cattle farming is commonly as a small-scale farming and consists of breeding, fattening, and integrated farming system with food crops or estate crops. Development of beef cattle agribusiness through partnership pattern could be an alternative approach in increasing farmers\u27 incomes and national meat production. Partnership is a cooperation between two or more partners in beef cattle farming in preproduction, production processes, and marketing based on equally and profitable principles. The development of beef catlle farming through partnership pattern is expected to meet the national demand for meat that continuously increases. On the other hand, the high demand for beef cattle meat gives an opportunity to develop beef cattle farming in the country through partnership to increase production and productivity. This paper reviewed the development of beef cattle farming through partnership pattern. To achieve the high farming efficiency, it is needed to manage the system integratedly from upstream to downstream by applying the agribusiness principles and partnership pattern to obtain the high and sustainable profit

    Pemanfaatan Keragaman Genetik untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Itik Alabio

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    Itik alabio (Anas platyrhynchos Borneo) merupakan salah satuunggas lokal Kalimantan Selatan yang mempunyai keunggulansebagai penghasil telur. Itik alabio memiliki ciri fenotipik yangberbeda dan performa yang beragam dibanding itik lokal lain diIndonesia. Namun, di antara itik-itik lokal tersebut terdapat itikyang lebih unggul karena secara genetik memiliki daya adaptasiterhadap lingkungan setempat. Itik alabio memiliki keragamanyang tinggi, baik sifat kualitatif (warna bulu, paruh, kaki, dan cakar,serta bentuk tubuh), maupun sifat kuantitatif seperti bobot badandewasa, lama produksi telur, umur pertama bertelur, puncakproduksi, daya tunas, daya tetas, dan bobot tetas. Keragaman yangtinggi tersebut merupakan potensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalamprogram pemuliaan. Meskipun belum sepenuhnya dimanfaatkandalam peningkatan produktivitas, dengan pengalaman dan kearifanlokal yang dimiliki, peternak telah memanfaatkan keragamankriteria tampilan luar itik, seperti keseragaman warna bulu, paruh,besar badan, kuku, kaki, dan gigi untuk menyeleksi itik alabio jantanunggul dan itik alabio betina penghasil telur yang produktif. Sifatunggul ini diharapkan dapat diwariskan pada keturunannya

    Kepribadian Karyawan Dan Budaya Organisasi: Faktor Determinan Keterikatan Karyawan (Employee Engagement)

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    This research based on declining sales outcome and not achieves the target, a fine delay completion of project high, and losses PT X, one of the companies in telecommunication industry at Jawa Barat in 2014. Profitability and productivity relating to employee engagement. Research aims to describe employee personality, organizational culture perception, and employee engagement and to know the influence of employee personality and organizational culture perception on employee engagement. This research is done with descriptive and verification method. This research use causality design. Statistical analysis used in this research was pearson correlations analysis and multiple regression. This research result indicates that employee personality influential positively and significant impact on employee engagement. Organizational culture perception has positive and significant impact on employee engagement too. Employee personality and organizational culture perception simultaneously and significant impact on employee engagement, but the biggest influence to employee engagement is employee personality

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Share (Tps) Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Larutan Penyangga Dikelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Apit

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    This research aims to increase student achievementon the Buffer topic at class XI SMAN 1Sungai Apit. The research is experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The samples of research were the students of class XI 2 as the experimental class and students of class XI 3 as the control class. Experimental class is a class that is used the cooperative learning model think pair share (TPS) while the control class was not. Data analysis technique used is t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained that tarithmetic> ttable is 2,70 > 2,00, means that the use of cooperative learning model think pair share (TPS) can improve student achievement on of buffer solution topic the learning increase resect about of 10,56%

    Pengaruh Penambahan Oksidatoor pada Proses Pelindian Oksidatif Konsentrat Galena

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    Kebutuhan logam timbal di dalam negeri saat ini masih cukup besar, namun tidak diimbangi dengan kemampuan industri pemurnian timbal domestik. Sumber daya bijih timbal yang tersedia di Indonesia cukup besar sehingga memberikan peluang untuk pembangunan proses pengolahan timbal. Proses pemurnian timbal baik dari sumber mineral maupun daur ulang dari komponen aki bekas hingga saat ini umumnya menggunakan jalur pirometalurgi yang memberikan dampak buruk pada lingkungan, sehingga jalur hidro-elektro metalurgi menjadi solusi. Penelitian ini mencakup pemurnian timbal melalui proses hidrometalurgi dengan melakukan pelindian oksidatif konsentrat galena dalam media asam flosilikat dengan menggunakan oksidator berupa hidrogen peroksida dan timbal oksida (PbO2) dari katoda aki bekas. Penentuan parameter operasi pelindian seperti fraksi ukuran partikel konsentrat galena, jumlah penambahan oksidator PbO2 dari katoda aki bekas, kecepatan agitasi, temperatur pelindian, dan persentase padatan operasi pelindian dilakukan untuk menekan konsumsi reagen sehingga dicapai proses pelindian yang efisien. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan proses pelindian dengan memvariasikan penambahan Oksidator PbO2 dari katoda aki bekas sedangkan parameter lain pada kondisi konstan. Hasil pelindian menunjukkan bahwa persen ekstraksi timbal tertinggi diperoleh dengan melakukan pelindian pada penambahan oksidator PbO2 sebanyak 1,5 kali basis stoikiometri

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas Va SD Negeri 181 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to improve the achievement science of school year 2015/2016. The subjects of the research was the students class VA of SDN 181 Pekanbaru in number 44 students. It is a classroom research by two cycles. The data of the research shows that the achiement having improved. It is proven by the score result of the theacher's activity on the cycle I by mean 60% (enough category) improved as 10% to 70% (good category) and cycle II 80% (good category) improved as 5 % to 85% (very good category). The students activity on the cycle I by mean 60% (enough category) improved as 5% to 65% (good category) and the cycle II improved by mean 75% (good category) improved as 10% to 85% (very good category). The research finding also having improved, where before the learning cycle learning model. Was implemented on the passed based score was 18 students (40,90%) by mean 62,20. The cycle I, the passed students having improved as 28 students (63,64%) by mean 78,55 and on the cycle II improved to be 37 students (84,09%) by mean 83,64, this show that the application of learning learning cycle model can improve science learning outcomes grader VA SD Negeri 181 Pekanbar

    Identifikasi Daerah Rawan Bencana Tanah Longsor Di Provinsi Lampung

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    Luas wilayah Provinsi Lampung sekitar 35.376 km2 dengan topografi yang memperlihatkan proses erosi yang cukup intensif. Proses erosi yang demikian dipengaruhi oleh bentuk topografi, jenis litologi, struktur geologi, vegetasi dan kondisi iklim lokal. Pola pengaliran/drainase yang ada di wilayah ini memperlihatkan pola/bentuk dendritik dan sub radial, bentuk ini dipengaruhi oleh litologi dan struktur geologi. Wilayah barat Provinsi Lampung merupakan daerah rawan tanah longsor karena sebagian besar terdiri dari material vulkanik muda dan daerah sesar aktif. Kejadian tanah longsor setiap tahun terjadi di Provinsi Lampung, oleh karena itu perlu ada identifikasi. Tingkat kerawanan tanah longsor ditentukan oleh beberapa parameter, yaitu : kemiringan, intensitas hujan, geologi dan tataguna lahan. Berdasarkan itu, luas wilayah rawan di Provinsi Lampung sekitar 83 % dari luas keseluruhan wilayah

    Analisis Kerawanan Dan Kerentanan Bencana Gempabumi Dan Tsunami Untuk Perencanaan Wilayah Di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat

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    The District of Maluku Tenggara Barat is situated between: 07º 06' 13” - 08º 02' 08” South Latitudes and 131º 03' 39” - 131º 45' 09” East Longitudes. The Broad of Territory in the District of Maluku Tenggara ± 325,725 Ha. Maluku Tenggara Barat District was above three tectonic plates, resulting in the formation of the complex geological conditions, therefore the region include earthquake and tsunami prone area. About 30 percent of the tsunami in Indonesia occurred in the Maluku Sea and Banda Sea. Based on record have occurred BMKG station, 31 tsunami events occurred which caused a big earthquake. Looking at a fairly high frequency, it is important to assess potential earthquake and tsunami disaster in the future. The results of the study the potential for disaster if it is associated with population density, infrastructure and land use will be obtained a vulnerability. Vulnerability is needed in preparing the Regional Development