3 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknik Six Thinking Hats pada Isu – Isu Kontemporer dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa: (Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1 Cikarang Utara)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penggunaan metode ceramah oleh guru pada pembelajaran sejarah di dalam kelas dan hanya pemahaman materi yang dikuasai oleh siswa. Permasalahan yang dikaji adalah bagaimana desain pembelajaran sejarah dengan menggunakan Teknik Six Thinking Hats melalui isu-isu kontemporer untuk meningkatkan kreativitas siswa? Penelitian ini berangkat dari suatu keresahan peneliti yang menunjukkan bahwa teknik pembelajaran di kelas didominasi oleh peran guru yang menjadi pusat pembelajaran. Penggunaan teknik ini lambat laun mengubah pembelajaran di kelas yang pada awalnya terpusat pada guru menjadi terpusat pada siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Studi Kasus. Metode ini digunakan untuk melihat kegiatan – kegiatan siswa dalam pembelajaran sejarah di kelas yang kemudian diamati dan dicatat untuk kemudian diinterpretasikan secara mendalam. Teknik dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Observasi, Catatan Lapangan, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Pada saat observasi di dalam kelas, Pembelajaran sejarah dengan menggunakan teknik ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa lebih aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran, mulai dari bertanya, mencari informasi, mengolah informasi hingga mempresentasikannya. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan teknik pembelajaran Six Thinking Hats di dalam kelas, dapat teridentifikasi kemampuan – kemampuan berpikir siswa dari ingatan, pengetahuan, menerapkan, menganalisis, menyimpulkan, hingga mengevaluasi yang mengindikasikan karakteristik meningkatnya kreativitas siswa. Kemampuan berpikir yang teridentifikasi tersebut jika dianalisis secara mendalam akan memunculkan isu – isu kontemporer. Isu – isu kontemporer yang muncul berasal dari hasil mencari, mengolah hingga mempresentasikan informasi yang dilakukan oleh siswa. Selain itu, guru sebagai fasilitator juga melakukan klarifikasi terhadap informasi yang diperoleh siswa dan memberikan penjelasan yang menegaskan isu – isu kontemporer tersebut. Tidak semua warna topi dapat memunculkan isu – isu kontemporer. Kendala dalam penelitian ini berasal dari dua pihak: siswa dan guru. Siswa cenderung memanfaatkan waktu diskusi menjadi lebih lama dan membuat gaduh. Kendala dari guru dikarenakan jam belajar yang tidak efektif digunakan dan dipengaruhi faktor eksternal lainnya. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, diharapkan adanya sebuah perubahan pandangan pembelajaran sejarah yang lebih mengasah kreativitas siswa. Selain itu, siswa tidak hanya memahami kognitif saja, tetapi juga kemampuan berpikir, maupun nilai – nilai kehidupan yang dapat dipetik dari suatu peristiwa sejarah. Teknik pembelajaran menjadi sebuah inovasi dalam pembelajaran sejarah di mana guru dapat menerapkannya di dalam kelas dan diadaptasi sesuai kondisi dan kebutuhan kelas. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Sejarah, Isu – isu Kontemporer, Teknik Pembelajaran Six Thinking Hats, Kreativitas Siswa. This research is based on chalk and talk method delivered by teacher in history learning. It caused only student understanding and memorizing about material. The matter which was studied is how the design of history learning using Six Thinking Hats Technique through contemporary issues to enhance student’s creativity? It also comes from researcher’s thought about teacher’s domination in class. The use of the technique slowly can change the learning turns into student centered. The method that is used is Case Study. This method is used to describe student’s activities in history learning then observed, noted until interpreted deeply. The techniques in collecting the sources are: Observation, Field Notes, Interview, and Documentation. The history learning by using this technique shows that students are more active in each learning activity, start from asking, finding information, elaborating information until presenting the finding. Besides that, by using this technique, researcher identified student’s abilities from memorizing, knowledge, implementing, analyzing, and concluding, until evaluating that indicated characteristic enhances student’s creativity. Thinking abilities that is identified if we analyze deeply will show contemporary issues. It comes from student’s thinking, such as: finding, elaborating and presenting the information. Teacher also as facilitator did clarification to information student gathered and gave explanation to clarify those contemporary issues. Not all hats can show contemporary issues because the task of each hat is different and also shows different thinking abilities. The obstacles in this research came from two sides: students and teacher. The student inclined to make the duration of discussion exceed the proper time. They also made noisy. Teacher also made the learning happened not properly. It happened because ineffective learning hour and influenced by other factors. This research is expected to make a change in history learning view. The learning should more develop student’s creativity. This also hopes that students are not only understanding the knowledge, but also thinking abilities, living values that can be reached from a history event. The learning technique also becomes an innovation in history learning which teacher can implement it in the class and adapted based on class condition and need. Keywords: History learning, Contemporary Issues, Six Thinking Hats Learning Technique, Student’s Creativity


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    The maturation of livestock manure can be accelerated by fermenting it first by making it into fermented organic fertilizer, fermented organic matter takes a relatively short time and produces organic compounds that are easily available and can be absorbed directly by plants. This study aims to determine which type of fermented organic fertilizer has the best effect on the growth and yield of sweet potato plants. The study used RBD with 5 treatments: control, chicken fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1, goat fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1, cow fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1, and mixed fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1 with 5 replications. Data were analyzed using variance and followed by Duncan's multiple distance test at a 5% significance level. The results showed that the type of fermented organic fertilizer had a significant effect on stem length at 12 WAP, the number of tubers per plant, tuber weight per plant, and tuber weight per plot, but had no significant effect on leaf number and leaf area. The effect of the type of chicken fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1 produces stem length,  number of tubers per plant, tuber weight per plant, and tuber weight per plot.

    Pengaruh Jenis Porasi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

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    The maturation of livestock manure can be accelerated by fermenting it first by making it into fermented organic fertilizer, fermented organic matter takes a relatively short time and produces organic compounds that are easily available and can be absorbed directly by plants. This study aims to determine which type of fermented organic fertilizer has the best effect on the growth and yield of sweet potato plants. The study used RBD with 5 treatments: control, chicken fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1, goat fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1, cow fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1, and mixed fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1 with 5 replications. Data were analyzed using variance and followed by Duncan's multiple distance test at a 5% significance level. The results showed that the type of fermented organic fertilizer had a significant effect on stem length at 12 WAP, the number of tubers per plant, tuber weight per plant, and tuber weight per plot, but had no significant effect on leaf number and leaf area. The effect of the type of chicken fermented organic fertilizer 10 t ha-1 produces stem length, number of tubers per plant, tuber weight per plant, and tuber weight per plot