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    Purpose of Study: This research aims to 1). Knowing the spirit of civil society emergence in law enforcement in case of defamation of religion in Indonesia. 2) To know the implications of civil society influence in law enforcement justice in Indonesia. Methodology: The study used a qualitative approach, using case study method of law enforcement in case of religious defamation done by Jakarta Capital City Governor, Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok) in the year 2016 ago. Results: The results showed that the polarization of civil society forces occurred in this case. So that causes good civil society and bad civil society when seen from the indicator of civil society value.  Good Civil Society is based on the spirit of transcendence tends to be relatively more successful in consolidating the movement that many won the sympathy of collective action because of its obedience to the rule of law. Implications/Applications: Implication of civil society in law enforcement, demands law enforcers to stand independently, to promote truth and fair law. Civil society pressure is part of a democratic society that is seen as a social fact and as long as good civil society is accommodated, the law enforced will also be equitable

    KONDISI EMOSI ISTRI YANG DI TINGGAL SUAMI MERANTAU (Studi Atas Tiga Istri Di Dusun Serpeng, Pacarejo, Semanu, Gunungkidul)

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    1. Dari tiga istri perantauan terungkap bahwa meskipun mereka memiliki suami yang telah memiliki pekerjaan tetap dan sedikit banyak telah dapat digunakan untuk menopang kehidupan keluarganya, akan tetapi keberadaan yang jauh dengan frekuensi bertemu yang lama menimbulkan permasalahan atau kondisi kejiwaannya terganggu dengan munculnya berbagai permasalahan psikologis yang cukup mengganggu ketenangan keluarganya atau dapat dikatakan labil. Pcrmasalahan-permasalahan itu tidak saja muncul karena dari suami yang jauh tempatnya akan tetapi juga muncul dari pengaruh dari lingkungan sckitarnya ( orang tua, dari anak) maupun dari diri sendiri. 2. Meski mereka memiliki banyak permasalahan, akan tetapi mereka berusaha mengatasinya dengan melakukan berbagai terapi secara mandiri dengan melakukan pendekatan kepada Allah melalui berbagai kegiatan keagamaan, mcmbangun kesabaran dan berusaha menyibukkan diri dengan berbagai kegiatan yang bermanfaat dan tujuan untuk mengurangi rasa nglangut jauh dari pasangannya. Namun demikian diantara tiga isteri tersebut memiliki kecenderungan yang berbeda dalam mengatasi permasalahan kejiwaannya. Hal ini disebabkan karena mereka memiliki kualitas psikologis produk tingkat pendidikan yang berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya. Namun demikian upaya secara tekun beribadah dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT agar hatinya menjadi tenang menjadi cara oleh semua isteri

    Membongkar Wacana Syariat Islam, Anti Demokrasi Komunitas Fundamentalisme Islam

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    Discourse application of Islamic Sharia in having state life again find a new expression space post-reformation which accomodate ideology openness. Islamic Sharia Discourse, anti-democracy colors ideal state form discourse which is constructed by two Islamic fundamentalism comunity in which Jama'ah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT) which carries the discourse of Islamic Sharia application through extra-parliamentary politics struggle. And also Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia which discourse upon Islamic caliphate application to establish a global Islamic state system. Establishment discourse is recently done through a new media in the form of website using internet network. This is directly proportional to the inclination of Indonesian people who start to consume more internet media in searching information needs. This study uses critical discourse analysis methods with techniques of collecting data through articles analysis on discourse of Islamic Sharia, anti-democracy in both of the community website media besides the in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and literature study deal with discourse developed by Islamic fundamentalism comunity under study. The theory used in analysis is the theory of critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough, discourse and power relations theory by Michel Foucault and The theory of representation by Stuart Hall. So this study can provide a complete overview about the deconstruction of discourse meaning related to Islamic fundamentalism community views on Islamic Sharia and resistance against democracy. The results of study show the discourse on Islamic sharia, anti-democratic of Islamic fundamentalism communities through the construction of religious symbols for political purposes. The Tendency to interpret The Holy book scripture textually and scripturally regardless of social and historical context of the text emergence and also shows discontinuity and inconsistency within the practice. Therefore, the construction of Islamic fundamentalism dicourse text is dominantly as a tool to show the existency of politics rather than religious values to form a expected society according to the guidance of the holy book