5 research outputs found

    Political News and Early Voter Alienation: Why Does Not Political Knowledge Lead Early Voters to Use Their Right to Vote?

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    Early voters whose backgrounds are senior high school level are believed to possess particular political knowledge. However, this group is suspected to be one of the nests of abstainers. Why does not political knowledge lead them to use their right to vote? To answer this question, a survey had been conducted toward 170 senior high school students in Kota Bandung and an intensive interview had been applied to 10 students. Statistical calculation shows that high correlation degree between political news influence and cognitive conception change of the students, but the degree is low to their political attitude. This discrepancy is caused by political news that is provided in newspaper which indirectly relates to the early voters\u27 need, besides more impressive news diminishing government image than ones discussing election

    Media Massa Dan “Political Literacy”: Pemanfaatan Berita Politik Di Kalangan Remaja

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    The role of mass media in creating cognitive response concerning input function, conversion process, and political system output is lower than political system capability. This difference is due to two reasons: (1) in teenager's thinking domain, input function, conversion process, and political output are more theoretical-abstract; (2) political news exposure in mass media is more highlighting demanded citizen characteristics as important attributes of political system capability. This means that though teenagers are considered to be important in political domain, political news exposure has not been considering teenagers' psycho-political aspect

    Primordial Sebagai Basis Identifikasi Kepartaian: Kasus Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Dalam Pemilihan Umum 1999 Dan 2004

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    Transformation of primordial loyalty into the political sphere rather than understanding of the substance of the party\u27s platform is a key factor for PKB\u27s (National Awakening Party) devotees to adhere to the party. The platform has not been effectively socialized. The practice of the party has not been believed as a requisite condition to create an order society. On the other hand, adhering to Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and inclining to submit to orders or wishes of Kiai (Muslim Scholars) is believed among PKB\u27s voters as a means by which a good community is created(khoerul barriyah). Therefore, since the 2004 General Election, Kiai\u27s political communication and orientations have become the partisans\u27 primary roles among PKB\u27s constituents

    Uji berbagai Sistem Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Tanaman  padi merupakan tanaman penting dan strategis di Indonesia. Kebutuhan pangan khususnya beras mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Salah satu unsur iklim yang sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi padi adalah curah hujan. Produktivitas rata-rata tanaman padi berkisar 5,14 t /ha.  Padahal, potensi produktivitas tanaman padi dapat mencapai 10-11 t/ha.  Salah satu penyebabkan rendahnya produktivitas tersebut adalah sistem tanam yang belum tepat. Upaya yang bisa diakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan menguji berbagai sistem tanam yang sering digunakan petan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji berbagai sistem tanam ( SRI, Jajar Legowo 2:1, Hazton, Tegel, Tabela dan Hambur) terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman padi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Nepo Kecamatan Wonomulyo Kabupaten Polewali Mandar selama ± 4 bulan dimulai dari  Mei-Juli 2020 dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok  yang terdiri dari faktor sistem tanam dengan 6 perlakuan yaitu System Rice Intensification (SRI), Legowo 2:1, Hazton, Tegel, Tanam Benih Langsung dan Hambur. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali, sehingga ada 18 petak penelitian. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan uji F pada taraf nyata 5 %. Jika F hitung lebih besar dari F tabel 5 %, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan vegetatif dan produktif, jumlah gabah isi tiap malai, Panjang malai, jumlah gabah permalai, berat gabah 1000 biji, hasil perpetak dan Hasil per hektar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem tanam tabela menunjukkan rata-rata tinggi tanaman terbaik pada umur 45 HST dan 60 HST. Padi yang ditanam menggunakan legowo menghasilkan produktivitas  13.07 ton/ha. Hasil tersebut merupakan hasil tertinggi diabandingkan dengan sistem tanaman lainnya yaitu tegel (12.60 ton/ha), hazton (12.08 ton/ha), sistem SRI (11.67 ton/ha), tabela (9.91ton/ha) dan hambur (8.56 ton/ha)

    Citizen Participation in the Field of Social Welfare Through PKH (Study of Community Empowerment by the Social Service of Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    This article provides and overview of citizen participation in the field of social welfare through the Famili of Hope Program or Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) to make citizens a good citizen in the context of citizenship education. This research uses a qualitative approach with the case study method. The result of this study indicate that citizen participation in the field of social welfare is carried out by attending Family Ability Improvement Meetings or Pertemuan Peningkatan Kemampuan Keluarga (P2K2), building latrines with a social welfare system between PKH recipients, attending the Family Planning-Integrated Health Service or Pos Pelayanan Keluarga Berencana Kesehatan Terpadu (POSYANDU) for pregnant woman, toddlers and the elderly routinely every month, fulfilment of children's nutrition, sending their children to school, and joining the Joint Business Group or Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) consisting of KUBE weaving, agriculture and livestock. With the participation of citizens, it is hoped that PKH can be implement well, because the success of government work programs depends on community participation as program implementers