150 research outputs found

    Vanishing Dimensions in Four Dimensional Cosmology with Nonminimal Derivative Coupling of Scalar Field

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    We discussed a mechanism that allows the universe to start from lower dimension (d<4d < 4) in its very early era and evolves to four dimension at the end of the process. The mechanism is generated by a nonminimal derivative coupling of scalar field, where derivative terms of the scalar field coupled to curvature tensor. We solve the Einstein equations for a limit of large and nearly constant Hubble parameter and analyze the evolution of the Hubble parameter in this limit. The lower-dimensionality in early universe has advantages in the context of unification theory.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Geografi di SMA/MA Nahdatul Wathan Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    This study aims to find out 1). Availability of learning media 2). Utilization 3). Difficulties faced by teachers, 4). Efforts made by geography teachers to be able to utilize geography learning media at SMA / MA Nahdatul Wathan East Lombok Regency. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were all geography teachers who taught class XII IPS and all students of class XII IPS in SMA / MA Nahdatul Wathan in East Lombok Regency. Data retrieval is done by using questionnaire method, interview and observation. The results of the study show that 1) The availability of media includes: a) the most types of media are globe and map b) the number of media is classified as poor and c) the condition of the media is considered good. 2) The use of media is seen from: variations in media classified as moderate (73.33 percent); the driving factor for choosing the media is high (73.33 percent); student responses are high (60 percent) and student opportunities are high (53.33 percent). 3) Teacher difficulties are high (80 percent). 4) Teacher efforts are classified as moderate (80 percent)


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    The Central People's Government Administration Council issued and announced “The decision on the harmonization of national tax administration "and" Implement Scheme of National Tax Administration” in 1950, which marked founding of tax system of China. Since 1994, China’s central government has started a reformation of this system and established the State Administration of Taxation, the State taxation bureau, as well as the local taxation bureau. Taxes have been adjusted to adapt to the business. After the reformation, government increases revenue, optimizes the fiscal structure, reduces expenditure, improves the local government’s enthusiasm and positivity in economy, ensures fiscal revenue growth and promotes the sustainable development of national economy. Throughout 35 years since the reform and opening policy, especially in the past several years, every reforms of tax system in China impact enterprises (main sources of tax revenue) deeply. How to optimize the current tax system to improve enterprises is an essential research area

    The impacts of 5D-Building Information Modeling on construction's Time and cost performance

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    The construction sector is essential to a country's economic growth and development. This is why the construction of building projects is one of the most pressing concerns for the Indonesian government. The industrial sector has become increasingly dynamic and responsive to the challenges of building projects due to technological advancements. One example is the Building Information Modelling (BIM) 5D, an emerging technology integrating project implementation time and costs into a 3D model. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the success factors of BIM 5D implementation on the time and cost performance of high-rise building construction projects at Campus-II UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This was achieved through a quantitative research method using a questionnaire completed by 62 respondents: the project manager, site manager, engineering head, and site engineer. Moreover, descriptive statistics were utilized to examine the frequency distribution of concentration measures and data distribution on sample characteristics and variables. The findings showed that the factors of tender document, human resources, BIM software, planning process and production process simultaneously positively affected the construction project's cost and time performance


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    Salah satu fenomena lain pekerjaan contract change order pembangunan jalan tol proyek strategis nasional (PSN) pada kenyataannya sering terjadi karena perencanaan sebelum pekerjaan dimulai tidak selalu berjalan dengan baik sesuai perencanaan awal. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab timbulnya CCO, dampak CCO terhadap cost performance perusahaan jalan tol, dan sekaligus dampak pengerjaan CCO terhadap cost performance kontraktor pekerjaan jalan tol. Metode yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey kemudian data diolah dengan model regresi linier berganda. Karakteristik riset ini yaitu pembangunan jalan tol yang memiliki target dari pemerintah proyek strategis nasional (psn), menggunakan perkerasan beton lebih dominan, menggunakan jembatan slab on pile pada ruas jalan tol. Hasil riset diketahui bahwa pekerjaan cco memiliki dampak pada peningkatan biaya yang disebabkan oleh faktor dokumen kontrak dan faktor stakeholder. Variabel dominan yang mempengaruhi kenaikan biaya pembangunan jalan tol adalah dokumen kontrak dengan nilai uji-t 4,575, nilai signifikan  0,000, dan koefisien regresi 0,258. Pada saat yang sama, penelitian ini memiliki dampak yang kuat sebesar 62% terhadap kinerja biaya lokasi pembangunan jalan tol, dengan 38% sisanya diperoleh dari analisis regresi di luar model variabel

    The Effect Of Customer Trust And Service Quality On Post Purchase Intention Through Customer Satisfaction On Online Grab Transportation (Survey Of Grab Customers In Purworejo)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Trust and Perceived Service on Post Purchase Intention through Customer Satisfaction in Grab Online Transportation (Survey of Grab users in Purworejo). Based on preliminary research by conducting interviews with 10 users of grab services in Purworejo. Their answers can be summarized as follows: (1) three out of 10 customers stated that they use Grab's services because the fares provided are very in line with what they expected, so they only use Grab as an online transportation service; (2) five out of 10 customers stated that they chose the grab service because they were satisfied with the services provided by Grab, so they only used Grab as an online transportation service; (3) two out of 10 customers stated that they feel comfortable with Grab and are willing to recommend Grab to the people around them and have the intention to use Grab in the future.The problem in this research is Post-Purchase Intention. Post-purchase (post-purchase) is a post- purchase evaluation that involves a number of concepts, including consumer expectations, satisfaction, doubts and feedback mechanisms. Satisfaction is an important emotion of this stage and is a determinant for future buying behavior (Loudon &Bitta, 1993). The object of this research is Grab customers in Purworejo. Sampling using the No Probability Sampling method. In this study, data from questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive quantitative methods. The hypothesis testing of this research was carried out with the help of SPSS Version 25 software. These values can be seen from the results of a significance of 5%.The object of this research is Grab users in Purworejo Regency. Sampling using the Non Probability Sampling method. In this study, data from questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive and quantitative methods. The hypothesis testing of this research was carried out with the help of SPSS software. These values can be seen from the results of a significance of 5%. The results of the study show that (1) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on post purchase intention. (2) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on post purchase intention. (3) Customer Satifaction is not able to mediate the influence of customer trust on post purchase intention of Grab users in Purworejo. (4) Customer satisfaction is not able to mediate the effect of service quality on post purchase intention of Grab users in PurworejoKeywords: Customer Trust, Perceived Service, Post Purchase Intention, Customer Satisfactio


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    The Central People's Government Administration Council issued and announced “The decision on the harmonization of national tax administration "and" Implement Scheme of National Tax Administration” in 1950, which marked founding of tax system of China. Since 1994, China’s central government has started a reformation of this system and established the State Administration of Taxation, the State taxation bureau, as well as the local taxation bureau. Taxes have been adjusted to adapt to the business. After the reformation, government increases revenue, optimizes the fiscal structure, reduces expenditure, improves the local government’s enthusiasm and positivity in economy, ensures fiscal revenue growth and promotes the sustainable development of national economy. Throughout 35 years since the reform and opening policy, especially in the past several years, every reforms of tax system in China impact enterprises (main sources of tax revenue) deeply. How to optimize the current tax system to improve enterprises is an essential research area


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    Peraturan Pemerintah No. 16 tahun 2021 dengan jelas mewajibkan penggunaan BIM dalam jasa konstruksi di Indonesia. Salah satu Dimensi BIM adalah BIM 4D untuk urutan dan simulasi pekerjaan. Penerapan BIM dalam jasa konstruksi telah diinisiasi oleh BUMN-BUMN Jasa Konstruksi. Namun dalam penerapan nya masih ada kendala-kendala yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan BIM 4D di BUMN Konstruksi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan tersebut. Faktor-Faktor yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah Peraturan dan Regulasi Pemerintah, Sumber Daya Manusia, Biaya dan Investasi, Organisasi dan manajemen serta Perangkat Lunak, Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang telah diisi para praktisi BIM 4D di BUMN Konstruksi. Kemudian diolah menggunakan Regresi Linear Berganda dengan Program SPSS 26. Penerapan BIM 4D di ukur berdasarkan tingkat Fungsi BIM, LOD BIM dan Maturity BIM. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan BIM 4D di BUMN Konstruksi masih belum optimal dan factor yang paling mempengaruhi adalah factor Sumber Daya Manusia dimana setiap peningkatan sebesar 1 maka akan meningkatkan Penerapan BIM 4D di BUMN Konstruksi Sebesar 0.415, kemudian faktor yang paling berpengaruh selanjutnya adalah Perangkat Lunak/Software BIM dimana setiap peningkatan sebesar 1 maka akan meningkatkan Penerapan BIM 4D di BUMN Konstruksi  sebesar 0.239
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