16 research outputs found

    Pola Spasial Persebaran Penyakit TB Paru Di Kota Malang

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    Penyakit TB Paru menyebabkan kematian nomor tiga terbesar di Indonesia yang  banyak diderita oleh kelompok usia produktif kerja dan golongan ekonomi lemah. Penularan penyakit TB Paru dapat secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola sebaran prevalensi TB Paru di Kota Malang dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap prevalensi TB Paru di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode nearest neighbor ratio (NNR) untuk mengetahui pola sebaran spasial penyakit TB Paru di Kota Malang. Nilai Nearest Neigborhood Ratio untuk setiap kecamatan di Kota Malang adalah < 1, maka pola sebaran penyakit TB Paru di Kota Malang membentuk pola spasial cluster

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Dan Minat Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Gugus KKG Ki Hajar Dewantara Bumi Raya Morowali

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    The discovery learning method is a learning method that has many advantages compared to other learning methods. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of using the discovery learning method and learning interest on social studies learning outcomes for fifth grade students at SDN 1 Bahonjuang and Kelas V SDN Umbele Elementary School. The method used by researchers is quantitative with an experimental approach. Data collection uses a survey method with a questionnaire as an instrument. Analysis of research data using descriptive statistical tests, t test. and Anova. The results of the Anova test obtained the results of F count 13772 with Sig = 0.000. Value (< 0.05). meaning that together the use of the Discovery Learning Method and interest in learning affect student learning outcomes. the use of discovery learning methods and learning interest on social studies learning outcomes of students. Conclusions: (1) Simultaneously there is a significant effect of the use of the discovery learning method and learning interest on student social studies learning outcomes (2) Partially there is a significant influence of the use of the Discovery Learning method on student social studies learning outcomes. (3) Partially there is a significant influence of students' learning interest on students' social studies learning outcomes.The discovery learning method is a learning method that has many advantages compared to other learning methods. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of using the discovery learning method and learning interest on social studies learning outcomes for fifth grade students at SDN 1 Bahonjuang and Kelas V SDN Umbele Elementary School. The method used by researchers is quantitative with an experimental approach. Data collection uses a survey method with a questionnaire as an instrument. Analysis of research data using descriptive statistical tests, t test. and Anova. The results of the Anova test obtained the results of F count 13772 with Sig = 0.000. Value (< 0.05). meaning that together the use of the Discovery Learning Method and interest in learning affect student learning outcomes. the use of discovery learning methods and learning interest on social studies learning outcomes of students. Conclusions: (1) Simultaneously there is a significant effect of the use of the discovery learning method and learning interest on student social studies learning outcomes (2) Partially there is a significant influence of the use of the Discovery Learning method on student social studies learning outcomes. (3) Partially there is a significant influence of students' learning interest on students' social studies learning outcome

    Peer Review Karya Ilmiah

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    Peer review TB Paru_ES

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    Peer Review_JIP_EndangSurjati

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    Cek Similarity DB_Endang

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    Kaji Banding Kesadaran Metakognitif Antara Para Siswa Dan Siswi Kelas Tinggi SD Di Bumi Raya, Morowali

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    Student competency development will be good, one of them is if student have metacognitive awareness. This reseach aims to determine: 1) student’s meta-cognitive awareness between high classes (4th, 5th, 6th) of elementary school in Bumi Raya Morowali; 2) metacognitive awareness between male and female students in high class of elementary school; 3) metacognitive awareness of male and female students between high classes in elementary school. This research is a comparative survey research. The instrument of the research is used MAI-Sraw and Denisson (1994) that modified suit for elemantary school students’s literacy skill. The respondents who have been involved are 134 students, respondents were selected using probability sampling technique. Also use inferencial parametric statistic (two way anova). This research results that: 1) Student’s metacognitive awareness of 4th grade is different, possessed lowest level than 5th grade and 6th grade. Student’s metacognitive awareness of 5th grade and 6th grade is not different each other. First concluded analysis that student’s metacognitive awareness between high classes of elementary school in Bumi Raya Morowali is different. 2) The metacognitive awareness between male and female students overall is not different. 3) Interaction between level of grade and gender on student’s metacognitive awareness are: the metacognitive awareness between male and female students of 4th grade also male students of 5th grade is not different; the metacognitive awareness between male and female students of 4th grade is different from male students of 6th grade, female students of 6th grade and female students of 5th grade; than the metacognitive awareness of male and female students of 5th grade with the metacognitive awareness of male and female students of 6th grade is not different. The recommendations for the next research are to apply longitudinal research and to add the the variabel’s research in order to get gradual describtion of student’s metacognitive awareness.Student competency development will be good, one of them is if student have metacognitive awareness. This reseach aims to determine: 1) student’s metacognitive awareness between high classes (4th, 5th, 6th) of elementary school in Bumi Raya Morowali; 2) metacognitive awareness between male and female students in high class of elementary school; 3) metacognitive awareness of male and female students between high classes in elementary school. This research is a comparative survey research. The instrument of the research is used MAI-Sraw and Denisson (1994) that modified suit for elemantary school students’s literacy skill. The respondents who have been involved are 134 students, respondents were selected using probability sampling technique. Also use inferencial parametric statistic (two way anova). This research results that: 1) Student’s metacognitive awareness of 4th grade is different, possessed lowest level than 5th grade and 6th grade. Student’s metacognitive awareness of 5th grade and 6th grade is not different each other. First concluded analysis that student’s metacognitive awareness between high classes of elementary school in Bumi Raya Morowali is different. 2) The metacognitive awareness between male and female students overall is not different. 3) Interaction between level of grade and gender on student’s metacognitive awareness are: the metacognitive awareness between male and female students of 4th grade also male students of 5th grade is not different; the metacognitive awareness between male and female students of 4th grade is different from male students of 6th grade, female students of 6th grade and female students of 5th grade; than the metacognitive awareness of male and female students of 5th grade with the metacognitive awareness of male and female students of 6th grade is not different