1,820 research outputs found

    A round robin study of flexible large-area roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cell modules

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    Lie Groups of Partial Differential Equations and Their Application to the Multidimensional Screening Problems

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    In this paper I describe group theoretic methods that can be used for analyzing the boundary problems, which arise when the Hamiltonian method is applied to solve the relaxed problem for the multidimensional screening problem. This technique can provide some useful insights into the structure of solutions and some times may help to arrive at particular solutionsLie group, multidimensional screening

    Bounded Rationality:Static Versus Dynamic Approaches

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    Two kinds of theories of boundedly rational behavior are possible. Static theories focus on stationary behavior and do not include any explicit mechanism for temporal change. Dynamic theories, on the other hand, explicitly model the fine-grain adjustments made by the subjects in response to their recent experiences. The main contribution of this paper is to argue that the restrictions usually imposed on the distribution of choices in the static approach are generically not supported by a dynamic adjustment mechanism. The genericity here is understood both in the measure theoretic and in the topological sense.

    Quality Gaps

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    In this paper I consider a monopolistic screening model with continuum of types when the type set is a disconnected subset of the real line. I prove that the product line remains connected provided that the gap in the type space is sufficiently small. I also use the results to show that the inverse screening problem may be ill-defined.screening, product line, quality gap

    Why Do Social Skills Matter?

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    In this paper I propose a model where social skills of a manager signal the workers that their e¤ort is productive. In this model …rms with a high productivity of e¤ort hire a socially skilled manager and pay higher wages, and workers hired by these …rms exert higher e¤ort. In a broader context, the paper argues the employees are compensated with a higher wage and better working conditions for higher levels of effort.

    Equilibrium selection in coordination games: Why do dominated strategies matter?

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    In this paper I illustrate by an example that strictly dominated strategies may affect the process of the equilibrium selection in coordination games. The strategy profile that gets selected may be both Pareto and risk dominated. This distinguishes it from the examples provided in Ellison (2000) and Maruta (1997).
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