35 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Elaborasi untuk Membangun Konsep Sistem Pencernaan pada Manusia melalui Multimedia Kelas XI

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan pembelajaran Biologi di kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri 1 Batu Ampar masih dilaksanakan secara konvensional, pebelajar diharuskan menghafal konsep-konsep yang tidak tahu penerapannya. Sehingga, mata pelajaran Biologi menjadi sesuatu yang tidak disukai pebelajar, atau bahkan mereka menganggapnya sebagai mata pelajaran yang abstrak dan rumit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah tersedianya sumber belajar menggunakan pengembangan model elaborasi untuk membangun konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia melalui multimedia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengembangan produk (Research and Development) dengan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik, dan data yang diolah dengan analisis data kualitatif, serta pengambilan sampel dengan snowball sampilng. Perilaku belajar para pebelajar yang menggunakan model elaborasi melalui multimedia berupa perolehan belajar membangun konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia selama kegiatan uji coba lapangan berdasarkan hasil rekaman dan foto menunjukkan bahwa pebelajar merasa senang dan aktif, serta merasa mudah dalam menemukan konsep, sehingga pebelajar mampu membangun konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia secara mandiri. Kata Kunci : Model Elaborasi, Multimedia, Konsep Sistem Pencernaan Pada Manusia. Abstract: This research is motivated by the learning of Biology in class XI IPA at SMAN 1 Batu Ampar was carried out conventionally, learners are required to memorize concepts that do not know the application. Thus, the subjects Biology into something undesirable learners, or even they consider it as a subject of abstract and complex. The general aim of this research is to produce the learning resources that using the development model for constructing concept of human digestive system through multimedia.The study was conducted with product development (Research and Development) with naturalistic qualitative approach, and data that is processed with the analysis of qualitative data, as well as snowball sampling with sampilng. Conduct study of the learners who use the model elaboration through multimedia to build the concept of the human digestion system during activity field trials based on the recordings and photographs indicate that learners are very active in following the learning steps which have been designed in multimedia and more motivated, eliminate boredom, exciting, and fun at the self-learners. Keywords : Models Elaboration, Multimedia, Concept Of The Human Digestive System

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Representasi dan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa dalam Materi Pecahan di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Kunyit

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    This study aims to explore how an increase in the representation and understanding of the mathematical ability of students after learning the treatment given by problem-based learning model and conventional, the association between the representation and understanding of mathematical abilities of students as well as student activity during the learning takes place. This research is an experimental study in SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Kunyit school year 2014/2015. Pretest and posttest study design is given in the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group learning through problem-based learning model and the control group learned through conventional learning. Based on the final test analysis results obtained representation and understanding of mathematical ability of students increased scores after being given pretest and posttest, besides students learn problem-based learning model is significantly there is a difference compared with students who studied with conventional learning. There is an association (the relationship) between mathematical ability and understanding repesentasi. While the activity of students in problem-based learning model and students showed increased active during the learning activity

    Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika melalui Pendekatan Konstruktivistik di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2 Segedong

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    Design DevelopmentLearning Mathematics With Approaches Constructivistic In Sekolah Menegah Pertama Negeri 2 Segedong.The purposes Development of the design to produce a design on the constructivist approach to learning mathematics. The design was developed Scenario Learning. Development of the model used to generate the components of the product refers to the model development Willis (1995) Reflective, Recursive, Design, and Development (R2D2). Test instruments such as observation sheets, Questionnaires and documentation. Review and test results were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the review, it appears that the stated learning scenario and 92.85% is considered good. Utilize and deploy products constructivist learning design is suggested learners (1) Expanding horizons constructivist learning, (2) understand the components of this product comprehensively, (3) Knowing the characteristics of learners, (4) Mastering the fine materials, (5) Placing themselves as learning partners, and (6) dissemination and collaboration both internally and externally in relation to the implementation of constructivist learning

    Pengembangan Multimedia Berbasis Keterampilan Pembelajaran IPA untuk Kecakapan Pemecahan Masalah Bioteknologi Nata De Coco

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    This study aims to describe and analyze a multimedia-based learning science process skills in problem-solving skills biotechnology for nata de coco class IX student SMP 3 Sungai Kakap. The results of this study are: 1) Finding a model-based design of multimedia learning skills through the process; 2) relevant media profiles with multimedia skills-based process for problem solving skills biotechnology nata de coco is in the format of Adobe Flash comes with narration, animation, audio and video; 3) learners\u27 learning behaviors that can be observed is independence in learning (not dependent on the teacher), more excited and enthusiastic, have process skills such as observing, interpreting, using tools, planning activities, communicate and conclude with the good; 4) learners are able to achieve the ultimate goal of learning is problem-solving skills which learners are able to find a solution utilization of coconut water into nata de coco making it more economically valuabl

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Kompetensi dalam Materi Turunan Fungsi di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    The aims of this research are: (1) to develop competency-based student worksheet; (2) to increase student competency in understanding, applying, and solving problems with the concept of the derivative of function. This study was developmental research so the method employed research and development approach. The data were collected from the stages of research and development as follows: (1) literature study (2) field survey, (3) pretest (4) preparation, validation, revision and perfection of the draft model of worksheets developed after getting the advice and input from the experts (5) posttest after the students learnt by using the competency-based student worksheet developed. The results of the research and development concluded that the application of competency-based student worksheet in the learning process helped to overcome a gap between teaching materials and the expected competency achievement in the material of "The Derivative of function"

    Hubungan antara Kemampuan Representasi Matematis dan Disposisi Matematis Siswa dalam Materi Perbandingan Trigonometri di SMA

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    The aim of this research are to know whether get different mathematical representation ability if classificated from picture representation ability, symbolic representation ability and verbal representation ability, and to know whether get different between mathematical representation ability and mathematical dispositions student in trigonometry compression topic at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya. The method use survey research. The research subjects are 35 students and use purposive sampling technique. Instrument that used are mathematical representation test and mathematical disposition poll. The result of data analysis used anova one way showed getting different mathematical representation ability if classificated from picture representation ability, symbolic representation ability and verbal representation ability. The result of data analysis used correlation product moment test showed getting different between mathematical representation ability and mathematical dispositions student

    Pemanfaatan Media Kit dalam Proses Pembelajaran Matematika di SMP Negeri Kota Pontianak

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    This study focused on the use of the media kit in learning mathematic at junior High School in Pontianak City. The kinds of kit considered in usefulness, preparation, take care of activity and the storage kit media. The result of study showed that use has been carried out by teachers at school but the utility was not optimal. The teacher has prepared the times, the number of media, study materials and the safety but less of focus on students characteristic and the teachers ability. The implementation is focus only on basic competency on space shape and flat space shape but another competency was not use the available of kit. The teacher competence is more increase in usefulness of kit. The storage of kit is get more pay attention in order the kit storage is more tidy and take care well. The support of principal and advisor need to be done to give motivation to the teacher in utility mathematic of kit media at school