1,702 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility disclosure by state-owned enterprises in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This article aims to investigate the extent to which State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Indonesia disclose their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs to the general public. Design/Methodology/Approach: Quantitative design is used as the main method in the study. Corporate profiling is used for analyzing SOEs profile and program profiling is used to analyze the profile of CSR programs implemented by SOEs. Findings: The study concludes that, first, SOEs under study disclose their CSR programs to the general public. In terms of indicators it is difficult to conclude that CSR programs disclosed by SOEs signify corporate virtuous citizenship embedding the initial ideas of CSR. Practical implications: Practical implications of the study are two-folds. First, that SOEs in Indonesia, need to strengthen the institutional drivers of CSR, and put pressure on companies to move beyond philanthropy, rhetoric, legitimization, imagery, and public relations to substantive engagement in CSR and genuine attempts at change and development. Second, the implementation of CSR programs by SOEs is judicially liable to public auditing. Originality/Value: The value of this study strengthens arguments which hold that the implementation of CSR, even implemented by SOEs, functions more as corporate survival mechanism rather than for solving social and environmental problems.peer-reviewe

    Implementasi gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang demokratis menuju sekolah berprestasi

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    Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Samarinda is a public school that characterized typical Islamic. Efforts to realize that school achievement in the implementation overlooks the socialization of school, making a situation analysis of school and outside school, situasional formulate goals to be achieved, identify functions that need to be involved to achieve the goals set situasional, make SWOT analysis (Strength, Weaknes , Opportunity, and Threat), select the steps splitting problem, plan a short-term, medium and long term, implement programs to realize the short-term plan, monitoring and evaluation process on an ongoing basis. Operasionalnya techniques to achieve a superior school, achievement and self-starting is the effectiveness of the learning process, school leadership is strong, the management staff's effective; school has a culture of quality, "teamwork" a compact, intelligent, and dynamic; Schools have autonomy, participation of schools and communities; School have transparency, the school has a willingness to change (psychological and physical), and evaluating school improvement in a sustainable, schools responsive to the needs and antisipatif; School has accountability, and sustansbilitas. Output, is the achievement of schools, the emphasis digit drop out, and staff satisfaction. Constraints in the implementation of the power source is low, less socialization, the ability of human resources is low, less monitoring, the level of economic development and education is low, the implementation of the civil laws that are not consistent, the passive attitude of teachers, the level of public education about the low and the implementation of school autonomy is not in accordance with the concept of school-based management. Is a factor supporting a conducive environment, transparent management, the direct form of contract performance, the performance of a conducive relationship, socio-economic condition of a stable society, government support, the ease of madrasah formed a team and communication with otherparties involved in efforts to improve the quality of madrasah . Alternative development, madrasah make regular pattern of the class, class and superior class boarding school. Innovation is doing interview


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    Quartz sand of Mojosari deposit from Rembang, Central Java has been beneficiated using oxalic acid to en- hance its purity, especially that is associated with the removal of iron oxide impurities. The removal of metallic impurities has been studied under experimental conditions to optimize the process parameters such as oxalate concentration (0.1-0.5M), leaching temperature (25-50°C) and pH of solution (1-5). The optimum leaching pro- cess removed iron from originally 1.44% to reach a level of 0.243% (82% removal of iron) with the SiO2 content increases from 95.50 up to 97.77%. The obtained beneficiated quartz sand matches the required Fe level for glass insulating fibers industry, which is less than 0.3%. The best result was yielded under experimental condi- tion using oxalic acid at concentration of 0.3M, pH 1, temperature of 40°C for 4 hours of leaching process. The experimental results of this study have opened up a practically significant and technically viable approach for the production of quartz sand suitable for glass insulating fiber industry

    Instructional Leadership Style at MAN 1 Samarinda

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    The aim of this research is to describe instructional leadership as one of the leadership styles in the context of Madrasah Aliyah teaching and learning, typically at MAN 1 Samarinda, East Kalimantan. In-depth interviews with the school principal and representative teachers from all levels were conducted in order to dig information regarding the research focus. Additionally, document analysis is also used to support the findings gained from in-depth interviews specifically related to the document of school vision and mission and supervision of teachers' performance. As a result, three dimensions of instructional leadership exist in the implementation of instructional leadership at MAN 1 Samarinda, i.e. the school principal supports in terms of the implementation of school vision and mission, management of school program, and positive teaching and learning climate. Even though this research gains positive results regarding with the implementation of instructional leadership, some previous studies in this research reveal that there are quite many formal schools who are still lack of knowledge concerning with leadership styles especially instructional leadership. Therefore, the pedagogical implication of this research findings drives the involvement of the government in supporting school principal in any formal institution, especially in enriching their knowledge in implementing appropriate leadership styles. Research novelty and pedagogical implications are discussed further in this research


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    The problem of refractory sulfide gold ore that has a gold recovery less than 50% when direct cyanidation applied, still exists until now. It needs oxidative pretreatment for cyanidation to be effective in gold recovery the objective of this study is figuring out the effect of sodium nitrite as an oxidizing reagent on cyanidation of refractory gold ore. Cyanide leaching of the concentrate was performed at 20%-w/w of solid (500 gram of refractory sulfide gold ore concentrate) in a 2.5-liter glass reactor with aeration and stirred at 250 rpm. Leach solutions were prepared using deionized-distilled water at the prescribed concentration of reagents. Recovery of gold increased gradually to its maximum value of 93.05% as the value of cyanide strength increased from 0.8 to 1.2% and the addition of sodium nitrite raise to 1.2 M. No improvement for further addition of nitrites. This introduction of new hydrometallurgical pre-treatment process has given more option for treating refractory ores

    Implementasi Kurikulum Metode Ummi Kelas Tahfidz

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk (1) Mengetahui konsep metode ummi dalam pembelajaran kelas tahfidz. (2) Bagaimana implementasi metode ummi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran kelas tahfidz di Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam Bunga Bangsa Samarinda dan (3) Mengetahui kendala guru dalam pembelajaran metode ummi kelas tahfidz di SMA Islam Bunga Bangsa Samarinda. Menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi metode ummi dalam tahfidz Alquran. Teknik Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi dengan teknik pembandingan data yang diperoleh dari hasil tes, hasil interview dan hasil observasi kemudian dengan sumber yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan implementasi kurikulum metode ummi kelas tahfidz di SMA Islam Bunga Bangsa sudah terlaksana dengan baik meliputi perencanaan kurikulum, pelaksanaan tahfidz, penilaian tahfidz, dan pengawasan tahfidz. Ditambah dengan Faktor pendukung metode ummi kelas tahfidz di SMA Islam Bunga Bangsa Samarinda, meliputi dukungan dari sekolah dan yayasan, sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas, sarana prasarana yang cukup representatif, dan pemberian motivasi guru tahfidz. Kemudian Faktor penghambat dari metode ummi kelas tahfidz di SMA Islam Bunga Bangsa Samarinda yaitu: Padatnya kegiatan siswa dan sekolah yang bersifat insidental, kurangnya motivasi siswa, dan kurangnya jumlah tatap muka. Kata kunci: implementasi kurikulum, metode ummi, kelas tahfid


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    Penelitian ini terfokus pada kreativitas guru PAI dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an siswa pada juz 30 melaluimetode wahdah di SDN 35 Nungga Kota Bima. Metode wahdahadalah merupakan metode menghafal Al-Qur‟an dengan carasatu persatu terhadap ayat yang hendak dihafalnya secaraberulang-ulang. Tidak sedikit dari siswa yang mengeluhkantentang sulitnya menghafal Al-Qur‟an, itu disebabkan banyaknyasiswa yang belum mengetahui tentang metode-metode yang dapatdigunakan dalam menghafal al-Qur‟an. Untuk menjawabpersoalan tersebut maka metodologi dalam penelitian ini adalahpenelitian lapangan (Field Research) yakni menggunakanpendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik data melaluiobservasi dan wawancara. Metode analisis data menggunakanteknik analisis deskriptif. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa guru PAI di SDN 35 Nunggi Kota Bima telah menerapkan menerapkan metode wahdah dalam meningkatkan hafalannyasiswa . sehingga dapat disimpulkan setelah guru menerapkanmetode wahdah dalam menghafal Al-Qur’an maka siswa mampumenyelesaikan hafalannya dengan waktu yang relatif singkat danstandar


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    Iron sand is known as one of the sources of TiO2 in the form of ilmenite or titanomagnetite mineral. Iron-titanium oxide mineral contained in Indonesia iron sand are classified as titanomagnetite. Indonesia possesses a lot of iron sand deposits such as at southern coast of Cilacap, Kebumen and other areas. The iron sand consists of magnetic and non-magnetic minerals as either loses or bound materials. Fractionation of Cilacap iron sand which employed three types of sieve (40, 60 and 80 meshes) showed that the iron sand is dominant in -40+60 fraction (68.38 g) while the most amount of iron and titania contents occurred at fraction of -80 mesh, namely 11.62 and 1.46%. Magnetic separation showed that the finer the particles and the higher the magnetic intensity, the higher the derived iron and titania. The process has also successfully increased the TiO2 content more than 5 times, from 0.325 to 1.67%


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    The loading of gold and copper from a pregnant gold thiosulfate leach solution onto ion exchange resin and the subsequent elution of these metals have been investigated. In this study, strong basic resins of Amberjet-4200 and IRA-400 were used and thiocyanate was used as eluent. It was found that on Amberjet-400, the gold loading reached about 2-3 kg/t, in correspondence to 0.4 ppm gold in the effluent.On IRA-400, the performance was almost exactly the same loading as on Amberjet- 4200 but with the effluent gold concentration being slightly higher. In leach solutions, copper is present in much higher concentrations than gold, since it is added as a catalyst for gold dissolution.  The maximum Cu loading obtained on Amberjet-400 was about 22 kg/t while it was about 24 kg/t on IRA-400. These results indicate that gold can be removed from thiosulfate solutions rapidly and loaded on resins to very high concentrations. Subsequent gold elution with thiocyanate ions was very efficient; the concentration of gold on resin was reduced from about 2-3 kg/L down to less than 10 ppm (99,9% elution) under ambient temperature in 2-4 hours
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