22 research outputs found

    Sistem Pakar Dalam Mendiagnosa Jenis Perawatan Kulit Wajah Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor (Klinik House Of Ristra)

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    Abstract_The skin is the outermost organ of the body that lines the human body. The skin makes up 15% of the total body weight. On the outer surface of the skin there are pores (cavities) through which sweat comes out. The skin has many functions, including protecting the body, as a means of touch or communication, and as a means of controlling temperature. To do skin care requires sufficient knowledge. Before carrying out skin care, determining the type of facial skin is very necessary because the determination of skin care must be adjusted to the type of facial skin. The role of a skin specialist is very necessary in determining the type of facial skin care according to skin type. The limited number of dermatologists and doctor's hours of practice, very long queues and long distances are obstacles that are often experienced by most women who seek treatment at beauty clinics. Therefore a tool is designed using an expert system to diagnose facial skin types early. This expert system was designed using the PHP Programming Language and MySQL database by implementing the Certainty Factor Method. The expert system created can make it easy for users to consult about facial skin types online. From the results of tests carried out by the certainty factor method, it can be used as a solution in using an expert system to diagnose this type of facial skin care. In applying the certainty factor method, it can provide a percentage of the level of confidence in a disease. So that users can make this expert system as an application that can provide assistance in facial care

    The Implementation Of Teacher Performance Assessment Through Promethee Method Approach (Case Study At Smkn 5 Seluma)

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    SMK Negeri 5 Seluma is one of the Vocational Schools in Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province. At the school in every year a Teacher Performance Assessment or what is often referred to as PKG is carried out. There are 14 assessment criteria for teacher performance which are divided into 4 categories of assessment, namely Pedagogic, Personality, Social and Professional. So far, the processing of teacher performance assessment data has used the office application package, namely Excel (data attached) to provide grades and calculate the PKG scores obtained by the teacher in accordance with the applicable provisions. The implementation for assessing teacher performance at SMK Negeri 5 Seluma using Promethee Method was created using the Visual Basic.Net programming language (IDE Visual Studio 2010) and SQL Server 2008 database. The application for assessing teacher performance at SMK Negeri 5 Seluma it can be used as an alternative in helping to assess assessment of teachers in schools, so that it can be seen who has the best performance based on the ranking results obtained from the promethee. The application for assessing teacher performance at SMK Negeri 5 Seluma has applied Promethee method, so that the final assessment results for each teacher have gone through the calculation procedure for the Promethee method. The final assessment results will be sorted from the highest value to the lowest value by looking at the net flow value which is the result of subtracting the leaving flow and entering flow. Based on testing using 5 (five) teacher performance assessment data in 2019, the results obtained that Guru Isuadi, S.Pd got the highest score with a leaving flow value of 1.63, entering flow 1.63 and net flow 1.63. Based on the results of the same assessment on manual calculations, it is found that the results of calculations on the decision support system had the same value as the results of manual calculations that had been carried out. Applications can be used as an alternative in providing an assessment of teacher performance in schools

    A Comparative Analysis Of Simple Additive Methods Weighting With Preference Selection Index In The Selection Of The Best Sales

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    PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra Branch of Putri Hijau is a company engaged in the sale of motorcycles by cash and credit which is located in North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra needs a decision support system that can correct the weaknesses of the current system, namely data collection and sales selection which is still manual, namely by using a book, as a result, selecting the best salesperson takes a very long time. In fact, for the assessment of the best sales selection, accuracy and precision are needed, so that the results can be accepted by all sales and employees at PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra. The method used is Simple Additive Weighting and Preference Selection Index Method to assist company management in assessing the best sales performance of employees in the company. Besides that, PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra strives to improve various service facilities that are friendly to consumers so that sales targets can be achieved every year. Based on the results of system testing at P.T Tunas Dwipa Matra, it can be concluded that the application made is as expected and can help the process of selecting the best salesperson. And the best sales in 2021 is Fitri with SAW value: 79 and PSI value: 0.83259

    Decision Support System Direct Cash Assistance Of Village Funds (Blt Dd) Using Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assement Waspas Method (Case Study Of Padang Pandan Village)

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    The problems found in this study are how to make a Decision Support System application for direct cash assistance to BLT DD village funds by applying the Waspas method to Padang Pandan Village. Decision Support System is an information system that provides information, modeling and data manipulation. Decision support systems provide specific interactive support for the decision-making process of managers and other business practitioners. The purpose of the Decision Support System is to make it easier to collect data on the implementation of BLT village funds.The WASPAS method is a combination of two methods, namely the WSM (Weight sum model) and the Weight product model (WPM). WSM is a weighted quantity, while WPM is a weighted product model. So it can be defined that WASPAS is an assessment of the weighted aggregate amount product. The results of the study that the waspas method can collect data on the value of the results of information calculations about direct cash assistance for BLT DD village funds in Padang Pandan villag

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Pemberian Reward Bagi Dokter Terbaik Dengan Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product

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    ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the Decision Support System in giving rewards to the best doctors at Hasanuddin Damrah Hospital. Currently the job evaluation system at Hasanuddin Damrah Manna Hospital is still carried out conventionally and the results of the assessment are subjective. The sample in this study was 8 data doctors where in the selection of the best doctor will be determined based on the assessment criteria used the main indicators of assessment. The assessment criteria used at the Hospital are Discipline, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Patient Care, Writing and Completeness of Medical Records, Professionalism. Based on the results of this study, the authors designed a Decision Support System to evaluate Doctor's Performance using Visual Basic Net Weighted Product (WP)

    ¬Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Calon Penerima BPJS-PBI Pada Dinas Sosial Kota Bengkulu Menggunakan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)

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    Abstract-Health Social Security Organizing Agency for Contribution Assistance Recipient groups is assistance for the poor and disadvantaged people who are financed by the Government. The goal of the Health Social Security Administrative Body is to improve access and quality of health services for all underprivileged and incapable people to achieve optimal public health status effectively and efficiently. One of the problems faced by the Bengkulu City Social Service in determining beneficiaries of Health Social Security Administering Body assistance for the Contribution Assistance Beneficiary group is the process carried out by the Bengkulu City Social Service in making decisions on receiving Contribution assistance  Health Social Security Administrative Body for poor families, still uses the manual method so it takes time. long to process. This decision support system for determining beneficiaries applies the K-Nearest Neighbor method to assist the selection process of citizens who are entitled to receive the Health Social Security Administrative Body so that it is easier to assess the criteria for residents. K-Nearest Neighbor can perform a mathematically based procedure to evaluate the values ​​of these criteria into an accurate description of the data classification. This decision support system is designed using the PHP Programming Language and MySQL Database. This decision support system can provide convenience for the Bengkulu City Social Service in determining beneficiaries of Health Social Security Administering Body assistance for groups of Contribution Assistance Recipients in Bengkulu City

    Decision Support System Determination Of Achieving Students Using The Promethe Method At Smk Negeri 4 Kepahiang

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    SMK Negeri 4 Kepahiang is one of the State Vocational High Schools located in Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. So far, the assessment system for outstanding students in schools is carried out by registering students and looking at 4 aspects of the assessment, namely the value of knowledge, the value of absenteeism, the value of non-academic achievement, the value of attitudes and behavior. The determination process is still done manually, where the four aspects will be compared between one student and another so that it can be known with various considerations, so that 3 outstanding students are obtained from the number of students. This is of course an obstacle for the school, because sometimes it is difficult to determine outstanding students and it takes quite a long time. The Decision Support System for determining outstanding students at SMK Negeri 4 Kepahiang was made using the Visual Basic .Net programming language and SQL Server 2008r2 database, where in the application one of the Decision Support System Methods (SPK) was applied, namely the Promethee Method. This application can be used as an alternative in assisting the school in determining outstanding students each academic year. The Decision Support System for determining outstanding students at SMK Negeri 4 Kepahiang begins with student assessment data which is then processed into the Promethee Method according to the stages of the method, so as to produce a final score by sorting the highest score to the lowest value. Based on the assessment data for the 2021/2022 Academic Year as many as 4 students, the outstanding student was Alim Predika with a net flow value of 0.42.

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Make A Match Berbantuan Media Gambar Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV SD Inpres 60 Kabupaten Sorong

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    Learning is a change in one's abilities that can be sustained but is not caused by growth. Changes referred to as learning can be demonstrated through changes in behavior. Learning is considered as the acquisition of knowledge, mastery of skills, character, and the formation of attitudes and self-confidence of students, especially in following the learning process. Learning requires strong motivation in order to obtain maximum change. However, motivating every student in the learning process is not an easy thing. One of them is motivation in science lessons. This study aims to determine the effect of the Make A Match Learning Model Assisted by Picture Media on Students' Learning Motivation in 4th Grade Science Lessons at SD Inpres 60, Sorong Regency. This research is a Pre-Experimental Design research. There are two variables, namely the independent variable leading to the Influence of the Make A Match Learning Model Assisted by Picture Media, while the dependent variable leads to Student Learning Motivation in Science Lessons for Class IV SD Inpres 60 Sorong Regency. The sample used was 13 students and the data collection technique used a questionnaire sheet and an observation sheet for the learning process. The data analysis technique consisted of the normality test and hypothesis testing stages. The results of the reliability test showed Cronbrach's Alpha on the questionnaire instrument was 0.730 and the results of the normality test obtained an Asymp-Sig value of 0.496. Hypothesis testing with the Paired Sample T-test shows that the T-count is 10,050, the df value in the n-1 study is 13-1 = 12, the df = 17 value is 2.179. So it can be seen that Tcount of Ttable is 10,050 > 2.179 and the result of Sig (2-tailed) is 0.01. This value is smaller than the 0.05 provision where 0.01 < 0.05. From the results of this test, it shows that it is accepted and rejected, meaning that there is an effect of using the Make A Match model with the help of picture media on the students' learning motivation in the fourth grade science lesson at SD Inpres 60, Sorong Regency

    Penerapan Decision Support System dalam Menentukan Karyawan Baru pada CV. Ria Printing Km 6.5 Menggunakan Metode Preference Selection Index

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    The recruitment process requires a professional and accurate way to produce human resources that can support the quality and successful of organization. The recruitment of new employees is an activity carried out at CV. Ria Printing when it requires additional workers or changes in workforce. So far, the new employee selection system is still done manually by looking at the highest score from prospective employees which usually lasts a long time, because the organization or company must first check and select the criteria and requirements that are completed by prospective employees carefully. In this situation, in selecting new employee, a decision support system is needed so that employee recruitment can be carried out more accurately. One method that can be applied in the desicion support system in determining new employees is Preference Selection Index Method. This method is useful for solving multi-criteria decision making, there is no need to assign relative importance between attributes and there is no need for computing attribute weights involved in decision making. The results obtained are based on the highest value in the application of Preference Selection Index using sample data of 10 people, so that 1st rank is Bella Grace with score of 0.96, 2nd rank is Adella Fitriansyah with score of 0.88 and third rank is Aedi Dicerita with score of 0.76. From the results of the high assessment, it can make it easier for the recipient of CV. Ria Printing KM 6.5 in making decisions to determine new employees

    Implementasi fuzzy servqual dalam evaluasi kualitas pelayanan penyuluh pertanian

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    This study aims to measure the quality of service of agricultural extension workers at the UPT. BPP Sukaraja uses the fuzzy service quality (servqual) method by grouping question attributes into five service dimensions criteria, namely the dimensions of tangibles (direct evidence), reliability (responsibility), responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The study showed that the value of the gap that requires the priority of improvement and improvement in service quality is the dimension of Tangibles with a negative gap value of -0.45 that means that the expectations of farmers are still not achieved. The customer satisfaction index is 87.93%, which means farmers are satisfied with the services provided. The study can be a motivation to improve the quality of service to farmers for UPT BPP Sukaraja.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur kualitas pelayanan penyuluh pertanian pada UPT BPP Sukaraja dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy service quality (servqual) dengan pengelompokkan atribut pertanyaan ke dalam lima kriteria dimensi pelayanan, yaitu dimensi tangibles (bukti langsung), reliability (keterpercayaan), responsiveness (ketanggapan), assurance (jaminan), dan empathy (empati). Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai gap perdimensi yang membutuhkan prioritas perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan adalah dimensi Tangibles dengan nilai gap negatif yaitu -0,45 yang berarti harapan petani masih belum tercapai. Perhitungan indeks kepuasan pelanggan adalah sebesar 87,93% yang berarti petani puas terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan. Indeks tersebut menjadikan motivasi untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan terhadap petani bagi UPT BPP Sukaraja