3 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKUdang vanamei memiliki keunggulan untuk kegiatan budidaya udang antara lain, responsif terhadap pakan/nafsu makan yang tinggi, lebih tahan terhadap serangan penyakit di kualitas lingkungan yang buruk pertumbuhan lebih cepat, serta tingkat kelangsungan hidup tinggi. Pada masa ini pelaku bisnis berlomba-lomba menemukan cara baru untuk mengoptimalkan proses bisnis yang dimilikinya dalam memenangkan persaingan global. Guna pengembangan usaha budidaya tambak udang vannamei di masa yang akan datang maka dipandang perlu untuk melakukan suatu analisis guna keberlanjutan kegiatan usaha tersebut. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di satu lokasi tambak, yaitu di tambak Pulokerto Pasuruan, milik Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sidoarjo, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Penetlitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor produksi dan efisiensi harga produksi budidaya udang vannamei, dengan menggunakan 8 variabel bebas, yakni luas lahan (X1), benur (X2), pakan 1(X3), pakan 2 (X4), pakan 3 (X5), supplement (X6), probiotik (X7), tenaga kerja (X8). Hasil analisa yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan SPSS  yaitu faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kegiatan produksi budidaya vannamei yakni X1, X2, X3, dan X5. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis efisiensi harga produksi yakni X1 tidak efisien, sedangkan X2, X3, dan X5 belum efisien

    Kerentanan Wereng Batang Cokelat (Nilaparvata Lugens) Dari Enam Lokasi Di Pulau Jawa Terhadap Tiga Jenis Insektisida

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    Susceptibility of the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) from six locations in Java to three insecticides. The rice brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is one of the important rice pests in Indonesia. Despite relatively frequent use of insecticides to control this pest, data on BPH resistance to insecticides commonly used by farmers in Indonesia is scarce. This study was conducted to assess the susceptibility of BPH from six locations in Java to three insecticides, i.e. BPMC, imidacloprid, and pymetrozine, and to find out the historical use of insecticides by rice farmers. The first laboratory generations of BPH adults were subjected to insecticide treatments using a leaf dip residual method as described in IRAC Method No 005. Resistance factor (RF) for BPMC and imidacloprid was determined by comparing LC50 of each insecticide against BPH field populations with that against the reference population, whereas the susceptibility of BPH to pymetrozine was assessed based on inhibition of BPH population development. The three insecticides used in this study were commonly used by farmers in the six sampling locations and those insecticides were mostly used twice per rice growing season. BPH populations from all six locations as well as the reference population were susceptible to pymetrozine in which the treatment with pymetrozine at 50 ppm (one-fifth of the recommended field rate) caused 100% inhibition of BPH population development. BPH from five locations showed resistance to imidacloprid (RF > 4), but that from Pasuruan did not (RF 2.0). BPH from Indramayu was resistant to BPMC (RF 6.6) whereas those from the other five locations were not (RF < 4). Exposure of the reference population to a sublethal dose of insecticides (LC50 or IC50) decreased the susceptibility of the third BPH generation to pymetrozine and BPMC but not to imidacloprid


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    Business feasibility analysis needs to be done for new businesses that want to open or are already running to provide information and an overview of what a catfish farming business looks like, whether it is still feasible or not to farmers. The purpose of this study is to determine the pattern of catfish enlargement farming business and determine the feasibility of catfish enlargement farming business from market and marketing aspects, technical aspects, management and organizational aspects, economic and social aspects, environmental aspects, and legality aspects, as well as knowing the financial feasibility of catfish enlargement farming business carried out by PT. Timur Mandiri Akuakultur. Financial feasibility analysis method using the method Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Net B/Cand Payback Period. The results of the analysis on non-financial aspects show that the business is still feasible to run and develop. The results of the financial aspect analysis based on the value of the investment criteria obtained that the business is feasible to run and develop. Keywords: Feasibility Study; Cat Fish Enlargement Discretion; Venture Eligibility Analysi