69 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Poverty is a scourge for human life, everything must be done immediately so that people can get out of the cycle of poverty. Various programs were also launched by the government to be able to help people who are exposed to financial powerlessness. The Family Hope Program is one of the efforts made by the government but the distribution of funds for the PKH program until now is still not right on target, this is because the Batu City government continues to use population census data that has not been updated or old data (Kompasiana). The proximity factor between Batu City Social Service officers and the community (still selective) is one of the reasons why PKH assistance has not been targeted. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Services at the Social Service in the distribution of PKH Funds were distributed, and to find out what the inhibiting and supporting factors were for the Services at the Social Service in the Disbursement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Funds. There is a strong commitment between the Central Government and the Regional Government in the success of the Family Hope Program in order to break the chain of poverty in Batu City. Strong support from the Central Government, Regional Government, PKH Facilitator Officers, and PKH Beneficiary Community, in an effort to improve the standard of living for the poor in Batu City.Abstract: Poverty is a scourge for human life, everything must be done immediately so that people can get out of the cycle of poverty. Various programs were also launched by the government to be able to help people who are exposed to financial powerlessness. The Family Hope Program is one of the efforts made by the government but the distribution of funds for the PKH program until now is still not right on target, this is because the Batu City government continues to use population census data that has not been updated or old data (Kompasiana). The proximity factor between Batu City Social Service officers and the community (still selective) is one of the reasons why PKH assistance has not been targeted. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Services at the Social Service in the distribution of PKH Funds were distributed, and to find out what the inhibiting and supporting factors were for the Services at the Social Service in the Disbursement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Funds. There is a strong commitment between the Central Government and the Regional Government in the success of the Family Hope Program in order to break the chain of poverty in Batu City. Strong support from the Central Government, Regional Government, PKH Facilitator Officers, and PKH Beneficiary Community, in an effort to improve the standard of living for the poor in Batu City


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    Party democracy in Indonesia was held as a political event in choosing members of the legislature and the executive vice president and president. Post-reform Indonesia has proven that the implementation of direct democracy party , general , free and secret afford held peacefully , but still a bit of observers who analyze the sustainability of future elections - the future . The General Election Commission has set 10 Party General Election 2014 Participant pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 8 Year 2012. The problem of political participation can not be separated from the element of interest voters to obtain information political developments in a wide variety of information media in Indonesia. The attitude at the level of voter apathy can be used as benchmark beginners over the level of success of the 2014 election. Through SWOT analysis, the authors develop the strategic direction of the steps in anticipation of the birth of the attitude of apathy among voters are portrayed as the following description: democratic political apathy on the higher time voters, media information is not favored voters Politics, New voters never get education and political socialization, the National Election Commission must consider the potential voters. , strategic steps to do the General Election Commission should involve various elements of electronic information media providers and media printed information. Voters had the opportunity to get a lesson or political education through the Institute of Education Formal environment

    Analisis Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia di Desa Gadingkulon, Kecamatan DAU, Kabupaten Malang

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    : People participation analysis in human resource development in Gadingkulon village is an important thing in order to improve human resource skills by involving people participation actively in each development process.The research use qualitative approach with data collection technique via interview, observation, and documentation, while informer in this research is village government and society by taking samples using snowball sampling. To test data validity, researcher uses technique triangulation. Data analysis is done by data reduction, data serve, and conclusion taking. Research result are: 1) people participation in human resource development in Gadingkulon village, whether in human resource development planning or human resource development application is huge, but in supervising level, it needs optimization; 2) method in improving people participation in developing human resource through education or health are: cooperating with outside party, whether government or private institution to facilitate people in giving training and education, also educated people participation to actualize each skill and knowledge possessed. Keywords: Participation, Development, Human Resourc


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    Abstract : This study aimed to determine the development carried out by Batu in the social and economic perspective of the community. Steps in reaching the welfare of society begin with the creation of vision and mission as a center of agriculture and tourism city. The method used was a descriptive qualitative and an implementation study that concerned on the strengthening of mission and vision of Batu to form a tourism city that led to a situation and condition of its society ‘s functional structure. The results showed that the strengths of Batu vision as an international tourist destination could be strengthened by all components of government, private sectors and community in creating various activities, attractions and types of tourism that could strengthen the social and economic changes of its people. Batu can implement a combination of all resources and potentials it has to be able to develop modern tourism attractions as well as strengthening the local and traditional cultures that attract tourists. From a social perspective, Batu’s development can be sustainable because of the cooperation and the role of government, investors and the community to create interesting tourism concepts. In an economic perspective, the development of Batu is gradually able to change the regional income derived from tourism to be used as much as possible for the prosperity of the people. Keywords: Development, Tourism City, Tourism Attraction, Empowerment, Social Perspective, Economic Perspective Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembangunan yang dilakukan di Kota Batu dalam perspektif sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat. Langkah dalam menggapai kesejahteraan masyarakat dimulai dengan melahirkan visi dan misi sebagai sentra pertanian dan kota wisata. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan merupakan studi implementasi yang memperhatikan penguatan visi misi Kota Batu sehingga terbentuk kota wisata yang mengarah pada sebuah situasi maupun kondisi struktur fungsional masyarakatnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan visi Kota Batu sebagai destinasi wisata internasional mampu diperkuat oleh seluruh komponen pemerintahan, swasta dan masyarakat dalam melahirkan berbagai kegiatan, wahana maupun jenis wisata yang mampu menguatkan perubahan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakatnya. Kota Batu dapat mengimplementasikan perpaduan dari seluruh sumberdaya dan potensi yang dimilikinya sehingga mampu mengembangkan wahana wisata modern serta penguatan budaya-budaya lokal dan tradisional yang menjadi daya tarik wisatawan. Dari perspektif social, pengembangan Kota Batu dapat berkelanjutan karena terjalin kerjasama dan adanya peranan pemerintah, investor serta masyarakat untuk melahirkan berbagai konsep kepariwisataan yang menarik. Dalam perspektif ekonomi, pengembangan Kota Batu secara bertahap mampu merubah pendapatan daerah yang diperoleh dari kepariwisataan untuk digunakan sebesar-besarnya pada kemakmuran rakyat. Kata Kunci : Pembangunan, Kota Wisata, Wahana Wisata, Pemberdayaan, Perspektif Sosial, Perspektif ekonom

    Pengaruh Wisata Petik Jambu (Agrowisata) terhadap Pemberdayaan dan Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat di Desa Bumiaji Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu

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    Village district Bumiaji, Batu 2) to know theeffect of Guava\u27s fruit picking tourism(eco-tourism) on the empowerment of people in Bumiaji, Batu 3) to determine the impact of social change in Bumiaji, Batu. This research was conducted in a quantitative study. The sample determination used random sampling. Meanwhile the data collection technique used was questionnaire. The data analysis method was Simple Linear Regression by using SPSS. Based on the results of analysis, it showed that a linear regression equation (agro-tourism) (X) to empowerment (Y1) of 0.604,while (agro-tourism) (X) to social change (Y2) with a value of 0.574. The research proved thatGuava\u27s fruit picking tourism management as much as 63.6% involve the community through agricultural socialization and regarded as good because there was a change in terms of meeting the needs or the revenue from agricultural products . T test results proved that agro-tourism significantly effected community\u27s development in the village of Bumiaji, Batu with t-count (3.465)> t table (1.658) significantly by 0.001. (Agro-torusim) towards social change t-count (2.767)> t table (1.658) Significant 0.004. Keywords: Agro-tourism, empowerment, social chang


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    Abstract: The importance of society role to realize development independency is not only an involvement but also liveliness. This research was purposed to understand the role of society on the independency of development, wherein the facilities and basic facilities objects were identified firstly and followed by the society role then. This research was located in Sumber Brantas village. Qualitative research method was used. This research collected secondary and primary data of five informants. The research results showed that the society role on the independency of facilities and basic facilities development were understood as (1) an involvement of the society on development planning and performing; (2) contribution of the society in the form of physical and material; (3) a determination of society’s decision together; (4) a subject and contributor of the development. The main supporting factor of society’s role was contribution in the forms of physic, money and idea. The main obstructing factor was unwillingness of the society to act on the development. Key words: society role; independency; facilities and basic facilities development Abstrak: Pentingnya peranan masyarakat untuk mewujudkan kemandirian pembangunan tidak hanya sebatas keterlibatan saja, tetapi juga keaktifan dalam pembangunan dan pewujudan program-program yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan masyarakat dalam kemandirian pembangunan, dimana diidentifikasikan dahulu objek sarana prasarana yang berswadaya masyarakat, kemudian diikuti peranan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan mengambil lokasi di Desa Sumber Brantas. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data sekunder dan data primer dari lima orang informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan masyarakat dalam kemandirian pembangunan sarana prasarana diketahui sebagai berikut: (1) masyarakat terlibat dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan; (2) kontribusi masyarakat terhadap pembangunan berupa tenaga dan materi; (3) penetapan keputusan oleh masyarakat desa secara bersama-sama; (4) peranan masyarakat dalam pembangunan sebagai subjek yang terlibat langsung dan sebagai kontributor. Faktor pendukung utama peranan masyarakat adalah kontribusi berupa tenaga, uang dan pemikiran, sedangkan faktor penghambat utamanya adalah masih adanya masyarakat yang enggan untuk berperan aktif dalam pembangunan. Kata Kunci: peranan masyarakat; kemandirian; pembangunan sarana prasaran

    Strategi Komisi Pemilihan Umum dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat pada Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah

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    : People political participation in regional leader election is an important aspect so General Election Comission (KPU) use special strategy to improve people participation in regional leader election application. The research uses qualitative research method with data collection technique in form of interview, observation, and documentation. It took place in General Election Commission (KPU) of Malang Regency. Informer in this research are KPU commissioner, with purpossive sampling technique. To review data validity. Research result are: 1. KPU of Malang Regency strategy in improving people participation in regional leader election of 2015, seen from three phases, they are formulation, which shown a clear socialization plan from KPU. Second phase is election, KPU do socialization to eight voters segments by their socialization method, which is direct meetup face by face, also mass media USAge with their application adjusted with segment characterization. Third phase is resource allocation, which is by doing technical guiding to ad hoc committee. 2. Obstacles faced by KPU are the minimum budget, people aphaty responses, and limited KPU's personnels amount. Keywords: Strategy, Political participation, Regional leader electio
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