47 research outputs found

    Pengubah Pulsa Digital ke Tegangan untuk Sensor Kecepatan Putaran Berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino

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    Pengubah Pulsa Digital ke Tegangan Untuk Sensor Kecepatan Putaran Berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino adalah alat yang dirancang sebagai sensor putaran yang keluarannya adalah tegangan yang merepresentasikan dari jumlah putaran yang dinyatakan dalam rpm (Rotasi per Menit). Dengan menggunakan metoda penelitian berupa rancang bangun, sistem yang dibangun terdiri dari Mikrokontroller Arduino dan IC Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) seri MPC4921. Proses pengubahan pulsa digital menjadi tegangan dilakukan oleh Mikrokontroller Arduino melalui pemrograman pada Arduino, dengan cara pulsa-pulsa digital, dapat dari putaran motor, dan lainnya, diterima sebagai masukan oleh Arduino. Selanjutnya melalui program, pulsa-pulsa tersebut diubah menjadi data digital. Data digital tersebut selanjutnya diubah menjadi tegangan analog oleh Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) yang nilainya sebanding dengan jumlah putaran. Pengujian alat dilakukan dengan menggunakan jumlah pulsa per putaran (pulse per revolution, ppr) yang berbeda, antara lain 1 ppr sensor, 6 ppr sensor dan 60 ppr sensor dan 360 ppr sensor untuk setiap nilai rpm yang berbeda. Selanjutnya data tersebut diubah menjadi tegangan analog yang hasilnya dibaca melalui voltmeter digital. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan untuk setiap jumlah ppr terhadap putaran rpm per satuan tegangan (volt), dengan data pengujian sebanyak 60 diperoleh nilai kesalahan sebesar 0,13%


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    SDN Pudak Payung 01 is a place where teaching and learning activities take place as well as teachers, students and other school staffs meet and gather. In addition, at certain times, the school environment also becomes a gathering place for people who pick up and drop off students, thus triggering a crowd. If in the crowd there are people having  the Covid-19 symptoms who can be contagious, then there is a possibility that virus transmission can occur in the school environment. Thus, the main problem in this school environment is the potential for transmission of the Covid-19 virus form the infected people to the others through touching or standing close to each other. Therefore, keeping clean and health are main top priority, so that the transmission of the covid-19 virus can be minimized and the effect of its spread is reduced significantly. To support this health culture in accordance with health protocols, Pudak Payung 01 Elementary School has provided an touchless automatic temperature measuring device which requires no operator, so it is very helpful for students, teachers and school staffs to independently check their body temperature just before they carry out activities at the school. By checking the body temperature, at least the detection process for people who may have symptoms of being infected with the virus can be carried out early, so that prevention of transmission can be anticipated properly


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    The navigation system on the robot is a very important part of the wheeled robot so that the robot can maneuver precisely from one point to another according to the track with minimal errors. To reduce the occurrence of these errors, in this study, a compass sensor is used to bring the robot closer when it moves. This study aims to design an angle detection system on a wheeled robot that uses an electronic compass sensor. This electronic compass sensor needs to be tested for its performance to detect the direction angle to be set from 0º to 360º. The measurement results based on this compass sensor will be compared with the rotation angle detected using the encoder. From the results of this test, it will be known the ability of the sensor to detect the orientation of the wheeled robot while movin

    PID control of an electro-mechanical friction clutch system

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    The main contribution of control technology in automotive powertrain system is that, it enables the whole powertrain system to be precisely controlled; thereby, improving the overall vehicle powertrain performance and sustainability. This paper describes a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller development for an electro-mechanical friction clutch (EMFC) system for automotive applications especially, those using continuously variable transmission (CVT). Initially, a simulation study was carried out to determine the PID preliminary parameters values derived using the Astrom and Hagglund tuning method with Ziegler-Nichols formula; then, they are manually being fine- tuned experimentally to improve the clutch engagement and disengagement control performance until satisfying engagement and disengagement process are achieved. The results of this work show that the application of Astrom-Hagglund method and Ziegler-Nichols formula is capable of providing a practical solution for obtaining initial parameters of the PD controllers of engagement and disengagement control of the EMFC system. Through optimizing of P and D parameters, the system indicated excellent performances with improvement in terms of percentage overshoot, settling time and a very small steady state error for clutch engagement and disengagement processes


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    Good ride performance is one of the most important key attributes of a passenger vehicle. One of the methods to achieve this is by using Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). This is because a CVT can provide an almost infinite ratio within its limits smoothly and continuously. The flexibility of a CVT allows the driving shaft to maintain a constant angular velocity over a range of output velocities. New developments in gear reduction and manufacturing have led to ever more robust CVTs, allowing them to be applied in more diverse automotive applications. As CVT development continues, costs will be reduced further, and the performance will continue to improve, making further development and application of the CVT technology desirable. This cycle of improvement will offer CVT a solid foundation in the world's automotive infrastructure. This paper aims to provide some background and relevant information that is necessary for this study. Specifically, a brief description of CVT, advantages and their brief history is presented. This paper also evaluates the current state of CVT, investigate the technology frontline of drivetrain control and the development of CVT. The stepless transmission is able to maintain the engine running at its maximum power


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    Perkembangan teknologi pada dunia industri terus berkembang seiring dengan berkembangnya sistem kendali. Salah satu kendali yang banyak digunakan di industri adalah kendali Proportional Integral Derivative (PID). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menambah alat peraga yang ada di Laboraturium Kendali Politeknik Negeri Semarang untuk modul pembelajaran kendali posisi sudut putar motor DC. Alat peraga ini dibuat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa di bidang Teknik kendali khususnya kendali posisi sudut putar motor DC mengetahui respon sistem ketika diberikan gangguan untuk rentang sudut 0° hingga 360°. Alat ini menggunakan kendali PID yang berbasis NI MyRIO-1950 untuk pemroses masukan dan luaran agar luaran dari proses kendali menjadi lebih stabil. Sensor penyandi digunakan sebagai masukan yang menghasilkan keluaran berupa pulsa untuk dikonversi ke sudut dan diprogram menggunakan perangkat lunak LabVIEW. Adapun sensor inframerah FC-51 digunakan sebagai masukan untuk mengalibrasi sehingga jarum dapat bergerak menuju titik 0 secara otomatis. Pengujian difokuskan pada respon alat ketika diberikan gangguan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat selisih antara kesalahan keadaan tunak alat saat diberikan gangguan dan tidak diberikan gangguan, namun selisih angka tidak melebihi 5% sehingga layak digunakan sebagai alat penunjang praktikum laboratorium sistem kendali di Politeknik Negeri Semarang.Kata kunci : LabVIEW, Motor DC, NI MyRIO-1950, PI


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    This study aimed to assess the production process of biofertilizer Bio-SRF and determine its effectiveness on the growth and productivity of shallot plants. The Study of biofertilizer Bio-SRF production covering the cultivation of microbial cell biomass, granulation, and formulation of  biofertilizer products. Testing the effectiveness of biofertilizers on shallot plants using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five replicates, involving nine biofertilizers treatments and one control. The results showed that the population of cells on the granulated biofertilizer Bio-SRF was Corynebacterium sp. 4 x 107 cfu/g, Lactobacillus sp. 3.8 x 107 cfu/g, Burkholderia seminalis 7.4 x 108 cfu/g, Pseudomonas stutzeri 4.5 x 108 cfu/g and 60 mycorrhizal spores/g products. The effectiveness test showed that the biofertilizer treatments significantly affected plant height, the number of bulbs, weight of wet and dried bulbs produced. Application of biofertilizer Bio-SRF on shallot plants gave the best results of plant height 34.80 cm at harvest time, the number of bulbs per plant 4.78 bulb, weight of wet bulbs 3,81 kg/m2, weight of dried bulbs 3,27 kg/m2 and increased the yield of shallot production by 55.71% compared with no biofertilizer application.Keywords: Biofertilizer, Bio-SRF, production process, effectivity test, shallot plant ABSTRAKBio-SRF merupakan formula produk pupuk hayati yang mengandung campuran beberapa jenis mikroba penyubur tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji proses produksi pupuk hayati Bio-SRF dan mengetahui efektivitasnya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman bawang merah. Kajian produksi pupuk hayati Bio-SRF meliputi perbanyakan biomassa sel mikroba, granulasi dan formulasi produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi sel pada produk pupuk hayati Bio-SRF bentuk granul adalah Corynebacterium sp. 4 x 107 cfu/g, Lactobacillus sp. 3,8 x 107 cfu/g, Burkholderia seminalis 7,4 x 108 cfu/g, Pseudomonas stutzeri 4,5 x 108 cfu/g dan mikoriza 60 spora/g produk. Hasil uji efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pupuk hayati berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah umbi, bobot basah dan bobot kering umbi bawang merah yang dihasilkan. Aplikasi pupuk hayati Bio-SRF pada tanaman bawang merah memberikan hasil terbaik yaitu dengan tinggi tanaman saat panen 34,80 cm, jumlah umbi per tanaman 4,78 umbi, berat basah umbi 3,81 kg/m2, berat kering umbi 3,27 kg/m2 dan dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi bawang merah sebesar 55,71% dibandingkan dengan tanpa aplikasi pupuk hayati.Kata kunci: Pupuk hayati, Bio-SRF, proses produksi, uji efektivitas, bawang mera


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    Sistem navigasi dan trajectory robot kurang efisien bila menggunakan media dari luarseperti garis atau dinding ruangan. Robot navigasi odometri menggunakan MyRIO dibuatuntuk pengujian pengendalian posisi agar lebih efektif. Alat ini menggunakan sensor rotaryencoder untuk mencacah pergerakan robot omni pada koordinat x dan y pada prosesperhitungan odometri. Penggerak robot omni menggunakan motor DC 25GA370,mikrokontroler NI MyRIO-1900 sebagai sistem antarmuka dan software LabVIEWdigunakan untuk memasukkan set point. Untuk memperoleh hasil pergerakan robot yangbaik pada sistem odometry, kendali PID diterapkan untuk mengendalikan kecepatan putarmasing-masing motor DC pada roda robot omni. Untuk menguji kinerja metode odometridalam melakukan proses kendali posisi, terdapat dua jenis pola pengujian trajectory, yaitupersegi dan segitiga siku. Dari hasil pengujian ini, diperoleh nilai kesalahan di bawah 5%