13 research outputs found

    Macam – Macam Testing Sistem Informasi

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    Testing software merupakan suau kegiatan yang dibahas pada hampir semua metode software engineering. Ada 3 kategori testing dalam hal ini, yaitu : testing input, testing output dan testing proses. Berbagai jenis testing tersebut dibahas dan diberikan contohnya pada pembahasan tulisan ini

    Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Informasi

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    Kinerja sebuah sistem informasi berbasis komputer dan web terletak pada banyak faktor. Salah satunya adalah ketidaksiapan provider TI sebagai bagian yang mendistribusikan informasi ke public dalam mempersiapkan segala sesuatu kebutuhannya menjadi hal yang sangat penting. PPD di lingkungan Dinas Kota Semarang sebagai sebuah instansi yang bertugas untuk mengelola penerimaan siswa baru, mencoba menerapkan sistem penerimaan siswa baru online berbasis web pada tahun ajaran 2005/2006. Problema ketepatan dan ketelitian dalam penghitungan nilai yang akan menjadi dasar rangking seseorang dalam pendaftaran peserta didik. Pembuatan rangking peserta didik secara langsung, cepat, tepat dan akurat sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahan dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Analisis Kinerja Sistem Informasiyang dilakukan di lingkungan Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Kota Semarang dan sekolah yang telah disebutkan. Laporan yang dianalisis dari responden di lingkungan kantor Dinas Pendidikan Kota Semarang dan output yang ditampilkan di websit

    Model Rute dan Peta Interaktif Posyandu di Kota Semarang Menggunakan Geolocation dan Haversine Berbasis Mobile Android

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    Users of mobile phones with android operating system is increasing from year to year as more affordable. Thisgives the potential use of mobile phones as a means of disseminating information. As the capital of Central Java,Semarang has a variety of health care facilities which include Posyandu is always used by the surroundingcommunity. However, not all locations Posyandu known by the public because they lack information about thelocation. It is necessary for the navigation application Posyandu in Semarang. The purpose of this research ishow to design the application model and the location of Posyandu in real time with the geolocation methods andformulas Haversine. The method used is the Systems Development Life Cycle. System analysis model using UseCase Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams. Results of this research is theapplication of navigation map based on Android mobile can provide information about the existence of thelocation, route and distance Posyandu. Results of this application is important for people who need drivingdirections Posyandu location. With this application is expected the results will help the public to obtaininformation and the location of the neighborhood health center (posyandu) in the city of Semarang can be met

    Investigation simulation based on bio-energy local area photosensitizer in increasing dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) performance

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    The photosensitizer is an important part of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Photosensitizers function like photosynthesis by absorbing sunlight and turning it into energy. Photosensitizers also contribute to the efficiency of improving DSSC performance. This research is a continuation of previous research to find a candidate for natural and environmentally friendly photosensitizer (bio-energy) based local area in Indonesia. The photosensitizer used in this simulation is Tagetes erecta, Nyctanthes arbor-tritis, Brassica rapa Sub. Sp pekinensis, Delonix regia, Lawsonia inermis, Callistemon citrinus, and Daucus Carota. The purpose of this simulation is finding several candidates for bio-energy local area photosensitizer that produce high efficiency by displaying J-V curves and P-V curves. The highest efficiency was produced by photosensitizer Tagetes erecta at 1.5% [Voc 0.6385 Volt, 0.00383 A / cm2 Jsc, FF 0.605 and Pmax 0.00148 Watt], while the lowest efficiency was produced by photosensitizer Callistemon citrinus at 1.1% [Voc 0.6162 Volt, Jsc 0.0032 A / cm2, FF 0.557 and Pmax 0,0011 Watts]. These simulation results perform that one of reason give influence at DSSC performance is the absorption coefficient value in each bio-energy local area photosensitizer. The absorption coefficient also determines how much efficiency is produced and how much the photosensitizer's ability to absorb sunlight

    Pemodelan Dss

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    The passage analize about the model of DSS. Models begins step from DSS concept. After that, we must choose modeling approach, beside decision making processes. We have many types of model DSS, especially in statistical, financial and optimization. Finally, we get benefit of models

    Estimate dye sensitized solar cells performance using dyes based on green-future and local wisdom with simulation method

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    One of the considerations for renewable energy that can be accepted by society is energy based on nature (green future) and environmentally friendly (local wisdom). Dye-sensitized solar cells give to the world, easily and simple implemented technology for future renewable energy. This research was conducted by simulating the performance of DSSC using dye based on green future and local wisdom. Dye is one of the most important components influencing solar cell performance because dye determines the photoresponse of the DSSC. Several dyes that used in this research included Vasica nees, W. fruticose L, U. dioical L, R. arborium, Myrica nagi, Curcuma angustifiola dan Berberies aristate. The reason for this choice of dye included it is easily found in Indonesia, does not cause environmental pollution, and is thought to have good prospects to be applied to DSSC. The best performance results produced by DSSC are using dye W.fruticose L with an efficiency of 1.6%, and the lowest performance are using dye R. arborium with an efficiency of 1 %