162 research outputs found

    Makna Tanda Komunikasi Intrapersonal dalam Sketsa (Studi Kasus pada Karya Studi Dua Maestro)

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    Sketsa dalam konteks seni rupa adalah sebagai sebuah gambar rancangan, guna diwujudkan pada tujuan karya sesungguhnya.Pada proses kreasi sketsa terjadi komunkasi intrapersonal yakni komunikasi dengan dirinya sendiri, dalam memecahkan persoalan visual. Respon Balik akan tercermin dalam penanda-penanda visual, yang terlihat secara telanjang berupa gambar kembar maupun koreksi visual sebagai solusi perenungan. Berkait dengan hal tersebut, sketsa merupakan laboratorium diri, yang di dalamnya terdapat kode-kode pribadi kreatornya. Kode maupun tanda tersebut menjadi hal yangmenarik untuk dimaknai, dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori semiotik

    Kemampuan Menulis Cerpen Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipethink Pair Share

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    Short story writing ability cooperative model types using Think Pair Shareclass XII SMAN 2 Ciamis. This research is motivated low ability students inwriting short stories in class XIISMAN 2 Ciamis. The limited vocabulary ofthe students is also difficult for them in expressing their ideas into written formas well as the lack of variety of learning models used by the teacher. This studyaimed to describe the ability to write a short story using cooperative learningmodel Think Pair Share class XII SMAN 2 Ciamis.This type of research isquantitative research. The methods used in processing the data of this study isdescriptive method. Total smaple of 26 students. Sampling was done byproportional random sampling, research instruments is sheets of testperformance. Data collection techniques can be done in a way; 1) observation,2) understand the curriculum, 3) developing or designing learning scenarios,4) develop an assessment rubric, 5)implement the learning according to theRPP, and 6) carry out performance teste to write short stories.The resultsshowed that the ability to write a short story by using the type cooperativemodel Think Pair Share class XII SMAN 2 Ciamis overall quite good. It wasseen on the average value of students as follows; 1) the average grade writingshort stories with the aspect of character and characterzation are 92,12;2) theaverage value of writing a short story by observing the grooves is 81; 3)average value of writing a short story by observing the background is 65,58.The average value of short story writing skills class XII SMAN 2 Ciamis, afterusing the type cooperative model Think Pair Share overall was 79,27 withqualifying well. The observations in class XII SMAN 2 Ciamis research foundadvantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning model Think PairShare. The advantages of this model are; 1) group more easily and quicklyshape it; 2) enhance creativity and active participation of students towardslearning; 3) the acceptance of greater individual. Whileshortcomings/weaknesses of this model is the number of groups that formed somany members of the group are reported and nedd to be monitored

    Paduan Ornamen Budaya Nusantara dalam Estetika Fasade Arsitektur Landmark Karya Wolff Schoemaker

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    Wolff Schoemaker is an architect who reads local culture in architectural works. Placement of archipelago ornaments in the facade of the Landmark building forms an architectural blend of western aesthetics with rational understanding and eastern concepts with cultural symbols. The method used in this research is qualitative, which is described in an interpretive descriptive manner. The study uses the aesthetic theory of Edmund Burke Feldman with his formulation regarding four aspects, namely function, structure, style and meaning. This concept produces a model of formalism and symbolic analysis as part of the aesthetic meaning of architecture. Pepatraan ornaments on the shape of the building are equipped with the heads of Kala and Makara as the application of the decoration in the façade. It forms Landmark architecture with the concept of west and east. The placement of Kala is influenced by the concept of Total Work of Art in the Jugendstil style in Europe by placing figurative ornaments in accordance with formal aesthetic principles. The eastern concept is seen in the left and right sides of the building which has a shape similar to the temple architecture. It applies to the Kala ornament in the middle, so that the aesthetic appeal of the Landmark consists of the aspects of formal and symbolic form.Keywords: Ornament, Architecture, Kala, Wolff Schoemake

    Visualisasi Desain Karakter Tokoh Utama dalam Lakon Wiracarita Batara Kamasara

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    The existence of the Wangsakerta Manuscript phenomenon is an indication and source of data to be followed up as ideas or ideas in writing (story script) and visual works. The story script or the play contains pseudo fiction with a colossal nuance typical of the archipelago which was inspired by a fragment of the Sargah I Parwa I Wangsakerta Manuscript about the Nirleka era in Tatar Parahyangan. The issues raised were the issue of the existence and power conflict between the stealth clan and the human clan which led to war. Moving on from this, the creation work is entitled “Wiracarita Batara Kamasara”. This story tells about the struggle and heroism of a young man named Kamasara in fighting tyranny and evil, beside the mission to restore his Kabuyutan honor which has been destroyed by the demon clan. Actualizing this invention is through a qualitative method including field observation and literature studies. Anthropologically, the theoretical study used in this study is hermeneutic conception promoted by Paul Ricoure regarding Metaphor. The result of the manuscript analysis is then applied to visualize the character designs of the storyline in this epic play.Keywords: Wangsakerta Manuscript, Hermeneutics, Epic, Visualization of Character Design

    Teknologi Pembibitan Duku dan Prospek Pengembangannya

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    Kendala utama dalam pengembangan agribisnis duku yaitu belum tersedia dan digunakannya benih bermutu. Tanaman duku umumnya berasal dari benih asalan. Perbanyakan dengan biji, di satu sisi, memberikan tingkat keberhasilan tinggi. Namun, tanaman memerlukan waktu lama untuk berbuah serta tidak selalu sama dengan induknya. Untuk itu, perlu teknik pembibitan yang lebih baik melalui sambung pucuk. Tulisan ini merupakan tinjauan terhadap pembibitan sambung pucuk pada duku dan prospek pengembangannya, meliputi penyemaian biji untuk batang bawah, pemupukan, persiapan batang atas (entres), cara penyambungan, dan kelayakan USAha pembibitan sambung pucuk. Batang bawah dianjurkan menggunakan jenis lokal karena perakarannya kuat dan daya adaptasinya tinggi terhadap lingkungan. Pupuk NPK diberikan dengan takaran 3 g/tanaman atau menggunakan pupuk daun plant catalyst dengan takaran 2 g/tanaman. Entres diambil dari pohon induk sehat dan telah berbuah minimal 3-4 kali, produktivitas tinggi, dari ujung cabang yang kulitnya hijau muda dengan posisi tumbuh lurus ke atas. Teknik penyambungannya adalah batang bawah dipotong pada bagian kulit yang masih hijau setinggi 2025 cm lalu dibelah membujur sepanjang 22,50 cm (huruf V). Entres disayat bagian pangkalnya pada kedua sisi sepanjang 22,50 cm (huruf V) lalu disisipkan ke dalam belahan batang bawah dan diikat tali plastik. Usaha pembibitan duku (skala 5.000 bibit) memberikan pendapatan bersih Rp6.618.560 dengan nilai R/C 2,20. Dengan demikian, teknik sambung pucuk mempunyai prospek yang baik untuk dikembangkan

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kopi Luwak (Studi Kasus UMKM Careuh Coffee Rancabali-Ciwidey, Bandung)

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    UMKM Careuh Coffee merupakan unit USAha yang bergerak di bidang agribisnis yang memproduksi dan mengolah kopi luwak. Terkait dengan unit USAha tersebut, tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah 1) mengetahui bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) yang telah diterapkan oleh UMKM Careuh Coffee; 2) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi strategi UMKM Careuh Coffee; 3) menyusun dan merekomendasikan alternatif strategi yang efektif dan efisien untuk UMKM Careuh Coffee. Faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan UMKM Careuh Coffee adalah Kondisi Finansial Perusahaan, Sumber Daya Manusia, Sikap Konsumen, Teknologi Informasi dan Lokasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode AHP, hasil alternatif strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh UMKM Careuh Coffee di antaranya penguatan SDM pemasaran. Strategi ini bertujuan untuk membangun fondasi yang kuat agar UMKM Careuh Coffee berjalan dengan baik. Kemudian strategi selanjutnya berturut-turut adalah startegi integrasi ke depan, optimalisasi digital marketing serta menerapkan promosi bellow-the-line marketing


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    Nowcasting, or the short-term forecasting of precipitation, is urgently needed to support the mitigation circle in hydrometeorological disasters. Pangkalan Bun weather radar is single-polarization radar with a 200 km maximum range and which runs 10 elevation angles in 10 minutes with a 250 meters spatial resolution. There is no terrain blocking around the covered area. The Short-Term Ensemble Prediction System (STEPS) is one of many algorithms that is used to generate precipitation nowcasting, and is already in operational use. STEPS has the advantage of producing ensemble nowcasts, by which nowcast uncertainties can be statistically quantified. This research aims to apply STEPS to generate stochastic nowcasting in Pangkalan Bun weather radar and to analyze its advantages and weaknesses. Accuracy is measured by counting the possibility of detection and false alarms under the 5 dBZ threshold and plotting them in a relative operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The observed frequency and forecast probability is represented by a reliability diagram to evaluate nowcast reliability and sharpness. Qualitative analysis of the results showed that the STEPS ensemble produces smoothed reflectivity fields that cannot capture extreme values in an observed quasi-linear convective system (QLCS), but that the algorithm achieves good accuracy under the threshold used, up to 40 minutes lead time. The ROC shows a curved upper left-hand corner, and the reliability diagram is an almost perfect nowcast diagonal line