81 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Penalaran Argumen Berbasis Peta Konsep Untuk Remediasi Miskonsepsi Laju Reaksi Kimia

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    : Teaching-learning of Argument Reasoning Using Concept-mapping to Remedy Miscon­ception of the Chemical Reaction Rate. This study aimed to identify the kinds of misconseptions and the way to minimize the misconceptions. Concept-mapping regarding the topic of chemical reaction rate was used. The study was carried out by implementing a pre-experimental design with pretest-posttest model. The subjects of the study were the 1st semester students of Chemical Education, FKIP-UNTAD. The stu­dents' misconceptions were analyzed using Certainty Response Index (CRI). The results of the analysis show that the students' misconceptions of chemical reaction rate declined from 28.9%, in the pretest to 14.7% in the post test, or reduced by as much as 14.2% in average. Based on this result, it can be con­cluded that the implementation of the model was effective to minimize the students'misconceptions of the rate of chemical reaction

    Biofumigan Untuk Pengendalian Patogen Tular Tanah Penyebab Penyakit Tanaman Yang Ramah Lingkungan

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    Biofumigant as an environmentally friendly method to control soilborne plant pathogensMethyl bromide (MBr) is a broad spectrum pesticide used to control insects, nematodes, and pathogens both in soils and storages. Under the Montreal Protocol 2000, MBr has been banned excempted for critical use and it is scheduled to be eliminated completely as of 2015. Several developed countries are intensively seeking for biofumigants as an alternative substances to substitute MBr. This paper discuses glucosinolate (GSL), one of the most prospective biofumigant, including its biosynthesis, hydrolisis process and their products, effect on soilborne pathogen and other soil microorganisms, as well as its prospect and constrains of the development of biofumigant in agricultural system in Indonesia. There are about 350 genus and 2500 spesies of Brassicaceae plants known to contain GSLs. The GSLs are secondary metabolites that contain sulfur, nitrogen and a group of glucose. The GSL is only hydrolysed when it is contacted with myrosinase enzym in the presence of water, commonly occured when plant tissue is damaged. Various hydrolysis products of volatile and non volatile compounds are known such as isothiocyanates (ITCs), ion thiocyanates (SCN-), nitrile, epithionitrile, indolyl alcohol, amine, organic cyanide and oxazolidinethion. Type of hydrolised products depends on soil temperature, pH, and soil types. Ample evidences support the use of ITCs to control soilborne pathogens and yet to obtain effective control in a large scale application, especially in Indonesia, needs more comprehensive studies, such as exploration of biofumigant sources from indigenous or local species of Brassicaceae, application methods (cropping system, rotation, intercropping, or cover crop) and other abiotic factors affecting the hydrolysis process of GSL in soil

    Survei Pemetaan P-Potensial Dan P-TersediaTerhadap Produksi Tanaman KelapaSawit (Elaeis Guinensis Jacq.) Di Perkebunan PT. Buana Estate Kabupaten Langkat

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    Survei dan Pemetaan P-Potensial Dan P-Tersedia Terhadap Produksi Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Di Perkebunan Pt Buana Estate Kabupaten Langkat, dibimbing oleh Ir Supriadi MS. sebagai ketua komisi pembimbing dan Prof Dr Ir T. Sabrina MSc. Sebagai anggota komisi pembimbing. Phospor merupakan unsur hara makro yang diperlukan tanaman kelapa sawit untuk mendapatkan produksi yang optimum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh P-potensial, P-tersedia serta produksi tanaman kelapa sawit di perkebunan PT. Buana Estate Kab. Langkat melalui survei sampel tanah. Tanah yang diambil dari lapangan dianalisis di Laboratorium Kesuburan Tanah dan Nutrisi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung. Penelitian ini dimulai pada 15 Juli sampai dengan 2 September 2014 dengan metode pengambilan data P-potensial dan P-tersedia menggunakan metode survei. Data produksi bobot TBS kelapa sawit diamati dilapang sesuai dengan sampel tanah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa P-potensial memiliki hubungan yang rendah tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi kelapa sawit, P-tersedia memiliki hubungan yang sedang tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyataterhadap produksi kelapa sawit. Secara umum unsur hara P memiliki hubungan yang rendah tetapi berpengaruh nyata dengan produksi kelapa sawit dengan Koefisien determinasi dari P-potensial, P-tersedia dan bobot TBS tergolong rendah yaitu nilai R=0.27

    Kajian Distribusi Curah Hujan Pada Beberapa Stasiun Penakar Curah Hujan Di DAS Padang

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    This study was conducted to determine the frequency distribution of rainfall at Padang watershed.This research used descriptive statistic analysis by using rainfall data. Data's used from nine station(Brohol, Pabatu, Kotarih, Silau Dunia, Gunung Para, Gunung Pamela, Gunung Monako, andMaligas) on 10 years. Suitability of pattern frequency distribution determined coefficient skewnessand kurtosis coefficients. The results show that the Gumbel distribution and Log Person Type IIImost suitable for distribution pattern of rainfall in the watershed Padang

    Pandangan Tokoh Agama Dalam Upacara Adat Pernikahan Melayu Sambas

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate Islamic missionary point of view about tradition of marriage ceremony toward Melayu Sambas, during pre-marriage ceremony, main process of marriage ceremony, and post-marriage ceremony. The method used in this research is descriptive research. The technique used in collecting data is direct observation, direct communication, and documentation technique, meanwhile the tools of collecting data are interview and documentation. The analysis is provided in form of descriptive qualitative with 6 interviewees of Islam Missionaries from Sambas district. The way point of view delivered by the missionaries toward the tradition of marriage ceremony of Melayu Sambas is to take place as an intermediary, to correct people\u27s misunderstanding, and to solve a problem related to aspect of tradition and religion. The missionaries claim that the traditions people do during pre-marriage ceremony is naturally tolerated to do. Then, they claim that the traditions people do during the main process of marriage has to be slightly restrained without putting away the value of the tradition. Furthermore, they also claim that most of traditions which people do during post-marriage ceremony are way against the teaching of Islam

    Peran Sekolah sebagai Agen Sosialisasi dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Akhlak Mulia Siswa Smas

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    : This research aims to determine the role of schools as agents of socialization in shaping the personality of noble character class X IPS 1 SMA Islamiyah Pontianak. It is a qualitative descriptive research. The results showed that the role of schools as agents of socialization in shaping the personality of noble character class X IPS one has done well . It is evident from the aspect of the role of school forms that invite students to obey the rules that exist in schools and prepare students to become citizens useful to religion , nation , and state , implementation aspects of the role of the school or the results of the implementation have not been going well this is indicated by the presence of students who violate these rules , aspects of measures undertaken to disseminate school premises perpetually ie continuous and conduct guidance and supervision to all students , so that the things that made the school can form a moral personality noble class X IPS 1 SMA Islamiyah Pontianak

    Karakterisasi Erwinia Chrysanthemi Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Bakteri Pada Daun Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera)

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    Characteristics o/Envinia chysanthemi causing bacterial soft rot ofAloe (Aloe VeraJThe bacterial sot rot of aloe, caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi, was first identified in Caibbean Island in 1992. In early 2001, similar symptoms were found on the aloe plants grown in Semplak, Bogor, West Java. Based on its symptom and progressively spread, especially on the leaf and basal stem, it appeared that the disease was serious and therefore threatened the current development of die plants. This study was conducted in the laboratory of the Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops, Bogor, in April - August 2001. The objective of the study was identifying the cause of the sot rot disease of aloe in Semplak, Bogor. Diseased leaves of aloe were obtained from Semplak. Following the examination of the symptoms, isolation and purification of he causal agent, the bacteial isolates were found. They were round, white colony characteistics on sucrose peptone agar medium. The isolate was pathogenic and caused similar disease symptoms following the artificial inoculation on the wounded aloe leaf. Based on the morphological, cultural, and biochemical analyses of the isolates, it was found that the isolates gave negative reactions for die following characteistics: Gram staining, production of fluorescent pigment, oxidase, and production of acid reaction from lactose and dulcitol. The isolates, on the other hand, gave positive reaction from: oxidation/fermentation, IcciOiinase. and maceration of potato and sweet potato, sensitive to crythromycin, growth at 37 °C, and growth on agar medium containing NaCI 2%, as well as acid production from manmtol. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the pathogen causes sot rot of leaf of aloe in Semplak is Erwinia chrysanthemi. This is the irst repot on (he finding of die disease in Indonesia. More attention is required to stop the spread of the disease

    Pemanfaatan Dua Jenis Kompos Ganggang Coklat (Sargassum Polycystum) Dalam Meningkatkan Kesuburan Tanah Ultisol Serta Produksi Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.)

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    This reseach aimed to determines differences ability between two types of the brown algaecompost increase fertility of Ultisol and mustard production. This research was conducted inCompos Centre, Gauze House, Laboratory of Chemistry And Soil Fertility ,Laboratory of Researchand Technology Agriculture Faculty, University of North Sumatera, Medan in March-October2013. The method used non-factorial randomized block design consisting of 11 treatments with 3replications. R0 (control), R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 with application of 50 g, 100 g, 150 g, 200 g, and250 g brown algae compost respectively, R6, R7, R8, R9, dan R10 with application of 50 g, 100 g,150 g, 200 g, and 250 g brown algae add chicken dirt compost respectively.The results showed thatapplication of two types compost able to increase the pH, C-organic, N-total, K-exchange in thesoil as well as increase the plant height, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight and root dry weight. Atparameters of soil pH, the K-exchange soil, application of brown algae compost significantlydifferent with brown algae added chicke dirt compost. The best dosage of brown algae add chickendirt compost 150 g /polybag for the K-exchange soil and soil pH

    Profil Musculi Facialis Pada Ekspresi Wajah Dan Emosi Dengan Menggunakan Facial Action Coding System Pada Calon Presiden Prabowo

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    : Limbic system consists of several subsystems with their own roles to back-up human emotion. Human emotion can be observed through facial expression which is controlled by musculi facialis. One of the tools that are used to determine basic emotion of human through facial expression is Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and its action units (AUs). This study aimed to obtain musculi facialis that oftenly and rarely be used by Prabowo and his emotion duringthe first session of 2014-Presidential election debate. This was a retrospective descriptive study. Samples were 30 photos of Prabowo's emotional expression. The observation was performed by using FACS. The results showed that the most commonly used AU was AU 4 (26.92%), meanwhile the most rarely used AUs were AU 9 and AU 29, both were 0.96%. The obtained emotional expressions were happy (6.67%), sad (6.67%), fear (6.67%), angry (46.67%), surprised (3.33%), and disgusted (3.33%). Conclusion: The most commonly used musculus facialis was corrugator supercilii whereas the most rarely used ones were levator labii superioris alaquae nasi and masseter. The emotional expressions, consecutively from the most commonly to the most rarely observed, were angry; happy, as well as sad and fear, and surprised as well as disgust