22 research outputs found


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    This article is to analyze and observe how far is the contribution of writing and speaking test in National Examination and their implementation in the evaluation process during the process of learning. Based on the analysis it was found that the English subject tested in national examinations is dominantly measure the cognitive competence of the students because the content of the test question is only consist of listening and reading skill.There are six types of speaking: speaking confidently, informal conversation, interviews, in the work place, beauty pageants, general speaking skills, pantomime script, teacher, extemporaneous speaking.In mastering writing skill, students have to own much knowledge of grammar,knowing well about punctuation and sentence structure as well as rich vocabulary, correct spelling and formatting.In other words it could be said that it is very important to involve the speaking and writing test during the learning process to train students to be able to pass the English National Examination. By mastering speaking and writing skill SMA graduation will be able follow some sort of TOEFL or IELTS test to continue their studies abroad, or get a job at the company, it takes skill to speak and write in the interview test

    Thematic Analysis in Physics Text Entitiled “Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed”

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    Departing from systemic functional linguistics theory, this study is aimed at analyzing textual function found in physics text entitled “Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed” . This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data were in the form of clauses totaling to 28 clauses from 8 paragraphs.  From the result of the analysis, it was found  that  marked and unmarked Theme were realized in the data. Then,  the dominant Theme found which reaches 20 Themes from the 28 Themes found or it is equal to 71,42%. It can be interpreted that the text use common structure in the clause


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    This study aims to analyze and know the Mathematics students’ learning outcome of grade XI of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan by applying resource based learning approach. This quasi-experimental study used a non-equivalent control group design with pre-test and post-test. . The sample of this study were 80 students who were divided into two classes, namely 40 students as the control class (class XI IPS) and 40 students as the experimental class (Class XI IPA1). The sampling technique used was  purposive sampling. The results of this study indicated that by giving the pretest to the experimental and control classess, it was gained that the average value of the experimental class wa 33.125 and the average value of the control class wa 38.275. the experimental class is 81,425 and the control class is 43.9. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is was positive effect of the resource based learning approach on students' mathematics learning outcomes and it is recommended to develop resource based learning learning approach in learning process.. &nbsp


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    This study deals with the lexical change in Minangkabau language. It employs qualitative descriptive research. The focus of this study is the lexical creations in which aim to describe: (1) the processes of lexical creation in Minangkabau language, (2) to explain the reasons of lexical creation in Minangkabau language. The source of the data was short stories in Minangkabau language written by Miranda. In this study, the technique of collecting data was documentary technique. To get more accurate data, the process is done by interviewing some informants who speaks Minangkabau language in the family. The researcher recorded the interview and wrote it down in transcript. The processes of lexical change were found in Minangkabau language i.e. derivation, compound, borrowing and coinage. For example, the word parak previously in Minang language means almost = almost noon / early morning. The word parak is derived from English means park. This process occurs because sporadic relationships in trade in the past. another example is the word apo becomes a only when they express the sentence Apo keceknyo jo kau simply A keceknyo jo kau? This process happens because of more popular than the original termusually because the original is too long or outdated


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    This study aims to analyze and know the Mathematics students’ learning outcome of grade XI of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan by applying resource based learning approach. This quasi-experimental study used a non-equivalent control group design with pre-test and post-test. . The sample of this study were 80 students who were divided into two classes, namely 40 students as the control class (class XI IPS) and 40 students as the experimental class (Class XI IPA1). The sampling technique used was  purposive sampling. The results of this study indicated that by giving the pretest to the experimental and control classess, it was gained that the average value of the experimental class wa 33.125 and the average value of the control class wa 38.275. the experimental class is 81,425 and the control class is 43.9. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is was positive effect of the resource based learning approach on students' mathematics learning outcomes and it is recommended to develop resource based learning learning approach in learning process.. &nbsp

    Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Sq3r Method in Vocational High School at SMK AL Maksum Langkat

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    SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite/Recall and Review. In this study,the writer used an action research. For collecting the data, the writer used testand observation. The data sources are the 10 th grade of SMK AL MaksumLangkat at TKJ department which consists of 32 students and an English Teacheras the observer. Phase I consists of planning, action, observation and reflection.Phase II added by the revision of phase I. Based on the results of the study, inphase I the percentage of students who achieved Minimum AccomplishmentCriteria 75 was 65%. In other words, 21 students had achieved MinimumAccomplishment Criteria, while 11 students had not reached MAC. In phase II, allof students have reached Minimum Accomplishment Criteria. The result showed,in phase II all of the students could comprehend the text and determine the mainidea and reached Minimum Accomplishment Criteria in reading it is 75. Thus, thehypothesis in this research is acceptable. It means, there is a significant improvingin using SQ3R to increase the students’ reading comprehension at the 10 th gradeof SMK AL Maksum Langkat at TKJ department. Therefore, the research wasdiscontinued on the second phase


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    Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan khusunya di sebuah sekolah, adalah dengan menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan, diantaranya adalah workshop. Dengan adanya workshop tersebut akan berdampak pada peningkatan kompetensi para guru yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi kualitas pengajaran di dalam kelas dengan berbagai model pembelajaran yang menyenangkan Beberapa hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah merubah maindset tentang cara berfikir tentang penekanan-penekatan pada para peserta didik dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Penekanan pada perserta didik sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dapat dilihat dari perilaku pserta didik masing-masing. Selain itu juga dapat diciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif yaitu lingkungan sekolah yang nyaman dan menyenangkan. Menciptakan lingkungan yang nyaman dan menyenangkan tersebut akan memberikan ruang kepada peserta didik lebih interaktif, kretif dan inovatif. Hal lainnya yang tidak dapat dilupakan adalah adanya peran orang tua maupun pihak eksternal (dunia luar sekolah) dalam penetapan kurikulum pembelajaran. Karena hal tersebut akan memberikan warna tersediri bagi SMK Esa Prakarsa dalan pelaksanaan kegiatan pendidikan yang lebih berkualitas kedepannya.. Kata kunci : Workshop, Karakter, Mindset change

    The Maintenance of Bahasa Banjar in Langkat

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    This study deals with the maintenance of bahasa Banjar in Langkat. It employs qualitative research design. This study aims to describe the maintenance of bahasa Banjar in Langkat. The subjects were twenty Banjarnese speakers in Langkat. The instruments used for this study were observation, questionnaire, and interview (in-depth interview). The observation was applied to get the data about the Banjarnese speakers in maintaining their language such what the language that they used in daily communication. Questionnaire was applied to collect the data about the factors which support bahasa Banjar maintenance in Langkat and interview was applied to get data about the reason of Banjarnese to maintain their language and to get in depht result of the research. The data was analyzed by using Miles and Huberman’s data analysis. bahasa Banjar is maintained in Langkat. They keep using their language (bahasa Banjar) in Langkat because they realize the condition of bahasa Banjar nowdays, whereas there were some of them shift from bahasa Banjar maintenance. They are living in an area dominated by Banjarnese, visiting homeland regularly, intra marriage, use of the language in family domain, use of the language in neighborhood domain, use of the language in workplace domain, use the language in education domain, ethno linguistic vitality, use of the languge in religion domain, practice of adat istiadat (traditional) ceremony and solidarity of Banjarnese to use their language together. bahasa Banjar keep maintain and exist in Langkat.   Keywords: Maintenance, Bahasa Banjar   &nbsp


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    This study deals with the lexical change in Minangkabau language. It employs qualitative descriptive research. The focus of this study is the lexical creations in which aim to describe: (1) the processes of lexical creation in Minangkabau language, (2) to explain the reasons of lexical creation in Minangkabau language. The source of the data was short stories in Minangkabau language written by Miranda. In this study, the technique of collecting data was documentary technique. To get more accurate data, the process is done by interviewing some informants who speaks Minangkabau language in the family. The researcher recorded the interview and wrote it down in transcript. The processes of lexical change were found in Minangkabau language i.e. derivation, compound, borrowing and coinage. For example, the word parak previously in Minang language means almost = almost noon / early morning. The word parak is derived from English means park. This process occurs because sporadic relationships in trade in the past. another example is the word apo becomes a only when they express the sentence Apo keceknyo jo kau simply A keceknyo jo kau? This process happens because of more popular than the original termusually because the original is too long or outdated

    A Descriptive Study On The Vocabulary Mastery of Tenth Year Students Of SMK Al Maksum Stabat

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    This study deals with the discussion of vocabulary. The problem in this research is "how far is the ability of tenth graders of Al Maksum Stabat Vocational High School in understanding and remembering vocabulary. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of students' ability to master vocabulary and to find out what difficulties students face in mastering vocabulary. The population of this study was tenth grade students of SMK Al Maksum Stabat which consisted of 120 students from three parallel classes. For the sample, only 40% of the population was taken, namely 50 students. This research instrument uses an objective test. This research method is field research. After the data was analyzed, it was found that the average or mean value of the students was 78.51. It can be concluded that the ability of the tenth grade students is "good", and it is suggested that the English teacher give a lot of practice, especially with regard to vocabulary