5 research outputs found

    Metode Algoritma Genetika Dengan Sistem Fuzzy Logic Untuk Penentuan Parameter Pengendali PID

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    Proportional-Integral-Derivative ( PID) represents the popular controller which is frequently used in industry and instrumentation equipments. Although in simple design procedure, tuning of PID parameters ( Kp, KiAnd Kd) to get the optimal value is not easy and simple. Genetic Algorithm method with the Fuzzy Logic system is used to get the PID parameters with optimal performance result. Genetic Algorithm is a method that used to solve a problem of optimization based on selection and genetic evolution, while system of fuzzy logic is used to determine the geneticparameter like crossover probability and mutation. In this research, Genetic Algorithm with the Fuzzy Logic system is forming model of direct-current motor to get the parameters of PID controller based on value of mean square error ( MSE). This Examination yielded the stable response system with the value MSE gyrate 0.0027 until 0.0028 and steady state error gyrate 0.004 until 0.001

    Comparison of Control Methods PD, PI, and PID on Two Wheeled Self Balancing Robot

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    A robot must employ a suitable control method to obtain a good stability. The Two-Wheeled Self Balancing Robot in this paper is designed using a MPU-6050 IMU sensor module and ATmega128 microcontroller as its controller board. This IMU sensor module is employed to measure any change in the robot's tilt angle based on gyroscope and accelerometer readings contained in the module. The tilt angle readings are then utilized as the setpoint on the control methods, namely PD (Proportional Derivative), PI (Proportional Integral), or PID (Proportional Integral Derivative). Based on the conducted testing results, the PID controller is the best control strategy when compared to the PD and PI control. With parameters of Kp = 14, Ki = 0005 and Kd = 0.1, the robot is able to adjust the speed and direction of DC motor rotation to maintain upright positions on flat surfaces

    Perancangan Sistem Pemantauan Pengendali Suhu Pada Stirred Tank Heater Menggunakan Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

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    This paper discusses design of a suhue control monitoring system in stirred tank heater system that has an important function in industrial processes. Monitoring of suhue control system in stirred tank heater is designed using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) that control function of industrial processes. While the actuator to be controlled is the position of burner openings, so that the heat can be adjusted to meet a predetermined set-point. The suhue controller that is also used as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) is Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The testing result showed on SCADA system was quite good, where the average percentage of deviation for testing of set-point data was 0.76687%, and the percentage of deviation for testing of suhue data was 0.082%

    Purwarupa Pembersih Pipa Otomatis (Automatic Tube Remover) Pada Heat Exchanger Menggunakan Teknik Pengolahan Citra

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    In the industry era, especially the oil processing industry, the heat exchanger is needed to regulate temperature and produce oil products such as petroleum, kerosene and diesel fuel. In the operation, the heat exchanger requires maintenance, especially when the minor unit is shut down or stop and routine reparation. Maintenance is done by replacing the tubesheet that commonly referred to as bundle retube where there are pipe fritter to be cleaned, which are cutted at the time of maintenance. This maintenance is typically done in manual approach, which is not efficient in terms of time. For a more efficient maintanence, this paper proposes a prototype design to discard these pipes fritter by utilizing image processing method for detecting the edge of the circle and the position of the pipe fritter. Based on the experiments, it has been obtained that the test circle radius that can be captured is at 4 to 10 pixels. The longest time for positioning was 2.41 minutes and the whole process of disposal of this pipeline reaches 47.92 %