17 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Minarex Sebagai Secondary Plasticizer Untuk Pembuatan Kompon Sepatu Boot PVC

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    The purpose of the research is to find out optimum amount of minarex (side product from Pertamina Jakarta) as secondary plasticizer which can be added to PVS compound in order to obtain boots compound conforming to SII 1990-86: Sepatu boot PVC. Research yield is a slab made by hydraulic press machine. 1700 C and pressure 150 kg/cm2 and the time must be suitable with the thickness. From various types of minarex used for the research, four of them can be applied as secondary plasticizer at PVC compound for boots which conforms to SII 1909-89, i.e. minarex C type 2, minarex C type 3, minarex D type 3 for five parts each

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Industri Penyamakan Kulit (Shaving) Untuk Papan Partikel Polyvinyl Chlorida

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of solid waste of leather tanning industry(shaving) to physical properties of PVC particle board. Particle board was produced from PVC,additives material and solid waste of leather tanning industry (shaving). The variation of solidwaste (shaving) content are 0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; and 70 phr respectively. The compound wasmade by mixer and two roll mill unheated, mixing by torque speed 30 rpm. Press condition are165oC, 150 kg/cm2, and it needs 6 minutes for 2 mm thickness and 30 minutes for 10 mmthickness (depend on kinds of test). The particle board was tested physical properties by methodsof SNI 03-2105-2006 Mutu Papan Partikel. The test result of physical properties showed thatsolid waste of leather tanning industry for particle board was significant enfluence to increasedtensile strength, water contains, thickness swelling, but decreased screw withdrawl andflexibility. Solid waste of leather tanning industry (shaving) added was not significant influenceto density

    Penelitian Pengaruh Penggunaan Riklim Politilen Terhadap Sifat Ketahanan Pukul Dan Kekerasan

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    The aim of this research is to know further about the influence ot polyethylene reclaim to the characteristic of impact resistance and high density polyethylene (HDPE) compound.The research is done by making HDPE compound with the addition of polyethylene reclaim with various procentage of quantity.In fact the addition on of HDPE reclaim into pure HDPE doesn\u27t influence the hardness of the compound produced, but it influence the impact resistance to signification phase P 0,05 by linear aquation Y = 10,26 + 0,0887.The compound hardness is approximately 63,2 – 64,0 shore D, and impact resistance is approximately 10,83 – 18,91 kgcm/cm in various variation

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Industri Karet Remah (Crumb Rubber) Untuk Pembuatan Kompos

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    The objective of the research was to create a compost formula for plant fertilizer. Composts containing 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, and 50 parts of crumb rubber industry solid waste and 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 parts of bran were prepared. The mixing was done by adding 20 ml of molasses and 20 ml of EM4. Moisture content was maintained at 40-60%. The compost was mature in 40 days. The resulting compost was compared to SNI 2803:2010 Solid NPK Fertilizer and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 70/Permentan/SR-140/10/2011 on Organic Fertilizer. The best compost that met the requirements (except kalium) was the compost with 20 parts of bran, 80, 90, and 100 parts of solid waste. The physical properties of the compost were dark brown similar to the color of the soil, insoluble in water, C/N ratio of 20.74 to 25.44, temperature approximately equal to the ambient, and odorless

    Pemanfaatan Kembali Krom Limbah Shaving Untuk Penyamakan Kulit

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    This study aims to determine the extent of chrome in shaving waste that can be recovered and reused for tanning the leather and to reduce environmental pollution. Three kg of chrome shaving waste was hydrolyzed with NaOH by variation of 1, 2 and 3 % respectively in 10 liters of water, at temperature of 100oC for 1 hour. The results solution was then filtered to separate the chrome from the collagen protein . The filtered solids chrome was recovery by concentrated using sulfuric acid. The resulting chrome has Cr2O3 about 11 g/kg of chromium with utiluzation of 2 % NaOH. The recovered chrome was used for tanning goat skin with variation of 0, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 100% respectively from total chrome used for tanning leather. Test result showed that the variation of 60 % met the standard of SNI 0253-2009: Upper leather footwear-goat. The use of recovered chrome reduce environmental pollution

    Penelitian Ketahanan Polybag Wadah Bibit Tanaman Ditinjau Dari Sifat Ketahanan Sobek

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    The aim of this research is to know quality of polybag considered of tear strength. Research applies 135 polibags. 27 for blanks and 108 for seed planted. These are 3 variations in this research, they are thickness of polybag variation (0,03 mm; 0,05 mm and 0,01 mm), time plants variation (3; 45 ; 6 month) andKind of plants variation (pepperningrum, vanilia planifolia, pogostennon cablin (blanco) Benth). Polybag test is done by JIS K 6781-1977, Polyethylene film\u27s for Agriculture. Statistical evaluation prove that kind of plants variation does not influence the result, whereas polybag thickness and time plants variation give much effect to tear strength INTISARI Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ketahanan polybag (kantong plastic) wadah bibit tanama ditinjau dari sifat ketahanan sobek. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 135 buah kantong plastik, yang terdiri dari 27 buah kantong plastik untuk blangko dan 108 buah kantong plastic ditanami bibit tanaman. Variasi pada penelitian ini ada 3 macam yaitu variasi tebal kantong plastic (0,03 mm ; 0,05 mm dan 0,01 mm), variasi waktu tanam ( 3; 4; 5; 6 bulan) dan variasi jenis tanaman (lada, vanili, nilam). Pengujian dilakukan terhadap kantong plastik sebelum dan sesudah ditanami dengan tolok ukur JIS K 6781-1977 , Polyethylene films for Agriculture. Hasil analisa statistic menunjukkan bahwa variasi tebal kantong plastik dan waktu tanam sangat mempengaruhi nilai ketahanan sobek, sedangkan variasi jenis tanaman tidak berpengaruh nyata

    Penelitian Pengaruh Campuran Carbon Black Dan China Clay Terhadap Sifat Tegangan Putus Dan Kekerasan Karet Vulkanisat

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    It has been done a research of the influence of mixed carbon black and hardness properties on the vulcanization of rubber. It has been made with additive of carbon black and China clay mixed, in total variation. The result is seen that total variation of carbon black and China clay not influence to tensile strength, but their interacton can do it. The hardness of vulcanization of rubber will be influence by total variation of carbon black China clay anad their interaction. INTISARI Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh campuran carbon black dan China clay terhadap sifat tegangan putus dan kekerasan kompon karet. Trelah dibuat kompon karet cetak vulkanisasi dengan memvariasikan jumlah campuran carbon black dan China clay. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi jumlah China clay tidak mempengaruhi nilai tegangan putus, tetapi interaksinya dapat berpengaruh sangat nyata. Kekerasan kompon karet vulkanisasi sangat dipengartuhi oleh variasi jumlah carbon black dan China clay serta interaksinya

    Penurunan COD Air Limbah Industri Penyamakan Kulit Menggunakan Reagen Fenton

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    The aim of the experiment was to obtain optimum condition for COD reduction in tannerywastewater using fenton\u27s reagent. The effects of different reaction parameters included ferrousconcentration, hydrogen peroxide concentration, and the pH walue of solution were investigated.The optimum values were achieved at 0.2%, 120 ppm, and 4 for FeSO H O , and pH, 4, 2 2respectively. The optimum condition still unable to fulfill the quality standard for COD ofwastewater

    Pengaruh Pemlastis Nabati Terhadap Sifat Elastomer Termoplastik Berbasis Campuran Karet Alam/poli Propilena

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    Vegetable plasticizer is a plasticizer that is derived from renewable raw materials, that are used as an alternative to petroleum-based plasticizer. The purpose of this research was to compare the effect of the vegetable and plasticizer with petroleum plasticizers on the mechanical properties of (Thermoplastic Elastomer) TPE. Vegetable plasticizer used in this study is a modified castor oil. Natural rubber/polypropylene (KA/PP) based TPE was made in an internal mixer at a temperature of 180ºC with a variousvarious ratio KA/PP ratio and type of plasticizer. In general, modified castor oil as a plasticizer has a more positive effect on the mechanical properties of TPE in various ratios of KA/PP, is mainly related to improvement of properties of tensile strength, elongation at break and flexing resistance 100 kcs. The best formula of TPE is a TPE that is composed of KA/PP 60/40 using modified castor oil. XRD results showed that TPE is dominated by amorphous phase