27 research outputs found

    Single and double reduction of C\u3csub\u3e60\u3c/sub\u3e in 2:1 γ-cyclodextrin/[60]fullerene inclusion complexes by cyclodextrin radicals

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    Spectroscopic and chemical properties of γ-CD• radicals, resulting from the abstraction by HO• radicals of hydrogen atoms, have been investigated using pulse radiolysis. The reactions of γ-CD• radicals with C60 in 2:1 γ-CD/C60 inclusion complexes have been studied in aqueous solutions. It has been demonstrated that the γ-CD_ radicals are reducing species producing C60•— monoanion radicals, as well as doubly reduced C602— , well characterized by their absorption spectra in the near IR. The oxidation potential of γ-CD• radical is estimated to be more negative than –390 mV vs. NHE. The kinetics of the C60 reduction by γ-CD• radicals have been determined and compared with kinetics by other reducing species including the solvated electron (e—aq) and CO2•— radicals. It was observed that the method of preparation of the 2:1 γ-CD/C60 inclusion complexes modifies the C60 reduction mechanism

    Scavenging of cation radicals of the visual cycle retinoids by lutein, zeaxanthin, taurine, and melanin

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    In the retina, retinoids involved in vision are under constant threat of oxidation, and their oxidation products exhibit deleterious properties. Using pulse radiolysis, this study determined that the bimolecular rate constants of scavenging cation radicals of retinoids by taurine are smaller than 2 × 107 M−1s−1 whereas lutein scavenges cation radicals of all three retinoids with the bimolecular rate constants approach the diffusion-controlled limits, while zeaxanthin is only 1.4–1.6-fold less effective. Despite that lutein exhibits greater scavenging rate constants of retinoid cation radicals than other antioxidants, the greater concentrations of ascorbate in the retina suggest that ascorbate may be the main protectant of all visual cycle retinoids from oxidative degradation, while α-tocopherol may play a substantial role in the protection of retinaldehyde but is relatively inefficient in the protection of retinol or retinyl palmitate. While the protection of retinoids by lutein and zeaxanthin appears inefficient in the retinal periphery, it can be quite substantial in the macula. Although the determined rate constants of scavenging the cation radicals of retinol and retinaldehyde by dopa-melanin are relatively small, the high concentration of melanin in the RPE melanosomes suggests they can be scavenged if they are in proximity to melanin-containing pigment granules

    Scavenging of Cation Radicals of the Visual Cycle Retinoids by Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Taurine, and Melanin

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    In the retina, retinoids involved in vision are under constant threat of oxidation, and their oxidation products exhibit deleterious properties. Using pulse radiolysis, this study determined that the bimolecular rate constants of scavenging cation radicals of retinoids by taurine are smaller than 2 × 107 M−1s−1 whereas lutein scavenges cation radicals of all three retinoids with the bimolecular rate constants approach the diffusion-controlled limits, while zeaxanthin is only 1.4–1.6-fold less effective. Despite that lutein exhibits greater scavenging rate constants of retinoid cation radicals than other antioxidants, the greater concentrations of ascorbate in the retina suggest that ascorbate may be the main protectant of all visual cycle retinoids from oxidative degradation, while α-tocopherol may play a substantial role in the protection of retinaldehyde but is relatively inefficient in the protection of retinol or retinyl palmitate. While the protection of retinoids by lutein and zeaxanthin appears inefficient in the retinal periphery, it can be quite substantial in the macula. Although the determined rate constants of scavenging the cation radicals of retinol and retinaldehyde by dopa-melanin are relatively small, the high concentration of melanin in the RPE melanosomes suggests they can be scavenged if they are in proximity to melanin-containing pigment granules