12 research outputs found

    Recognize The Fierce Competition in The Fast Fashion Industry

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    Inditex, Fast Retailing Co. Ltd, Gap Inc, Hennes & Mauritz AB, and Urban Outfitters Inc are world-famous industries that make fashion brand that adopts the fast fashion industry system. This article will discuss market competition in the fast fashion industry using Porter's five forces model. The analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative methods on five samples of the fast fashion industry within a competitive market, E.g., Inditex (ZARA), Fast Retailing Co. Ltd (UNIQLO), Gap Inc (GAP), Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M), and Urban Outfitters Inc (Urban Outfitters). That way, we will understand how difficult the competition is in the fast fashion industry environment and where able to use the analytical approach to measure competition analysis for other industrie

    Service Operation Strategy and Service Delivery Strategy to Enhance Business Performance

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    This study strives to investigate whether the business performance of PT Pertamina (Persero) Integrated Terminal Teluk Kabung can be improved through an effective service operation strategy and service delivery strategy. This study uses primary and secondary data information. The data analysis pulled in this study is descriptive and causal and was obtained through the census method of 104 respondents who are the owners of 136 gas stations spread across West Sumatra. The causality data was then processed using PLS-SEM software. The study results show that some gas station operators in the area complained about PT Pertamina's services to consumers, which were considered slow and inflexible. Internal processes and customer perspectives that prioritize responsiveness capabilities to market needs will potentially improve business performance sustainably


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    The research has the purpose to study the effect of the addition of banana stem fiber as filler to the mechanical properties of composites with a matrix of Recycled Polypropylene (RPP). Banana stem fiber made of banana cut into 20 centimeters then soaked in hexane and Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) and boiled with Sodium Oxide(NaOH) for 1 hour, the purpose to remove dirt and grease as well as lignin present. After that enter into the oven for 10 hours at a temperature of 80 degrees and then combed up into fibers. Banana stemfiber compositesmade with amoldsize of20x15centimetersandpressedbyHot Pressat a temperature of200 degreespressure of2bar, for 30minutes. Bananastemfiber compositecompositionbetweenmatrix and fillersare90:10%, 80:20%, 70:30%, 60:40%and50:50%. Testswereconductedin this researchis to test thetensile strength, compressive strength test, and test thewater absorption. A result of this study is to test thetensile strength ofthe highestin theratio 60:40%, tensile strengthof23.34N/mm2. Totestpressthe highest valueobtainedina ratio of 90:10%in whichthe value10.47N/mm2, and test thewater absorptionSNI15-0233-1989entirelymeet the standards ofthe QualityandTestMethodFiberCementSheets. Keyword: fiberbananas stem composites, recycled polypropylene (RPP


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    This research aims to determine the extent to which time management can run effectively at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)., achieved after the management implements the good delegation of authority to manage property assets.  The research method employed was a census of 55 leaders from PT Pupuk Indonesia Group (all related Senior Vice Presidents and Vice Presidents). The data analysis used in this quantitative research approach is descriptive and causal. Meanwhile, it examines both primary and secondary data as well data were analyzed using PLS-SEM software. The study's results revealed that authority delegation to manage property assets directly impacts improving time management at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). The direct contribution of delegation of authority in improving time management is quite substantial. The qualitative aspect of delegation of authority directly impacts time management, which also tends to be quantitative.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana manajemen waktu bisa berjalan secara efektif pada PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), yang dicapai setelah manajemen menjalankan pendelegasian wewenang yang baik dalam mengelola aset properti. Penelitian ini menggunakan informasi/data primer dan sekunder. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah sensus terhadap 55 pimpinan PT Pupuk Indonesia Group (seluruh Senior Vice President dan Vice President terkait). Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif ini adalah deskriptif dan kausal. Sementara itu, penelitian ini juga meneliti data primer dan sekunder. Data dianalisis menggunakan software PLS-SEM. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pendelegasian wewenang pengelolaan aset properti terbukti memberikan dampak secara langsung dalam mendorong perbaikan manajemen waktu pada PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). Kontribusi pendelegasian wewenang secara langsung dalam memperbaiki manajemen waktu tergolong kuat. Aspek pendelegasian wewenang yang bersifat kualitatif berdampak langsung pada aspek manajemen waktu yang juga cenderung bersifat kuantitatif

    Home range variation and site fidelity of Bornean southern gibbons [Hylobates albibarbis] from 2010-2018

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    Gibbons are highly territorial and have two key areas within these territories. The core area in which we find all sleeping trees and the trees from which the gibbons duet and the wider home range (HR) which has varying levels of overlap with neighbouring gibbon groups. The core area is strenously defended, with the wider HR being more of a shared area for neighbouring groups. We present ranging and movement data on four wild gibbon groups from January 2010 to July 2018. Global Positioning System (GPS) data were collected every 5 mins on habitauted groups in Sebangau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia resulting in 35,521 waypoints. Gibbon home- and corerange sizes were calculated using 95%, and 50%, volume contours of kernel density estimates. Home-ranges ranged from 58.74–147.75 ha with a mean of 95.7 ± SD 37.75 ha, the highest of comparable Hylobates species. Core-range size ranged from 20.7–51.31 ha with a mean size of 31.7 ± SD 13.76 ha. Gibbons had consistant site fidelity for their home- and core ranges; percentage overlap ranged from 4.3 23.97% with a mean 16.5 ± SD 8.65% overlap in home-range area. Core ranges did not overlap with the exception of two groups, in which a 0.64 ha (2.69%) overlap occurred. Unsurprisingly forest loss from fire does affect the location of the HR of the impacted group, but does not appear to affect adjacent groups, though more data are needed on this. Understanding the complex use of space of these territorial animals is important in assessing both carrying capacity for wild populations and understanding how reintroduced gibbon pairs will establish their core and HR

    Down from the treetops: Red langur (Presbytis rubicunda) terrestrial behaviour

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    Using direct observations and camera traps at eight sites across Indonesian Borneo we show how red langurs (Presbytis rubicunda) are more terrestrial than previously believed, regularly coming to the ground. This unusual behavior has been found at six of the eight sites surveyed. We find that red langurs come to the ground more frequently in disturbed forests, specifically ones which have been impacted by logging, fire, and hunting, though more data are needed to confirm this as a direct correlation. We also found a trend towards decreased ground use with increased elevation of the habitat. When on the ground, red langurs are predominantly engaged in feeding (50% direct observations, 61% camera traps) and traveling (29% direct observations, 13% camera traps). Red langurs are found on the ground throughout the day, at similar times to activity periods of the apex predator, the Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi). We suggest that ground use by red langurs could be an adaptation to disturbed forest to exploit additional food sources and to facilitate travel

    Pengaruh investasi dan pengeluaran pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemiskinan kota bontang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh investasi dan pengeluaran pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemiskinan di Kota Bontang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah path analysis (analisis jalur) dan data yang digunakan adalah time series dari tahun 2006-2019. Dengan program SPSS 22. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa investasi berpengaruh negatif namun tidak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kota Bontang, pengeluaran pemerintah berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kota Bontang, investasi berpengaruh negatif namun tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di Kota Bontang, pengeluaran pemerintah berpengaruh negatif dan sifnifikan terhadap kemiskinan,  serta pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di Kota Bontang. Investasi secara tidak langsung berpengaruh negatif namun tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kota Bontang. pengeluaran pemerintah secara tidak langsung berpengaruh negatif namun tidak signifikan terhadap tingkat kemiskinan melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kota Bontang


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) bagaimana core competency berbasis TIROCA dan keunggulan bersaing, (2) kontribusi core competency berbasis TIROCA dalam meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing pada UMKM industri makanan ringan di kota Cimahi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah para pelaku UMKM industri makanan ringan di kota Cimahi yang tergabung dalam Program Bala Beli dengan menggunakan metode sensus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner disebarkan langsung ke 62 pelaku UMKM industri makanan ringan di kota Cimahi. Metod menggunakan PLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) core competency berbasis TIROCA yang dimiliki UMKM industri makanan ringan di kota Cimahi dalam kategori unik dan keunggulan bersaing dinilai dalam kategori superior, (2) competency berbasis model TIROCA berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing, semakin unik core competency berbasis TIROCA maka semakin superior pula keunggulan bersaing yang dimiliki oleh para pelaku UMKM industri makanan ringan di kota Cimahi. Variabel core competency berbasis TIROCA dengan indikator organizational capabilities merupakan variabel dan indikator paling kuat sehingga aspek tersebut harus dibenahi dan diprioritaskan agar memiliki keunggulan bersaing dengan para kompetitornya