948 research outputs found

    On suppressing the Higgsino-mediated proton decay in SUSY SO(10) GUT's

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    Using the freedom in SO(10) GUT's one can generalize the existing models without changing the mass spectrum of fermions to obtain a significant suppression of proton decay resulting from the baryon number violating operators of dimension 5. In some limiting cases, their contributions can be made negligible compared to the dimension 6 operators resulting from the heavy gauge bosons exchange.Comment: 19 pages, 3 Postscript figures, 2 mpost figures, rearranged plots, corrected typo

    Relation between CKM and MNS Matrices Induced by Bi-Maximal Rotations in the Seesaw Mechanism

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    It is found that the seesaw mechanism not only explains the smallness of neutrino masses but also accounts for the large mixing angles simultaneously, even if the unification of the neutrino Dirac mass matrix with that of up-type quark sector is realized. In this mechanism, we show that the mixing matrix of the Dirac-type mass matrix gets extra rotations from the diagonalization of Majorana mass matrix. Assuming that the mixing angles to diagonalize the Majorana mass matrix are extremely small, we find that the large mixing angles of leptonic sector found in atmospheric and long baseline reactor neutrino oscillation experiments can be explained by these extra rotations. We also find that provided the mixing angle around y-axis to diagonalize the Majorana mass matrix vanishes, we can derive the information about the absolute values of neutrino masses and Majorana mass responsible for the neutrinoless double beta decay experiment through the data set of neutrino experiments. In the simplified case that there is no CP phase, we find that the neutrino masses are decided as m1:m2:m31:2:8m_1:m_2:m_3\approx 1:2:8 and that there are no solution which satisfy m3<m1<m2m_3<m_1<m_2 (inverted mass spectrum). Then, including all CP phases, we reanalyze the absolute values of neutrino masses and Majorana mass responsible for the neutrinoless double beta decay experiment.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, revtex4, to appear in J.PHYS.SOC.JA

    Neutrino mixing and CP violation from Dirac-Majorana bimaximal mixture and quark-lepton unification

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    We demonstrate that only two ansatz can produce the features of the neutrino mixing angles. The first ansatz comes from the quark-lepton grand unification; νDi=VCKMνα\nu_{Di} = V_{CKM} \nu_{\alpha} is satisfied for left-handed neutrinos, where νDi\nu_{Di} are the Dirac mass eigenstates and να\nu_{\alpha} are the flavour eigenstates. The second ansatz comes from the assumption; νDi=Ubimaximalνi\nu_{Di} = U_{bimaximal} \nu_{i} is satisfied between the Dirac mass eigenstates νDi\nu_{Di} and the light Majorana neutrino mass eigenstates νi\nu_{i}, where UbimaximalU_{bimaximal} is the bimaximal mixing matrix. By these two ansatz, the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix is given by UMNS=VCKMUbimaximalU_{MNS} = V_{CKM}^\dagger U_{bimaximal}. We find that in this model the novel relation θsol+θ13=π/4\theta_{sol} + \theta_{13} = \pi/4 is satisfied, where θsol\theta_{sol} and θ13\theta_{13} are solar and CHOOZ angle respectively. This "Solar-CHOOZ Complementarity" relation indicates that only if the CHOOZ angle θ13\theta_{13} is sizable, the solar angle θsol\theta_{sol} can deviate from the maximal mixing. We also infer the CP violation in neutrino oscillations. The leptonic Dirac CP phase δMNS\delta_{MNS} is predicted as sinδMNSAλ2η\sin \delta_{MNS} \simeq A \lambda^2 \eta, where A,λ,ηA, \lambda, \eta are the CKM parameters in Wolfenstein parametrization. Furthermore, we remark that the ratio of the Jarlskog CP violation factor for quarks and leptons is important, because the large uncertainty on η\eta is cancelled out in the ratio, RJJCKM/JMNS42Aλ35×102R_J \equiv J_{CKM}/J_{MNS} \simeq 4\sqrt{2} A \lambda^3 \simeq 5 \times 10^{-2}.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; v2 references added, v3 references adde

    Unity of CP and T Violation in Neutrino Oscillations

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    In a previous work a simultaneous P- CP[P] and P- T[P] bi-probability plot was proposed as a useful tool for unified graphical description of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillation. The ``baseball diamond'' structure of the plot is understood as a consequence of the approximate CP-CP and the T-CP relations obeyed by the oscillation probabilities. In this paper, we make a step forward toward deeper understanding of the unified graphical representation by showing that these two relations are identical in its content, suggesting a truly unifying view of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillations. We suspect that the unity reflects the underlying CPT theorem. We also present calculation of corrections to the CP-CP and the T-CP relations to leading order in Delta m^2_{21} / Delta m^2_{31} and s^2_{13}.Comment: 20 references added, version to appear in "Focus Issue on Neutrino Physics" of New Journal of Physic

    Clone flow analysis for a theory inspired Neutrino Experiment planning

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    The presence of several clone solutions in the simultaneous measurement of (θ13,δ\theta_{13},\delta) has been widely discussed in literature. In this letter we write the analytical formulae of the clones location in the (θ13,δ\theta_{13},\delta) plane as a function of the physical input pair (θˉ13,δˉ\bar\theta_{13},\bar\delta). We show how the clones move with changing θˉ13\bar\theta_{13}. The "clone flow" can be significantly different if computed (naively) from the oscillation probabilities or (exactly) from the probabilities integrated over the neutrino flux and cross-section. Using our complete computation we compare the clone flow of a set of possible future neutrino experiments: the CERN SuperBeam, BetaBeam and Neutrino Factory proposals. We show that the combination of these specific BetaBeam and SuperBeam does not help in solving the degeneracies. On the contrary, the combination of one of them with the Neutrino Factory Golden and Silver channel can be used, from a theoretical point of view, to solve completely the eightfold degeneracy.Comment: 23 pages, using epsfi

    Scalar Bilepton Dark Matter

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    In this work we show that 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos has a natural weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark mater candidate. It is a complex scalar with mass of order of some hundreds of GeV which carries two units of lepton number, a scalar bilepton. This makes it a very peculiar WIMP, very distinct from Supersymmetric or Extra-dimension candidates. Besides, although we have to make some reasonable assumptions concerning the several parameters in the model, no fine tunning is required in order to get the correct dark matter abundance. We also analyze the prospects for WIMP direct detection by considering recent and projected sensitivities for WIMP-nucleon elastic cross section from CDMS and XENON Collaborations.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, uses iopart.cls, same text as published version with a small different arrangement of figure

    Neutrino Physics at the Turn of the Millenium

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    Recent solar & atmospheric nu-data strongly indicate need for physics beyond the Standard Model. I review the ways of reconciling them in terms of 3-nu oscillations. Though not implied by data, bi-maximal nu-mixing models emerge as a possibility. SUSY with broken R-parity provides an attractive way to incorporate it, opening the possibility of testing nu-anomalies at high- energy colliders such as the LHC or at the upcoming long-baseline or nu- factory experiments. Reconciling, in addition, the LSND hint requires a fourth, light sterile neutrino, nus. The simplest are the most symmetric scenarios, in which 2 of the 4 neutrinos are maximally-mixed and lie at the LSND scale, while the others are at the solar scale. The lightness of nus, the nearly maximal atmospheric mixing, and the solar/atmospheric splittings all follow naturally from the assumed lepton-number symmetry and its breaking. These basic schemes can be distinguished at neutral-current-sensitive solar & atmospheric neutrino experiments such as SNO. However underground experiments have not yet proven neutrino masses, as there are many alternatives. For example flavour changing interactions can play an important role in the explanation of solar and contained atmospheric data and could be tested e.g through \mu \to e + \gamma, \mu-e conversion in nuclei, unaccompanied by neutrino-less double beta decay. Conversely, a short-lived numu might play a role in the explanation of the atmospheric data. Finally, in the presence of a nus, a long-lived heavy nutau could delay the time at which the matter and radiation contributions to the energy density of the Universe become equal, reducing density fluctuations on smaller scales, thus saving the standard CDM scenario, while the light nue, numu and nus would explain the solar & atmospheric data.Comment: Invited talk at 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99), Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 199