36 research outputs found

    Subducted lithospheric boundary tomographically imaged beneath the arc-continent collision in eastern Indonesia

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    We use travel‐times from a temporary seismic deployment of 30 broadband seismometers and a national catalog of arrival times to construct a finite frequency teleseismic P‐wave tomographic model of the upper mantle beneath eastern Indonesia, where subduction of the Indo‐Australian plate beneath the Banda Arc transitions to arc‐continent collision. The change in tectonics is due to a change from oceanic to continental lithosphere in the lower plate as inferred from geologic mapping and geophysical, geochemical, and geodetic measurements. At this inferred transition, we seismically image the subducted continent‐ocean boundary at upper mantle depths that links volcanism on Flores to amagmatic orogenesis on Timor. Our tomographic images reveal a relatively high velocity feature within the upper mantle, which we interpret as the subducted Indo‐Australian slab. The slab appears continuous yet deformed as a result of the change in buoyancy due to the composition of the incoming continental lithosphere. Accordingly, there is a difference in dip angle between the oceanic and continental sections of the slab albeit not a gap or discontinuity. We suggest the slab has deformed without tearing to accommodate structural and kinematic changes across the continent‐ocean boundary as the two sections of the slab diverge. These results suggest that deformation in tectonic collisions can be localized along a continent‐ocean boundary, even at depth. We propose that future slab tearing may develop where we observe slab deformation in our study region and that a similar process may take place in collisions generally.This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant EAR‐1250214 as well as DIKTI Grant 127/SP2H/ PTNBH/DRPM/2018

    Curie Point Depth Analysis of Lesugolo Area, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Based on Ground Magnetic Data

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    The Curie point depth, or magnetic basal depth, of the Lesugolo geothermal area in Ende, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia was estimated by performing spectral analysis on spatial magnetic data and transforming it into the frequency domain, resulting in a link between the 2D spectrum of magnetic anomalies and the depths of the top and centroid of the magnetic sources. Shallow Curie point depths of 16 to 18 km were found in the north-northeast to southeast areas of Lesugolo, while deeper depths of 24 to 26 km were found in the southwest. The tectonic setting beneath the central part of Flores Island governs the distribution of the Curie point depths in the area. Shallow Curie point depth zones are associated with high thermal gradients (30 to 34 °C/km) and heat flow (80 to 100 mW/m2). Deep depths, on the other hand, correspond to zones of low thermal gradient (21 to 26 °C/km) and low heat flow (65 to 80 mW/m2). Both the derived thermal gradient and the heat flow maps contribute to a better understanding of the Lesugolo geothermal system’s configuration. This study suggests that the Lesugolo geothermal area’s prospect zone is located in the center of the investigated area, where the Lesugolo normal fault forms its southeastern boundary

    Curie Point Depth Analysis of Lesugolo Area, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Based on Ground Magnetic Data

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    The Curie point depth, or magnetic basal depth, of the Lesugolo geothermal area in Ende, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia was estimated by performing spectral analysis on spatial magnetic data and transforming it into the frequency domain, resulting in a link between the 2D spectrum of magnetic anomalies and the depths of the top and centroid of the magnetic sources. Shallow Curie point depths of 16 to 18 km were found in the north-northeast to southeast areas of Lesugolo, while deeper depths of 24 to 26 km were found in the southwest. The tectonic setting beneath the central part of Flores Island governs the distribution of the Curie point depths in the area. Shallow Curie point depth zones are associated with high thermal gradients (30 to 34 °C/km) and heat flow (80 to 100 mW/m2). Deep depths, on the other hand, correspond to zones of low thermal gradient (21 to 26 °C/km) and low heat flow (65 to 80 mW/m2). Both the derived thermal gradient and the heat flow maps contribute to a better understanding of the Lesugolo geothermal system’s configuration. This study suggests that the Lesugolo geothermal area’s prospect zone is located in the center of the investigated area, where the Lesugolo normal fault forms its southeastern boundary

    Implications for megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis from seismic gaps south of Java Indonesia

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    Relocation of earthquakes recorded by the agency for meteorology, climatology and geophysics (BMKG) in Indonesia and inversions of global positioning system (GPS) data reveal clear seismic gaps to the south of the island of Java. These gaps may be related to potential sources of future megathrust earthquakes in the region. To assess the expected inundation hazard, tsunami modeling was conducted based on several scenarios involving large tsunamigenic earthquakes generated by ruptures along segments of the megathrust south of Java. The worst-case scenario, in which the two megathrust segments spanning Java rupture simultaneously, shows that tsunami heights can reach ~ 20 m and ~ 12 m on the south coast of West and East Java, respectively, with an average maximum height of 4.5 m along the entire south coast of Java. These results support recent calls for a strengthening of the existing Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS), especially in Java, the most densely populated island in Indonesia