34 research outputs found

    Sec16p potentiates the action of COPII proteins to bud transport vesicles

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    SEC16 encodes a 240-kD hydrophilic protein that is required for transport vesicle budding from the ER in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sec16p is tightly and peripherally bound to ER membranes, hence it is not one of the cytosolic proteins required to reconstitute transport vesicle budding in a cell-free reaction. However, Sec16p is removed from the membrane by salt washes, and using such membranes we have reconstituted a vesicle budding reaction dependent on the addition of COPII proteins and pure Sec16p. Although COPII vesicle budding is promoted by GTP or a nonhydrolyzable analogue, guanylimide diphosphate (GMP-PNP), Sec16p stimulation is dependent on GTP in the reaction. Details of coat protein assembly and Sec16p-stimulated vesicle budding were explored with synthetic liposomes composed of a mixture of lipids, including acidic phospholipids (major–minor mix), or a simple binary mixture of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Sec16p binds to major–minor mix liposomes and facilitates the recruitment of COPII proteins and vesicle budding in a reaction that is stimulated by Sar1p and GMP-PNP. Thin-section electron microscopy confirms a stimulation of budding profiles produced by incubation of liposomes with COPII and Sec16p. Whereas acidic phospholipids in the major–minor mix are required to recruit pure Sec16p to liposomes, PC/PE liposomes bind Sar1p-GTP, which stimulates the association of Sec16p and Sec23/24p. We propose that Sec16p nucleates a Sar1-GTP–dependent initiation of COPII assembly and serves to stabilize the coat to premature disassembly after Sar1p hydrolyzes GTP

    Anti-Trypanosomal Proteasome Inhibitors Cure Hemolymphatic and Meningoencephalic Murine Infection Models of African Trypanosomiasis

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    Current anti-trypanosomal therapies suffer from problems of longer treatment duration, toxicity and inadequate efficacy, hence there is a need for safer, more efficacious and 'easy to use' oral drugs. Previously, we reported the discovery of the triazolopyrimidine (TP) class as selective kinetoplastid proteasome inhibitors with in vivo efficacy in mouse models of leishmaniasis, Chagas Disease and African trypanosomiasis (HAT). For the treatment of HAT, development compounds need to have excellent penetration to the brain to cure the meningoencephalic stage of the disease. Here we describe detailed biological and pharmacological characterization of triazolopyrimidine compounds in HAT specific assays. The TP class of compounds showed single digit nanomolar potency against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense strains. These compounds are trypanocidal with concentration-time dependent kill and achieved relapse-free cure in vitro. Two compounds, GNF6702 and a new analog NITD689, showed favorable in vivo pharmacokinetics and significant brain penetration, which enabled oral dosing. They also achieved complete cure in both hemolymphatic (blood) and meningoencephalic (brain) infection of human African trypanosomiasis mouse models. Mode of action studies on this series confirmed the 20S proteasome as the target in T. brucei. These proteasome inhibitors have the potential for further development into promising new treatment for human African trypanosomiasis

    Proteasome inhibition for treatment of leishmaniasis, Chagas disease and sleeping sickness

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    Chagas disease, leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness affect 20 million people worldwide and lead to more than 50,000 deaths annually. The diseases are caused by infection with the kinetoplastid parasites Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma brucei spp., respectively. These parasites have similar biology and genomic sequence, suggesting that all three diseases could be cured with drugs that modulate the activity of a conserved parasite target. However, no such molecular targets or broad spectrum drugs have been identified to date. Here we describe a selective inhibitor of the kinetoplastid proteasome (GNF6702) with unprecedented in vivo efficacy, which cleared parasites from mice in all three models of infection. GNF6702 inhibits the kinetoplastid proteasome through a non-competitive mechanism, does not inhibit the mammalian proteasome or growth of mammalian cells, and is well-tolerated in mice. Our data provide genetic and chemical validation of the parasite proteasome as a promising therapeutic target for treatment of kinetoplastid infections, and underscore the possibility of developing a single class of drugs for these neglected diseases

    Recent developments in drug discovery for leishmaniasis and human African trypanosomiasis

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    Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease that presents four main clinical syndromes: cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), visceral leishmaniasis/kala azar (VL), and post kala azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL). Causative Leishmania are protozoan parasites that are transmitted among mammalian hosts by phlebotomine sandflies. In mammalian hosts, parasite cells proliferate inside the host phagocytic cells as round amastigotes. Infection of sandflies with Leishmania occurs during insect feeding on infected mammalian hosts. After introduction into the insect gut together with the blood meal, Leishmania amastigotes transform into elongated flagellated promastigotes that propagate in the insect gut. A new round of infection is initiated after the infected sandfly takes a blood meal from a naïve mammalian host and introduces Leishmania parasites into the bite wound in the host dermis (Scheme 1). More than 20 different Leishmania species have been found to cause human leishmaniasis (Table 1)

    A Genome-Wide Overexpression Screen in Yeast for Small-Molecule Target Identification

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    SummaryWe describe a multicopy gene suppression screen of drug sensitivity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that facilitates the identification of cellular targets of small molecules. An array of yeast transformants harboring a multicopy yeast genomic library was screened for resistance to growth inhibitors. Comparison of array growth patterns for several such inhibitors allowed the differentiation of general and molecule-specific genetic suppressors. Specific resistance to phenylaminopyrimidine (1), an inhibitor identified from a kinase-directed library, was associated with the overexpression of Pkc1 and a subset of downstream kinases. Components of two other pathways (pheromone response/filamentous growth and Pho85 kinase) that genetically interact with the PKC1 MAPK signaling cascade were also identified. Consistent with the suppression screen, inhibitor 1 bound to Pkc1 in yeast cell lysate and inhibited its activity in vitro. These results demonstrate the utility of this approach for the rapid deconvolution of small-molecule targets