18 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the sentences system in Balinese-Malay language

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    Balinese-Malay language found today; called as base karang ni is a legacy of the previous Malay called base lame 'old Balinese-Malay'. It is spoken by the Malay community of West and East Loloan Village, Jembrana, Negara, Bali. Since 17th century this language has developed and has gone through various dynamics of retention and innovation. The problems of the research were about how the basic sentence system; dynamics of morphological and syntantic elements of productive prefixes and relatively labile sentences; and dynamics of phonological elements in Balinese-Malay language sentences were. Generative theories and explanatory descriptive method through the speech analyzer program were applied in the research. The results of this study showed that the use of some lexicons such as tanak ‘to cook’, can be attached by prefix me-, as in metanak in Balinese-Malay. The construction appears to be similar in bahasa Indonesia, aside from the /t/ which is apparently not dropped. In terms of its system, prefix me- is equal to prefix ber- in Indonesian, and prefix Ƌ- is equal to me-. Historically, the difference between old Balinese-Malay with the modern ones can be seen from the softening of /h/ in the final position of seh. The duration of old Balinese-Malay was also found longer than the modern one and the East dialect was longer than the West. It was proved that the East Loloan is the area of the origin Balinese-Malay in Bali; meanwhile West Loloan is the development area


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    In the use of language, ambiguity occurs because the language is used in various functions and situations. In the process of translation, the ambiguous meaning in the source language should be the same as the meaning contained in the target language. Differences of the environment, the way of thinking, culture, and the form of language results in not all meanings in a language (Indonesian) are possessed by other languages. This study is categorized as a qualitative analysis. After the data in the form of an ambiguous noun phrases in the Indonesian language are found with its various aspects, then it is translated into English by using “google translate”. The translation is done as a starting point to know its usage in English. The translation results are then evaluated on the reliability of “google translate” in the translation process. Furthermore, evaluation is conducted to formulate the appropriate formula in the process of translating the noun phrases which have double meaning.In the use of noun phrases in Indonesian sentences, there are found ambiguity due to phrase structure, that is the noun combining in other words in the group of words. There are five types of noun phrases found in Indonesian language that have double meanings with noun as the core of the phrase


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kesalahan tata bahasa pada penampilan berbicara dan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa semester empat di STIBA-CNK. Pendekatan penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif-deskriptif. Prosedur pengumpulan data; teknik observasi digunakan untuk mengamati kesiapan mahasiswa, teknik dialog untuk memperoleh data kuantitatif dan angket untuk memperoleh data kualitatif. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti mengurutkan data yang telah dikumpulkan dari rekaman. Dalam hal ini peneliti menerapkan beberapa langkah untuk menganalisis data seperti mendengarkan setiap video, menyalin data dari setiap video, mengidentifikasi kesalahan ucapan, membentuk data ucapan, dan mengklasifikasikan data kesalahan berdasarkan lima kategori kesalahan dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris oleh T. J Fitikides (2002). Temuan menunjukkan kesalahan berbicara dengan lima kategori: 41% dari bentuk yang salah digunakan, 37% dari penghilangan yang salah, 2% dari kata-kata yang tidak perlu, 11% dari kata-kata yang salah ditempatkan, dan 8% dari kata-kata yang membingungkan. Selanjutnya, temuan lain yang menjadi penyebab kesalahan dan mempengaruhi mahasiswa dalam berbicara yaitu transfer interlingual, transfer intralingual, dan strategi komunikasi.

    Symbolic Functions of Graffiti in Padang City of Indonesia: Critical Linguistic Landscape Studies

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    This study concerned with language in written form that is visible as graffiti in the Padang city, Indonesia landscape. The mushroomed of graffiti in Padang city landscapes increasingly has been a growing problem in society. Even local government as the official authority has created some task to prohibit graffiti, but a new graffiti has always been emerging in public space. Therefore graffiti has been considered a crime. It is interesting to explore graffiti in Padang city landscapes from other perspectives, particularly the symbolic functions of graffiti. The study uses qualitative approaches by applying Critical Discourse Analysis. The result shows that graffiti in Padang city landscapes accomplished two principal symbolic functions; first graffiti as a medium of demonstration in which providing space for marginalized expression with the opportunity to voice controversial ideas publically; second graffiti as social critics in which providing input into the public discourse that is not concerned by other conventional media

    Errors-based Rehabilitation within Phonological Framework: Segmental Changes in Broca’s Aphasia

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    The studies of phonological therapy for patients with both phonemic planning and articulatory implementation deficits report the related dichotomy of anterior and posterior syndrome with psycholinguistic model. However, there must be some investigation on segmental errors as input of rehabilitation within phonological framework. This study investigates whether the errors-based rehabilitation model can encourage two Balinese individuals with Broca's aphasia (KW and NS) to reduce the phonological errors. The results showed that KW and NS performed different segmental errors and types of the phonological process even though they suffered from identical non-fluent symptom. KW, in pre-intervention tended to present phonemes substitution, omission and insertion errors which mostly occurred in the initial position of words and he transposed the onset of the second syllable to the onset of the first syllable. Meanwhile, NS in some cases, tended to transpose the phonemes randomly, inserted other segments – especially [nasal] and [lateral] between two vowels (hiatuses) and altered the high complex segments with less complex ones. The phonological error-based rehabilitation was effective to reduce the errors and the phonetic relaxation helped them exhibit minor errors. This indicated that phonetic based training can stimulate the articulatory processing deficit as anterior syndrome

    Material Clause Re-contextualization in Indonesian-English Translation

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    This research is to investigate linguistic re-contextualization found in the translation from Indonesian into English. Applying pragmatic translation equivalence (House, 2015) and Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday and Matthiessen, 2014), it focuses on how material clause in Indonesian meditation text is rendered into English. The research finding shows that to achieve translation equivalence, Indonesian material clause is re-contextualized by rendering it into relational clause of attributive, relational clause of identification and material clause using different type of process. The re-contextualization results in shift of dematerialization and shift from one type of material clause into another type of material clause

    A Study of East Loloan Communities’ Ritual Activities Spoken in Balinese Malay Language

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the discourse of Balinese Malay-language rituals activities which includes (a) the structure of discourse, (b) cohesion, (c) metalinguistic analysis, and (d) cultural context; and the dynamics of traditional discourse and Balinese Malay-language culture in the community. This study applied the theory of discourse analysis that viewed the language used in context, which means that people can communicate because they understand discourse (text), context, and patterns or structure. The choice of the informants was by applying the purposive sampling method with certain criteria. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews. The research location was in East Loloan, as the center of Balinese Malay language speakers. The research findings showed that the discourse of traditional activities and Balinese Malay-language culture used language (microstructure) which was classified as the barrel of an oral language, so that the speech style was clearly visible, both in the structure of discourse, the use of cohesion, and its metalinguistic elements. Meanwhile, in the language (macro structure) it was seen that the use of language for the disclosure of Malay culture that was closely related to Islam/Moslem religion. This could be seen in the co-text of the use of the terms silaturahmi, ngangini, and the context of the use of cultural symbols such as penyingset as a symbol of the men paying attention to and respecting women in traditional customs. Furthermore, in the dynamics of cultural discourse, there appeared to be an attraction between the retention of identity and accommodation in situations and conditions that lead to be changed by the time


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    Research concerning comprehension in early simultaneous bilingualism is still very limited. Thus, this study focuses on describing a bilingual infant’s comprehension of adults’ verbal input addressed to the child in an Indonesian-German language environment, and the child’s understanding of translation equivalents (TEs). The child, who was exposed to Indonesian and German simultaneously from birth, was observed from age 0;9 to age 1;3 using a diary supplemented with weekly video recordings. A “one parent-one language” system was applied in which the child received Indonesian language from the mother and German language from the father from birth. Since the family live in Indonesia and have regular contact to the collective family members, the child received dominant exposure in Indonesian compared to German. The data was transcribed and analysed using ELAN. The results show that the adults’ verbal inputs in the form of speech addressed to the child were in the form of short utterances which very often had a high-pitched sound and were rich in repetition. The adults’ speech was able to be discriminated by the child. In the pre-production stage, the child could understand approximately 6 (six) proper nouns, 18 (eighteen) Indonesian words and 14 (fourteen) German words. The result reveals that the child could comprehend more words in Indonesian than in German. It was also found that the child could understand some bilingual synonyms, which implies that at the pre-production stage, the child already went through a process of bilingual development


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    [Title: Mastering verb form of –te for declaring ongoing and sequential activity on the students of grade XI IPA SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar Academic Year 2016/2017] This research is aimed to know (1) the ability in mastering verb form of -te on the students of grade XI IPA SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar. (2) The difficulty is faced by the students of grade XI IPA SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar in the use of verb form of –te. The research with this qualitative descriptive design has research subject, that is the students of grade XI IPA SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar and research object, that is verb form of -te. The data is collected through test method. The data is analysed with qualitative and quantitative. The result of the research shows that (1) the ability in mastering the verb form of -te on the students of grade XI IPA SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar belong to lack category, average mark achieved is 50. There are six students 24 % students get enough mark and 19 students 76 % students achieved mark lack;(2) the dificulty is faced by the sudents of grade XI IPA SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar in the use of verb form of -te stated the running activity and ordering activity based on the test result that is the students still confused with the use of verb form of -te between doublĂ© consonant /t/ and /t/ which is not doublĂ© such as mi-ru verb in the verb form of -te become mi-te not mi-tte because mi-ru verb belong to ichidandoushi which is replace gobi(ru) become /te/ and attach with basic morferm verb (mi) so become mi-te


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    This study reports the implementation of ICT-based learning materials using Blendspace in phonology classes. The ICT-based learning material was developed in the academic year of 2016/2017. The study was conducted in two stages. The rst stage was the validation of the teaching material by two expert judges. The second stage was trying out of the teaching material in the classroom using classroom action research. The learning material developed has been validated by experts using a checklist as an instrument, which has been analysed using the Gregory formula. The expert judges showed that the content validity of the learning material is 90.9%, which means very valid. In order to test the effectiveness of the learning material, it has been implemented in phonology classes joined by the second-semester Diploma III students of the English Department of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, using classroom action research. Based on the teaching and learning process using the material, more than 70% of the students obtained scores between 76 and 100. Fewer than 30% of the students had scores below 75. Therefore, the learning material is considered effective for learning phonology